Friday, September 25, 2009

Something frightening for the season..

My, you look lovely, Paula Deen. So rested. You can click that cover to make it larger. I got that second one off her website. It seems Paula has hired a pageant photo shopper to improve her image. So realistic! You can see more of the, cough, artists work HERE.
Thanks to PSP Disasters (linked) for finding that cover gem. My gowd, I nearly wet my pants.
I will be having nightmares about those little plastic beauty queens for a month. Cheeeldren of the coooooooorn!


Anonymous said...

Wow - I am speechless about that website... Wow!

escrowmama said...

they forgot to do her neck and hands

Unknown said...

whoa!! really?

I feel so sick now. That man is sick. I wanna vomit now.

shmedelle said...

Thanks for the link and the laugh. Needed it.

Anonymous said...

There is an unseeing emptiness with the eyes. Very creepy. Also, I don't understand parents who want their babies and young girls to look like 25 yr. olds.

Anonymous said...


No kidding...the hands look very old.

Anne O said...

What do you think about Kate Gosselin doing a talk show with Paula Deen? Is that not the craziest thing ever? Why does anyone think that Kate G. has anything to say worth hearing. I don't see it, she is not smart, why would anyone watch it.

Maureen said...

What kind of mother wants their babies to look like potential stepford wives? It's disgusting, certainly creepy and a pedophile's dream.
It should be illegal.

Bernadette said...

I literally gasped when I saw those little girls - that's just sick.

Frimmy said...

Well...that was the creepiest collection of childrens photos I ever saw.

Bayou Jane said...

I need me some photo shopping BAD!

Bayou Jane said...

Just think, most of these kids weren't born when JonBennet died. Remember the horror after her death. Parents everywhere were yelling, "I'd never do that to my baby!" Everyone's baby is beautiful. Remember, it's in the eye of the beholder. The parents of the kids on that site don't realize that this grosses some people out, while others are really getting their rocks off on this kind of stuff. I wonder how many pedophiles show up at these baby beauty contests? Moms, while you're strutting your baby down the catwalk, turn around and look in the audience. Look for the freaks with the coats folded on their laps and wonder why. Then take them home and try and let them have a normal life. Doing things like playing in the yard----just never leave them alone. This is how horror stories are written.
Some people will never learn!!!!
And this stuff really pisses me off!

I'll cool down now and be a nice person again.

Bohemianmoon said...

I love that site. I was just there the other day. It rocks.

Pageant photo retouchers, however, should be shot as should the mothers of the children and everyone else that is involved in that gross exploitation of little children.

(shot = figure of speech. I do not really think that they should be shot...........for the most part.....really...........kind of.)

Anonymous said...

Why in the hell would she do that? She is a beautiful mature woman, she don't need that crap man!

Anonymous said...

And she approves that make her look like a dead eyed doll? Eek.

Alison said...

Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod. What horrifying pictures on that link. They don't even look real, they look like plastic dolls. From a horror movie.

Anonymous said...


shmedelle said...

That pic looks RIDICULOUS!

Tonya said...

First of all Paula's myspace photo angle made me laugh. Then I saw all those dead children and I wanted to cry.

shmedelle said...

Anonymous said...


Ha, Ha Ha, Ha...what a funny!
Hey DD, They called you a friend.
That's sweet. PRECIOUS.

Corina said...

Those girls don't even look human - they look like porcelain dolls. gross. :-/

Vicki said...

Gawd...what kind of Parents would allow their children to be set up this way? Dangerous.

Unknown said...


omg qawd girl.. I think Brit- Brit paps did this photo up. Paula gezz know one is that perfect. Everyone has flaws.

Her photo makes me want to black out her teeth.

Noelle said...

WOW! That is really horrifying. The expressions on there faces are haunting, "It just leaves a rancid butta taste in my mouth"


Dirty Disher said...

Paula better not be making pancakes there, she'll get sued. Kate invented pancakes. And Sundays.

MonicaW42 said...

Those kids look like plastic little dolls. I would never allow my kid to be a part of something like that.

And as much as I am dismayed at Paula Deen wanting to be involved with Kate Gosselin on a show, I still want to meet her in person and go and eat at The Lady and Sons restaurant.

escrowmama said...

DD-Not pancakes. Her world famous hoe cakes

Anonymous said...

Paul's eyes always look that...they are so so blue. I thought Kate was signing up with Rachael Ray? I can't imagine Paula her the time of day.

Anonymous said...

Well, just go look at Paula with her pants falling down on YouTube. Thats the REAL Paula. Ass hanging out buck naked at a show! She just laughed it off. I love this woman. & she is very beautiful for a woman her age. Maybe it's all that butter? Kept her skin so smooth.


Anonymous said...

those pix of the kids on the link were just creepy