Did anyone watch Masters Of Reception last night on TLC? Produced by Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, this show deals with the adventures of the Frungillo family and their New Jersey catering business. I like some of these kinds of shows. Bridezilla gives me a headache and they're all nasty, but, Say Yes To The Dress is a favorite of mine. I do get kind of sick when those little clueless girls say their dress price range is $15 grand, but, I remind myself it's their Daddy's money. Anyway, this Frungillo family catered a wedding party in last nights episode where the couple wanted Dragonflies released. After being told it wasn't smart to let 500 large stinging insects loose on a crowd, they decided on Butterflies. The insects came wrapped in envelopes and Mr. Frungillo was told to put them in a cool dark place. He stuck them in the refrigerator and when they got them out, they were too cold to fly. Hundreds of Monarchs lay flopping in the aisle as the bride hop scotched around them, smashing the unlucky ones. The rest were rolled up in the canvas used to line the aisle. Some escaped and were caught by guests and put outside. The bride called it a success, she thought they looked very pretty flopping there as she pranced. Now, I am not one of those "save the poor Butterfly" people, but, it did seem a sad waste and it kind of grossed me out. Smashed insects at a wedding? What is wrong with people? Really. What ever happened to booze and a band?
monarchs are endangered too! WTF?!
It's just a sign of what's to come; broken dreams, loss of self-respect and death of identity. She's gonna wish she was one of the butterflies in a year.
Sick and demented. Why not just have your wedding outside and if creatures appear, it is their choice and more beautiful. Some people think the world revolves around them.
Conceited little assholes. That's what those kind of people are.
DD i know I cant email you so im leaving this right here for you..
I know how much you love spooky ghost paranormal activity. Check it out..
Ooh I wanna do that, only with midgets instead of butterflies.
These weddings just get STUPID. I think it is kinda gross to release any kind of insect, animal or bird at a formal function. Dress it down and commune with nature all you want.
Love Say Yes to the Dress, too. Dragonflies and butterflies are considered bugs in my book. Wouldn't attend that wedding!
This reminds me of that movie "The Collector" where the creepy guy shows the woman he's kidnapped his collection of pressed butterflies. He is really proud of them, but she freaks out and says, "But they're all dead! EVERYTHING'S DEAD!"
I bet all the guests at this wedding were grossed out by all the frozen butterflies flopping all over the place. If I saw that I would think it was awful, and feel sorry for the little butterflies.
Say Yes to the Dress drives me insane. All that money for one day. Rent a dress. Who would know? Take that money and put a down payment on a house. It's such a waste. Like the one girl who was sticking her parents with a bill for a 16,000 dollar dress. Most of these girls can't see past the wedding. I have to say I have been to a lot of weddings over the years and cannot remember any of the bride's dresses.
Peg: Exactly my thoughts. Just paid for a Wedding for my Stepdaughter this Summer. What a total waste of money. We offered the cash to help her buy a home.
She's a fool. But with the band and the booze I had fun watching her Mother also make a fool of herself. LOL
Nope.. Didn't watch. Still boycotting all things TLC.
I will say, however, that I used to be the event coordinator for a huge Chicago convention center and have had my fair share of experiences with weddings and all they entail.
One of my very favorite bashes was when the bride and groom rented a large hall, served appetizers throughout the entire night instead of the traditional meal and had four beer truck filled with kegs placed at opposite corners of the room. They spent the big bucks on the bands. They had two hugs name bands from the Chicago area perform without break all night long. AWWWWWWSommmme!
You know I love dragonflies. So when I read the part about releasing "stinging" insects I had to look it up because quite honestly I wasn't sure if dragonflies sting...lol To my delight the answer is dragonflies do NOT sting. (They have no stinging parts) They can bite if you were lucky enough to catch one and have a good hold of it. Most of them are too small to really hurt you though.
However, you would have to be a total ASS to release them or butterflies at your wedding. WTF for? I would be mortified to see all those beautiful butterflies being smashed beneath that stupid wenches feet!
Peg-yeah, I feel the same way about weddings. Maybe I'm weird but even when I was little I never dreamed of having a big fancy wedding. Personally, I've always thought it would be awesome to get married in Las Vegas in a cute dress for a few hundred bucks. Cheesy? Yeah, probably. But big, fancy weddings just seem so stressful to me. I don't want to deal with caterers and guests arguing and picking bridesmaids outfits and photographers and booking the reception and spending huge amounts of $$$$ and all that, it just seems stressful to me and not worth the end result of a wedding that last a few hours.
I don't know what happened to TLC. It used to be really good. Now it's just utter crap like this and the never-ending parade of "I have a shitload of kids!" shows. I miss the true-life medical shows and the specials about conjoined twins and the "mermaid girl" and those kinds of stories, not the current dreck about stupid people raising tons of children.
Alison, go to Discovery health channel for the medical shows.I love the wedding shows, but also the kid shows. I can hardly wait to see next weeks "18 kids and counting". Evidently they are going to redo their vows, because Michelle is going to Kleinfelds for a wedding dress. That should be good. I can't wait to see if they have a wedding dress with a dirndl skirt!! I hope this isn't an omen for their marriage!
It is surprising what some girls think to ask for for their weddings. Complete idiocy! I wonder, in reality what percentage of the weddings actually are as costly as those presented on these shows. But then, would we even want to watch if they weren't a bit outrageous?
I fell asleep watching Masters of... I saw them trying to stuff butterflies into a basket covered with net and not having much luck.
Most of the time, I watch TV to be entertained, and don't get all involved in feeling angry with content. Life is too short.
Ah so glad the woman that married me was not into all that me me me stuff. Simple wedding, modest budget that we paid. Still happy after 18 years. Well I am still happy. She say's she is and I believe her.
I'm so glad I eloped. The more $ spent on the day
the quicker to divorce courts. Ita it's ridiculous to
spend all that kinda cash on 1 day put it on a house !
So many young people start off their lives with
bad debt. There is good debt such as a mortgage.
Buying a home is a great example of this and don't
refinance every 5 minutes pay the loan off and
burn that mortgage up!
Really, is everything on earth up for human exploitation?
Was the bride Chinese? They seem to abuse as many living creatures as they can fit in a day.
No she was white and the groom was black. The other
thing that was dumb was that they had their
big fat chubby bull dog in the wedding party. It looked
like a hog from behind & he made a mess of the room
chewing up everything. What a spectacle !
The other venue had an Indian wedding which went
quite well considering that the proprietors are
Italian. It was an interesting & elaborate affair.
The weddings at this place in nj are very very $$&
in the 100k plus area avg 150k for a day !!!
Like I said before elope and put the $ on a downpayment
on a home. Ironically Kelly & mark eloped in
las Vegas too looks like they are still pretty happy
3 kids later and 2 decades in love together. :)(:
I got married in 1977. I didn't want a big wedding. It just wasn't "me." (no I wasn't pregnant) To satisfy my MIL, I agreed to a small family wedding, about 50 people. We had it in a small hall on a Sunday. The whole thing including cake, dinner and invitations ran almost 900.00. (which my MIL paid for) My mom bought for my wedding dress and veil at JC Penny when they had their Bridal salon, right off the rack for 125.00. When we look back at our pics, we have very fond memories of that day. We were very close with everyone that attended and many of the people who attended are no longer with us. We're still together 36 years later, married 32 years. The wedding definitely did not make the marriage.
just wondering....I've known a couple people who have had weddings like that here in Chicago.
Vicki, I just went though the whole wedding thing with my son in August. I didn't even pay for the wedding and it still cost me a fortune.
About as cozy and warm fuzzy producing as the goldfish (used by clueless brides desperately trying to be trendy) as a centerpiece that go belly up during the appetizers and the guests get to watch them "dead fishy float" for the rest of the meal on into the cake cutting. Yummy!
My husband was working offshore at the time. He said, "Do you want to get married next time I'm in?"(You can tell he's a romantic!)
I said yes. My sister paid for everything--just the two families. (I got a great sister and wonderful brother-in-law.) Of course the small town I lived in waited a year before they realized I was not pregnant and did not HAVE to get married. I went through the big wedding with my sister and decided that was not for me! And I don't regret it. Still married 35 yrs. later. Had my only child 7 yrs. after we were married.
My first Wedding was the standard
traditional Church Wedding with big
reception after. Six years ago when I remarried we went to Vegas.
It was actually very nice. Had it
in Henderson, just me, Hubby, Preacher guy and a Photographer who
handed my Husband the roll of film
for us to develop. I made copies
for my parents and his and put together beautiful photo albums.
My dress was beautiful as well. I found it on sale at Macy's for 19Bucks. No one believed me except for one of my Sisters who was with me when I bought it. I have learned a few things along the way in life and now more than ever I see how quickly illness or other situations can change things.
This skanky bride should have been flopping in the aisles and not a beautiful, helpless and endangered butterflies.They should have released malaria infested mosquitos instead, just saying.
i love to watch Sayyestothedress because it's like a sociological experiment. It blows my mind that people spend the down-payment on a house on a one-shot dress. But they do, every day of the year. And they weep and argue and pose and drag a bunch of people into the drama. Bizarre.
Bridezillas has made me cry so I don't watch it. Those bitches must get paid back in spades once their shit is aired and everyone sees them being complete assholes, though. They only get a little bit of cash and a videotape of their wedding. Self-important attention whores
People who intentionally fuck-up an entire lifespan of any creature (fish, butterflies,etc) to fulfill their own whims are selfish and lost. That entitlement is vomitous. I suspect if pageant moms fit in that category, too.
Anon 4:01-I do think the women on "Bridezillas" end up feeling foolish. I've read about some of them who insist they were edited to look bad and were embarrassed when they saw the final product. I say, that is the price you pay for going on reality TV.
On that note, this should be taken with a grain of salt since it's a "friend of a friend" story, but I know someone who knew a family that was on "My supersweet 16" and she swears up and down it's all staged. On the show, the girl got a new sports car for her birthday, but apparently it was actually given to her not by her parents, but by MTV, just for the show. After filming was over MTV took the car back.
Where's DD?!?! You have not posted in a while (or at least it feels that way to me...)
I'm worried too Melissa. Not much yesterday and nothing today. I hope she's spending it with Lissa, but I have a bad feeeling. There's too much going on in her life right now.
Speak to us DD-----just tell us you're O.K.
I think some people are more concerned about THE WEDDING rather than what comes after, like the marriage relationship.
I have seen semis pulled over totally stalled out from having clogged up radiators from migrating Monarchs. The drivers scraping them off with brooms. I have seen what looked like a dust storm only to find out it was migrating Monarchs. I love, love butterflies. And would never dream of using them in this manner. Nor the dove release thing. Do ppl do that anymore? Oh wait, Beyonce' & Jay-Z did that! LOL...
I also love "Say Yes To The Dress". I spend my Friday nights watching this amy weeks. Even if it's reruns. I love it. I have to laugh at the dress budgets too. Are ya' kiddin'? 6 or 7 or 14 thousand dollars for a dress that you never weara again? No way. Even 1 or 2 thousand is stupid. Use that money for a trip or furniture. The dress is not worth it. And how many brides should really be wearing white anyway? IF you go by the old rule. Nobody does. I particularly loved the girl that wanted a pink wedding dress. I loved that idea. be original. Still need to watch the caterers.
How sad, to kill off something so gentle and beautiful just to decorate a celebration for something that probably won't last the year...
Casey J....are you out there? Is everything ok? You know how we DD fans worry when we don't hear from her.
I have a backyard filled with milkweed specifically for monarchs to lay their eggs and for the larvae to feed.
I couldn't imagine anyone being so selfish to do this to these beautiful creatures.
DD, where are you? Hope all is well! My days haven't been the same with no Dish!
I hope DD is busy writing her book. I'm worried too!
I'm getting concerned also...
Pat now we're worried. I hope it has nothing to do with your crazy mother. Let us know what's going on!
She's gone and she's not coming back. Now you will all have to find something else to do with your lives. Sorry.
Hey, sweetie, I'm giving you a well-deserved award; pop over to http://wp.me/p9erV-13w and pick it up. Mwah!
I have been wondering what's up myself...hope all is well.
I'm really worried ....
She is fine. I called her today. Give her time and she will be back on.
Thanks Casey J
Casey J~
Thanks for the update. [breathing a sigh of relief!]
Thanks Casey J
i was worried. I don't always post in comments...but i read the site everyday and i miss DD...but everyone deserves a break.
Thanks Casey. All the best.
I miss your posts Pat! Hope you are ok, and come back soon.
My day is missing something! It's not the same without your blog
Anyway, you've got a life, I know. But I've been reading your blog for about 2.5 years (?) or so and do miss it when it's not there.
I thought for sure the new Jon & Kate news would have brought you back on here..
Take care, just wanted to let you know I miss your posts..
Where are you? I miss you!
I watch way to much reality TV these days. I have to check out this show too. :)
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