Thursday, September 10, 2009

Smudge sticks

My smudge sticks came out good. I picked the Sage on the night of the last full Moon and let it dry. I didn't want it to mold so I let it get real dry and I think I should have left it partially dry because it would have been easier to work with. And since mine are thinner than the traditional ones, I don't think there would have been a mold problem. Something to remember for next year. They work really well, and last a long time, but, the fresh Sage smells exactly like Marijuana.


Anonymous said...

what are those for? Air freshener? Do you cook with them? What do you "smudge" with them? Is it for your work? I dont have a clue girl!

Pat said...

Sage smudging is tradtionally used for dispelling negativity in the house. It's like a house blessing. Or it may help if you're having trouble with an entity. It is also used outside sometimes, for meditation or rituals.

Pat said...

Oh, and yeah, I saved the broken pieces for cooking, though I don't use much of it. It has such a strong taste. A pinch in Stove Top is all I need.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I have russian sage bushes. Is that the same thing? It smells divine, not like pot. I used to like the smell of pot back in the day! LOL..

Pat said...

Yeah, any Sage will work. I have three kinds. I always liked the smell of pot too, but, I never liked smoking it. It smells salty, like the sea. A clean smell.

Unknown said...

Ive always seen people use sage raps around house's. Specially new ones or old ones you move into. To clean out the bad vibes and bad things. I really want to try one. But I don't know anyone around here with fresh sage or a bush lol. I'm close to a reservation maybe they would have some?

Nina said...

I love the way the smudge sticks smell.
My Wiccan buddy told me to get one smoking and lay it on the ground and stand so the smoke can move up the body on days when I feel creativly, "stuck."
She said it can help clean away the energies that are distracting or troubling me.
I tried it once and just stood there enjoying the smell.
I did feel different when I was done. But I'll be damned if I can explain, "what" was different.
The next day in my studio the problem I was having with a piece I was sculpting did work out pretty smoothly.

Perez Hilton said...

How do those feel in your butt?

Dirty Disher said...

AM, you can use any Sage, the kind at the grocery store works just fine. Light it in an glass ashtray or a little copper cauldren.

Dirty Disher said...

Nina, I am going to try that. I couldn't hurt.

Perez, cough, are you done picking on babies this week?

Cut On The Diagonal said...

So. . .maybe I rolled mine too loosely (?)

Dirty Disher said...

I'm not sure, Cut. When I looked up how to do it, they all said not too tight and not too loose. I wrapped 'em pretty tight. They burn good.

Cut On The Diagonal said...

I'll see how it burns. I only made one, since it was my first try. It seems dry enough to burn.

Dirty Disher said...

I should have said burning fresh Sage smells like pot. Yep, the Pineapple Sage smells like pot too when you light it. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

I bet smoking the marijuana and eating the sage will clear up any bad energy as well.


Anonymous said...


BTW you manicure is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Can you put them in a wooden box with a small sponge and a little distilled water?-- it would keep them cigar moist.

Put them in a bag with a small orange peel, just make sure to check the peel to make sure it doesn't get moldy.

I'd like to burn them in a small cauldron with a little charcoal to make it smell like an old church. I always liked that smell of old churches when mass was in Latin, and the priest would come in with the incense and talk for 2 hours about people I never heard of having too much fun and Jesus being mad at them.


Anonymous said...

I'm more worried about stupid neighbors thinking im smoking dope. and calling the cops.

Anonymous said...

I'm more worried about stupid neighbors thinking im smoking dope. and calling the cops.