It's happening at work a lot, it's frustrating. People sometimes come to me when they've lost something. This woman came in looking for a ring, a diamond ring, she'd lost it. I'm fairly good at finding lost things, not always, but, a lot of times I can see it. With this woman I saw something. I said "you have things with wings around you." She said, with a big smile, "Those are my Angels." I said, you collect angels? No, she said, they come to me and help me. I'm thinking, okay then. Far be it for me to say she doesn't have them. I mean, my own stuff is strange enough, right? But, that wasn't what I was talking about. So, I said, no, this is something solid, of this Earth, with wings. I think it might be metal. She's still on the angels thing and said some of them are tiny angels. I'm getting frustrated now and I said, small, about this big..and I held up my fingers, about two inches apart. She smiles that goofy dreamy smile again and started talking about the how the really tiny angels are her love and dream angels and she said "you believe that too, don't you?" It wasn't really a question. I said, no, I am not visited by angels, I'm not Christian. She said, well, everyone believes in Angels. That goofy smile again. I was starting to hate her.
The whole reading deteriorated from there with her constantly telling me I believe in angels and me, calmly telling her, they aren't my thing. And I don't want them to be. She had her third visit with me yesterday, and it was the same shit. She wouldn't hear me. And I'm pretty sure she was sent by a local church and the parishioners should be asking where their petty cash goes. Because I doubt they'd want it spent on a Pagan Tarot reader. Her original question about the ring was legit though. She called me last night and I'd like to kill the person who gave the bitch my number and if I was a kick ass Tarot reader I'd know. But, I don't. I'd like to call Sylvia on that shit. Anyhow, the bitch said, I forgot to tell you I collect honey bees and honey pots. I said, it's in the dark room with the beige carpet and beige drapes. She'd stuck the fucking ring in a stupid honey pot in there while she was cleaning. Guess what was on the top of the pot? Yeah. I hate her, I hope she never comes back.
And it seems like my whole life is full of these people now. Only on here do I find people who know what I am saying when I say it. Weird things have been happening again after months of nothing and I am trying very hard to find the meaning. I sure can't ask for advice around this place.
Pat... I love that you share these stories about your readings. Very interesting! I don't have the answer as to why people aren't getting what you are trying to communicate. Evidently it's just a phase you need to get through. Lately I've noticed I keep wacking my hands into things. It's been happening often enough to make me take notice. Sometimes I have hit something hard enough to leave a welt and yesterday I ended up with a big bruise under my thumbnail. It just keeps happening and it's very frustrating. I figure it's just a phase and hopefully will end soon.
Sometimes I think people really don't want to hear what you have to say, but only want you to confirm what THEY believe. She picked the wrong tarot reader, didn't she?
Matilda, that's interesting. Is there any pain in your hands when you aren't hitting them on something?
if she didn't want to hear what you were saying, and she believes in angels, etc., why didn't she just pray to St. Anthony to find the ring!
Angie, I'm used to people telling me what they believe and it always amazed me that they think that explains them. I always want to know why they believe what they do or what tangible experiences they've had. Anyhow, I hate people who try and force things on me. It ruins my day.
1:47:00 PM..she had a hidden agenda. I get them once in awhile.
i think i have spirits around me....i KNOW i do....but are they 'angels'...probably not....
happens to me all the time...people don't HEAR what they are being told...fuckers....
just keep speaking...
i have kitchen in progress pix on my livejournal....cupboards are painted different colors....
christians with hidden agendas! Tell 'em that the crusades didn't work out real well hundreds of years ago and their tactics of deception and manipulation make baby jesus cry....and they aren't being very 'christian'....
Crazy colors! I like that, I like the white around it too. Cute pic of you. Heh. LOL at making baby Jesus cry. That's harsh.
I think some people are prisoners of their own minds or emotions. They'll tell you they're open but after a very short time in communication with them you know they are on their own trip and simply want you to act as fuel for their journey.
I'm like you, in that, I always have a, "why do you think, feel or believe that?" in my back pocket.
I either get blank stares or hostility. Most folks who are prisoners of their mind or emotions don't want to be questioned.
Fuel for their trip..I love that. Very smart, Nina. Yeah. I usually want to know because it helps me understand them, I actually like most of my clients.
And once in a great while I become personal friends with a client and after that, I have a hard time reading them specifics again. I read strangers really well. Isn't that odd?
Would/could you elaborate more on some of the weird things that you said are happening to you lately?
I was in shop a few weeks ago where she sells books, rocks, fairies, It's called Night Sky. Anyways she had a bumper sticker in there that I really liked. It said "I wish closed minded people came with closed mouths"
The lady asked me how I came across her little shop and I told her that I actually found her when this big group called "Repent Amarillo" was trying to get places like hers shut down.
She said it was funny because them putting up a map with her on it brought her a lot more business.
i've read and heard from psychics that they can't really 'see' things for themselves or their close friends....sometimes they can, but more often than not, they cannot...
Yep. Two days ago, coming out of the bathroom, I saw a white thing float down from the ceiling in the kitchen. Very clear. My first impression was a folded piece of notebook paper. It lasted about 3 seconds, which is long enough to know I really saw something, and it was viewed head on. It vanished when it hit the floor. The edges of it were sort of glowing.
Try as a I might, I couldn't not even faintly duplicate the effect again by opening and shutting the BR door, playing with and blocking lights. I moved the fridge to look underneath and behind..nothing.
Tia, a lot of things I get pertain to a persons past, then lead from there. Once I know the person, it's more difficult.
Theresa, that's funny. Heh. I think I'd like that shop.
I think once you have an emotional investment in a client who has become a friend you may not want to see all the specifics. Not all of them are always good and your own defense mechanisms might hold you back from seeing them because it could be too painful.
Whereas a stranger doesn't represent a threat to your own personal, heart-strings so you can read them more freely with less risk of being hurt in seeing what lies ahead for them...
This is really interesting stuff to speculate about.
Who is Sylvia that you refer to? Is that a Sylvia Brown reference?
I can't quite wrap my head around all that she things is the afterlife, but I definitely believe in some sort of spirit world...I just haven't been able to pinpoint it exactly.
I'd really love to read more about what you believe.
Yeah, Elaine, Sylvia Brown. I think she's amusing.
Nina, maybe, but, I've been thinking about it. I know my friends past and most details of significance. When I tell a stranger a thing I can't know, they open up. The cards open up. With friends it's like I'm pointing out stuff I already know. Have to think on it some more.
DD... No, I don't have any pain in my hands. That is, not until I accidently smack them against something. I'm not clumsy and have never had this happen to me before. It's just odd.
miss tia... Your kitchen is so bright and cheerful! I love the color combinations that you used.
Being surrounded by sleepwalkers, maybe it's just your turn to nudge them into wakefulness with the things you think they don't hear, but that their subconscious might be starting to process anyway. You seem like the kind of person who might have that kind of effect. Frustrating to you in the moment, but ultimately serving a bigger picture purpose.
-- Maggie Cupcakes
thanks Matilda! i'll send DD pix of it when it is all done for her to post if she wishes!
work is being done gradually by a friend and i'm trying to paint between lots of homework!
Hey Pat, can you give me your opinion on something? I joined Facebook and a guy from H.S. contacted me. He said he had the biggest crush on me but was afraid to talk to me. This amazes me. I was very average in H.S.
Anyhow, we ended up chatting for 5 hours last night. Now he's coming to San Francisco (to stay with family) and we will see each other again after over 30 years.
What do you think? Could this type of thing really be something?
I hate people who don't get what I am saying. I just stop speaking and blink at them until they go away. My sister taught me how to do it when dealing with our mother. It has come in handy almost daily.
Miss tia, I went and took a peek at your kitchen art too! Loved it!
I hope you let us know what you think these events mean as you ponder them out.
TVSnark! OMG! thats awesome. You know he's probably fat & bald now but how fun. It will be a good time. I cannot wait to hear what the result is. You were obviously really cute in school & he just didnt get up the nerve to ask you out. Keep us posted. This will be a fun update when you get back to Pat about it. I can't ever find anybody on FB! I would like to see some old friends too. Maybe they are all dead?
YEAH, because of my bitchy moodiness I would have told the lady that had angels around her they were telling her she could fly and point her toward the nearest cliff...And this is why I work with addicts.
Pat I sent you a lengthy e-mail and you can point me to the nearest cliff :)
Yes, he is fat and bald . . . but still cute.
Awwww Snarkie...I hope he turns out to be sweet, fun and real! You deserve the best!
He's so sweet. We were chatting till 2am (4 am his time). He raised two girls by himself.
What I loved what when he said he had to sell his prized Colbra . . . because the kids needed school clothes.
Some people talk just to hear their own 'voice' but have found a way to make it seem like a conversation. I do the blink/silence thing now, too, when I realize they're not hearing a word I say. I sure don't need someone to listen to my thoughts bad enough to monopolize their time with one sided conversations.
Pat, these weird things happening to you, are they bad or good weird? Have you had this kind of weird thing happen before? If so what did it indicate?
RIP Patrick Swayze
TVsnark, you could never be average. Never. Go.
Frimmy, yes, always. It's just so hard to figure out.
FollowMe, I have that blank stare down to a science. Gotcha.
Maggie, thank you. I usually laugh when people suggest I have a purpose, but, maybe I do. I'll think on that.
Connie, looking for your email now. Thank you.
Crabbie, thanks, just woke up and that's the first thing I saw. I felt so sad. RIP, Patrick.
I like fat bald guys.l They make me feel perdy!
I'd rather have a pure gold heart wrapped up in a fat/bald package than an ice-cold, mean one surrounded by abs and a pretty face...It's always what's in the package and never the wrappings that count!
That's how I feel, Nina. I've been smiling for 2 days. We've already talked on the phone.
I had a dream last night that an appartment building was on fire. There was a woman stuck inside, but she was passed out. I went back in to save her, but could not find her. I tried to put the flames out myself without waiting for the Fire Dept to get ther, but the flames would not touch me. I was standing in a room and the flames went all the way around me and would not touch me. Not sure what that meant, but you know me.. I don't see things very often. I dream them all the time though.
Yes, you do. You have visitations in your dreams, that I'm sure of. I'm so glad you came to visit yesterday. :)
DD- My psychic Uncle won't read for friends or family. He says that his wants for them, clouds his visions.
Also, maybe your role in their life has shifted and the cards want you to see it?
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