Dear Martha...How about instead of buying your spooky lighted tree for $129.00..I take an large tree branch, set it in the ground, tie strips of black fabric to the branches and add my own lights? How about I hand my older kid a permanent magic marker and buy my candle votives at the dollar store? (Her spiderweb votives are $35.00 each.) How about if I wrap my chairs in black faux satin that I can get for almost nothing by going to any used store and buying black nightgowns and cutting them up? I could even add a cute plastic skull or a black rose at the tie part. How about instead of buying your curtains and border..I use the Halloween black net material from the dollar store which I already have ($1.00 per package) and cut the border out of construction paper? (I am doing that one right now.) Martha has some great ideas, and she knows some people have way too much money to waste. I'd hate to have Martha mad at me, but, come on, those decorative lighted branches are $80 dollars. Who the F doesn't have branches?
I'm soooo over Martha! Used to subscribe to her magazine and tried a couple of her projects. One in particular had me stumped for a week. It was an oragami light cover for you miniature xmas lights. Finally figured out that half of the instructions were missing. Got it done though and made hundreds of them. I have found numerous mistakes in her recipes also.
I'd like to see that. I took an Origami class once. The only thing I liked was the little folded boxes. That light thing sounds cool though.
that's what i do. look at stuff and find a way to copy it for cheap
Again DD you are also recycling ! I love the way
you don't waste things yet you are generous.
And if you cannot do with out it you seek out
a lesser alternative. A tree branch and some
black ribbon or black spraypaint. I like Martha
too but even if I had the $ I would not choose
to waste it on something so overpriced and
simple to make myself. She does have neet
ideas but not necessarily affordable to the
average crafter. You can get just about anything
at the dollar store now a days. They are great !
Good ideas Martha, but way overpriced. I'm like you DD, I like to look for inspiration, but I never buy the overpriced stuff. I think everything looks better when it's homemade.
DD-I have zillions of them and would love to send you some.
Pat, I am not crafty by nature, but I think even I could take the supplies YOU mentioned and have great results. I use to do counted cross stitch a lot (Before my eyes got old,LOL.)
I Never liked Martha. She had very nice things, but very overpriced.
I love the branch idea, that will always look classic in a home. For the spide rweb candles I would just buy white candles and put black glue in the outside. Not sure if it would work, but it would be a lot cheaper. I think I will try that next year.
I love to get ideas and then do-it-myself! That's one of the biggest joys in decorating!
I would never buy any of Martha`s halloween stuff but I use it as a guide. She has some good ideas.If you can find her older back issues..I mean really old..And you can get the October ones..she used to have how tos on all kinds of decorating. She is the reason I do the fancy pumpkin carving.
That chair looks stupid.
escrowmama - I used many of her recipes and they're always made more complicated than they have to be. Anyway, I had several problems with them and many years later I heard an interview with a food editor who said Martha's peers called her on her high rate of faulty recipes back in the 80's or early 90's. Martha haughtily denied it, of course - this was way back before she was America's jailbird darling.
But you can wrap anything in smug and a lot of people will covet it.
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