A Hibiscus had one late bloom on it, right by the front door this morning. I stopped and ohh'd over it and thanked it. I've wanted a new symbol on my business cards and last night I decided on a hand drawn circle with a dot in the middle. I was doodling and it just seemed right. See, there are always symbols in my life, if I just take the time to look.
Right now I have a Griffin on my cards. WTF?
Ooh. griffin, that shows your mystic side!
Way off topic, but I gotta thank you for posting the pedi-egg thing....I got one and then 3 more for family, because it worked so well.
Re: symbols, I always notice heart-shaped rocks and whenever I start (or end?) a romantic relationship, I keep seeing them. I'm seeing a lot now and my relationship just ended. Don't know what that means.
Those ped eggs are nice, huu? Yeah, I always liked the heart shape too. It's interesting that you get that symbol at those times. Maybe.. take care of your heart?
That Griffin is just bad clip art. I didn't want that, the alternatives were worse.
I always find watches. If I find one in a public place, I turn it in, but usually it's one that's been run over in the street, or else some weird place. I have a whole drawer full of them. This has happened all of my life. What does it mean? (Now, I'm gonna be hearing that Chicago song in my head all day.)
I've never been able to wear a watch. No one believes me, but they stop for some reason. Someone else puts them on and they start. I don't think I want to know what that means.
I had a dog that alerted me before my other dog had a seizure. He must have sensed it--she looked perfectly fine, then seized once and never again.
Create your own piece of clip art for you business card. That will be best. I'm just glad the bumble bee thing hasn't gone any further. I was kind of concerned.
Symbolism is so fascinating I think. The finding watches that is interesting. I have met more than one person that can't wear watches. They always stop. hmmm. love that stuff. Heart shaped rocks cool. I'm secretly on love with prime numbers 11 is one of my favorites. No good reason.
Love your hibiscus. The ones in my yard are still going strong after a late late start. I love them this time of year.
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