WTF? Can someone explain to me how that reflection works? And who the fuck are the two hos in front? The foot might be my favorite part. I found it on Khloe's site. The homely Kardashiwhores seem to be peering out at their third cousins, Kunty and Krusty. You can click it and scratch your head too.
Couldn't care less about the damn K's....But I'm sure glad you're back and I hope everything is O.K. or at least getting better.
Luv ya!
I hate these people.
Khloe and Kourtney "Take" Miami? So going somewhere to shop and tan is considering "taking" it now?
I wish we could meld this show with the movie "Jason Takes Manhattan". If I saw these two worthless tramps being chased by a guy with a machete I would be interested enough to watch.
Glad you are back.. I really like your site as you are a calming yet thought provoking place for me every single day.
I have no idea who these K people are. The Gosselins were my first and last venture into the land of reality. May they all rest in peace.
Are there really that many people interested in what these people are doing that it warrants the kind of media coverage they enjoy? I don't get it. It boggles the mind.
I'm this close to throwing my TV out the window. If it wasn't for the news and weather channel I'd probably do it. I am so fed up with all the garbage. And if I actually do find something worth watching the show is constantly interrupted by those irritating commercials.
I missed you DD. Glad to have you back!
As you can see we are all a bunch of DDaholics that need a daily fix or we start to twitch and scratch!
On the topic of your post, well I am confused at the arch of her back...wtf, does she have scoliosis?
Alison said: "Khloe and Kourtney "Take" Miami? So going somewhere to shop and tan is considering "taking" it now?"
No, but fucking everything that moves IS.
Frankly I think the name of the show is perfect.
8:47-I still say "taking" something is more of the knock-it-down, burn-it-to-the-ground, slice-up -everybody-who-gets-in-your-way kind of thing.
Fucking everybody you see is just "meh".
Yea I saw that ad in US or PEople or one of those stupid mags. I totally noticed the diffence in the reflection vs. the "photo". Only in America, could a family parlay one members big ass and a sex tape into a full time job for the whole lot of them. What's wrong with this country?? THAT is what's wrong! And people apparently think this shit is cool, because it is still on! Sheesh! A MILLION dollars wasted on a marriage that will probably be over by next weekend. A million dollars would do a lot of good in so many other places than for this joke.
DD glad you up and running, was getitng the DT's from DD withdrawl! :-))
Hi DD :) I'm so glad you came back. I hope you
are well and I speak with the other posters when I say
I have missed you. I check your blog a few
times a day. Now about these two hairy whores
I don't know if I should laff or barf so I will just
B L A R F !!!!!!!!!!
OMG! And they aren't even legally married! Ain't those prenups a bitch??? At least the groom did 1 smart tihng by insisting on one!
I missed you! Hope all is well.
In regards to your post...It's major photoshop. I mean major!
You have got eagle eyes! Good catch.
And, TV sucks.
Zoom in on their faces. They are thinking they look sexy. They really do. I would not trust them to walk my dogs. Isn't one of them growing a (human?) baby right now? If we ignore them will they go away?
I probably could have looked at that picture a thousand times and never picked up the mistake/reflection. In fact, I kept looking at the reflection of the face above it--didn't see the foot. They probably depend on people like "me". LOL It's one of those things that once you see you can't not see.
Those of you with eagle eyes, I ask out of curiosity, why would they not use the reflection that was real or was there no reflection? I don't get it. I'm starting to wonder if anything we see in the media is "real".
I never looked close enough, but still wouldn't have seen that. You are good! Unlike everyone else here I actually like this show. I watch it and will watch The Kardashians when they come back on too. Haters can hate but I am just being honest. And BTW...I thot DD watched too? She has had a change of heart I guess. Khloe' is my fav. She just doesnt give a shit what other people think and that gets my attention.
Glad you are back...hoping things are better..
I usually just glance at these photoshopped promos for terminally self promoting /silly /pointless /greedy people...but now i will look more closely...for the laughs!!! thanks DD
Too much hair. The 3 Kardashian sisters are on O.K.'s cover and all you can see is hair, hair everywhere. You see three little faces, lots of hair, and Lamar Odom's face peaking out behind Khloe's weave.
I wonder how much they spend on hair products?
here I go . . . defending these tramps . . . .
Their father was Robert Kardashian, who defended O.J. and their stepfather is Bruce Jenner. Kim did the sex tape with RJay (Brandy/Moeesha's brother) and all that, plus being pals with the ever talented Paris Hilton is what made them all famous. Ryan Seacrest saw a Reality Show and grabbed it.
The family dynamics are interesting. Kim is obviously the Golden Child and Kourtney and Khloe are cashing in on Kim's fame. I think Kim is gorgeous. The two little girls are in for big trouble if Bruce doesn't get a rein on them. They've already dressed like hoes and danced on a stripper pole for one of their brother's pals. Did I mention they are pre-teens??
Me too, Rox. I don't go out of my way to watch it but if nothing is on . . . . Khloe makes me laugh.
TVSnark, I love your summary on the K's and I think that I watched all their stupid ass show's on E!So, yes, I saw the little girl dance on the pole while brother jenner's friend video taped but i watch this hideous, stupid, mindless shit to forget about the "realness" of my everyday life and only when i am on the road away from my precious little family, which is often! But I don't ever forget how warped and f'ed up these shows are and why these people even have this fame or infamy! These girls are doing this for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, and nothing less, Daddy is dead and somebody has got to pay for their upkeep and weaves...
BTW, I did not feel that Pat had been gone long....i see everyone is saying, "glad your back" and all but for some reason i never felt you had left! xoxox
They think they have their "seeeexy" faces on but if you isolate them they just look durrrrrrrrrr. What a bunch of assholes.
These people are nothing but whores. Did you see the mother Kris with her legs spread. What a slut. Let's not forget she used to pal around with Nicole Brown when they were kids. At 17 Nicole snagged OJ, who was way older and married. Kris snagged Kardashian. Two whores. You think Kris would learn from experience and pass that on to her girls, all 5 of them. Well, then again, maybe she did.
Another show from the great Ryan Seacrest. Let's see he has skank Kardianshians, the Lohans, the Playboy girls show, the Pam Anderson show, the new Lindsey Lohan show, the Lorenzo Lamas slut ex-wife and daughter show, Denise Richards show. Do I see a pattern here? Maybe Mr. Secrest wasn't treated too well by the girls when he was a fat geek teenager and now he is having his revenge? Doesn't seem to show women in a very good light by his always scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Those tramps have pre-teen sisters? Oh great. What are their names, something like Kassidy and Krystal, I bet. At any rate-the idea of preteens grinding on stripper poles and trying to emulate their trashy big sisters is so sad. If these people weren't famous they would probably have CPS breathing down their necks, as would Dina "I let my 14 year old quit school and get breast implants" Lohan.
Compared to DD's usual blogging "volume", she has been gone for a long time. I know we have heard she is OK but this is somewhat out of the ordinary. Are you done blogging, DD? We miss you...
probably with what her mother did to her yard, the change in the weather, decorating for the upcoming holiday, i am sure DD is busy....also when the weather gets cold like this, i think a lot of people---me included---just feel 'blah' and don't wanna do anything!
miss tia,
I agree, when the weather is blah, I don't feel like doing much either, (except diverting my guilt for not tackling a mountain of laundry.)
But, when the weather is hot as a four-balled tomcat---I, also don't feel like doing much.
Which, makes me wonder about Mrs.Gosselin....doesn't she ever want to hang out in front of the TV and do nothing? Who cares?... I know.
I hope you are feeling alright. Maybe we just got spoiled with your hilarious, prolific witting!
About the K.K.show....I would love to hear some insider info. about how these type of "reality" shows are scripted. I find them so contrived and unbelievable.
LMAO! They must think the viewers have no brains.
DD I second everyone else's emotions, ARE YOU OK?
I get worried when I come on and you havent updated since Tues and there's a gap before then. Don't mean to pester, just want to make sure you're still alive and kicking.
Hey guys! Isnt it old lady check day? She's just busy with the old ladies & Dollar General runs. It's a busy couple of days for her when the old ladies need to do their errands. Lord knows, I dont know why she even does it. Her mom isn't exactly nice to her. But she is nicer. & it shows. She'll be back later with her stories about their moaning & groaning contests! LOL
Hey am I the only one that thinks the print size is larger today? Is it me? I havent changed my settings tho. Hmmm....
I am from Taiwan! Si vous voulez visiter Taiwan, bienvenue sur mon site et des visites Zhijiao, je vais proposer divers types de visites guidées et visites guidées ...
I am from Taiwan! If you want to visit Taiwan, welcome to my site visits and Zhijiao, I will provide various guided tours and guided tours .
Ich komme aus Taiwan! Wenn Sie nach Taiwan besuchen möchten, herzlich willkommen auf meiner Besuche vor Ort und Zhijiao, werde ich verschiedene geführte Touren bieten und Führungen ...
fuck tawain and fuck china!
did you read in the news how china had some big ass parade celebrating 60 years of people power? and they banned people from viewing it in person! they told everyone to watch it on tv! even people who lived on the parade route were ordered not to look out their windows!!!
fuck 'em!
"Old Lady Check Day" (aka OLCD) is the 3rd. Since the 3rd falls on a Saturday this month, checks come in tomorrow (Fri).
I only know this because my OWN 89 year-old "crazy-as-a-coon old lady" now resides in my home. Her other 3 children won't have her or even help with her upkeep. Lucky me.
Anywho, I don't know what's up with our dear Disher, but I don't think running the old broads around is it. But if she ever wants to run away to a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific, lie in a hammock and drink MaiTai's whilst gossiping endlessly about everything and nothing at all? I'm her girl.
Oh, I forgot to add: I've got a credit card, Dish. Money's no object.. lol
yep, fuck China. They club dogs to death and eat them.
Free Tibet, then maybe we can talk about China sometime.
Here, yesterday, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Chinese Communism, the Empire State Building was lit up in red and yellow. I shit you not. WTF?
I saw that Biz. I love that building and love it lit, but, like you said..wtf?
mis tia,
I'm with you. Fuck Taiwan and all their plastic Dollar General kid crap that litters my carpet!
and Fuck China too, they execute people for sneezing wrong and sell them to Bodies: The Exhibition.
I went to see Body: The Exhibit, in NYC. I asked, first thing, where the bodies came from, and they told me that some people had donated their own bodies, and that some were homeless, and unclaimed bodies.
I've never heard that about China!! Could you please elaborate or give me a link? That is freaking appauling! I learn so much on this site.
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