Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ralpie's first day of school

Ralphie looks like such a big boy going to school. Handsome little guy. His mom tells me he's kind of shy, but, he'll do fine once he gets to know everyone. He has a winning smile.


Nissa said...

He had a great next 3 days after the incident. I just think the all day, 5 day a week, 8 hours a day Kindergarten was too much. He seems to be acclimating now but still asks if he has to go every morning. I think it is all going to be ok. Thanks for your perspective!

Anonymous said...

What a good looking little man he is!
Here's wishing him much luck and happiness as he enters this new (and sometimes overwhelming) chapter of his life.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us, Nissa.

Dirty Disher said...

That's a long day for a little one. He looks happy though. Aww.

Melissa said...

It took my son a few too to get adjusted to the long days and new routine (he started PK 3 years ago and is now in 2nd grade). They make lots of new friends and come home with funny/interesting/questions, it's all worthwhile.

Nina said...

He is a cutie!