Friday, September 11, 2009

The voice of reason

I put up a couple of strings of orange lights last night. It's started. I feel odd about it, and it makes me mad that I have to feel odd about it. Is it too soon? Probably. But, I really like them. I tell myself, what if I die before October? Wouldn't I die pissed off that I didn't put up my orange lights? I haven't been feeling that great, it's always a possibility. Though I doubt it, my doctor gives me reasons why I feel bad and none of them are leading to death in a month. He knows a lot about medicine. Did it ever seem to you that some doctors know a lot about medicine and not a lot about anything else? Not that he lives in a bubble, he has a life he doesn't try and hide. He likes history novels, but, only if they have a humanistic plot and he likes hunting birds and deer. He has pictures of that stuff in little frames all over his office. You'd think that'd be off putting, but, it's not. He likes dogs. And he saves all the goofy crayoned drawings his kid patients make for him. They line all the doors. I think he dreams of hunting in Africa, but, maybe just for photos, because he likes pictures of Africa's big five, but, only the ones that show mothers with babies. I like his actual office because it's full of books, willy nilly, stacks and piles, old and new. He likes globes too. That place is kind of a mess, I don't know how he finds anything. But, it's fine because patients don't go in there much. I've only been in there a couple of times and I've had to pick up stuff to sit down. You can tell it's where he works on things by himself. And the best thing I like about his office and his exam rooms is that there is nothing religious in them. He has one tiny bit of stained glass in the shape of an angel in one window, but, you can tell some patient made it for him. It's a real piece of crap. I'm done with religious doctors. Anyway, I really don't know how this started to be about him..oh, yes I do. He has this strange way of getting in your face. At first it weirded me out, but, then I realized what he was doing. I'm not even sure if he knows what he's doing, but, he gets down beside you while you're sitting and he looks in your eyes. He studies the area around your head intently. Sometimes he touches you, on the hand or shoulder. We all know what that touching bit is, make the patient trust you. It doesn't work with me, I don't like being touched. But, the way he does it at that time relates to what he's doing. He's diagnosing by looking and I've learned to sit there and let him. It's odd, but, he always comes up with something and he has always been correct. Now, I realize doctors are trained to look for subtle signs of illness, in the skin, in the eyes, and he does that, but, he also looks intently at the area around your head. That's the area where I see energy, some people call that an aura. I don't think most people would notice that he does that, but, he does and I'd really like to ask him what he sees. But, I never have. What if he doesn't even realize he's doing that? Could I jinx him by making him aware of it? Or would he just think I'm nuts? I think it's better to just keep my mouth shut and observe.
I haven't seen Death around lately. And when Death is around, it doesn't give me it's agenda. So I don't really know much more than anyone else. This is the first time I have admitted I see Death and I am not real comfortable saying it. If you say you've seen Death, won't people think you're nuts? I wonder who else has seen it? I'll bet I'm not alone, it's just something you don't usually talk about. Death takes many forms, it's not always dark, but, it usually is. I keep re-reading this part and saying to myself, do not hit publish on that. Delete it. I don't know if I will or not, I'll keep typing and see where it takes me. You know there's a Death card in the Tarot? Yeah, I wish someone would change that, it doesn't mean death, it means great change and when people get it, it's always good and pertains to the question they, money, job, etc. But, people see that card and they get scared and I don't like that so if I ever made a Tarot deck I would change that card with the death skull on it. I rarely see death in the cards, but, experience has taught me that when death is coming it is seen (in my case) as an abrupt ending of the cards. They just don't seem to go anywhere. It's like they drift off. I don't know how to explain it any better. Sometimes, when you've lived long enough you can recognize Death when you see it. Death is not a ghost, it's something different. I don't think it's ever been human. It comes as a form, as a feeling, as a vision, as a dream, as an entity, as a season. Sometimes it's right there in front of you and you can't see it. Sometimes it's so blatant you can't ignore it. I guess I'll hit publish on this, there are people who already think I'm insane. Am I really supposed to care that much? It's not like I totally disagree with them. But, I am telling the truth here. In life, I find that telling the truth is sometimes almost as hard as lying. Lying takes way too much work. Keeping quiet is a better option than either most of the time. Maybe when I die people will say, well, she was sort of crazy, but, she wasn't a liar. I can live with that (har har). And like I said, I haven't seen Death around for awhile. Death must be busy somewhere else. It makes no sense to think there's only one Death. There must be a lot of them, don't you think? My voice of reason, (and I do have one, that's what keeps me from going up to you in the grocery store and giving you messages from your dead Grandma), says shut up about Death. You are going to cause trouble. I'll blame it on Samhain...and the orange lights.


Matilda said...

Pat... I'm glad you shared that info. I'd love to have your doctor. And the thing about death was fascinating.
I've never seen nor have I sensed a spirit. But I have had two premonitions (that I am aware of)in my life that came true. Both involved auto accidents. I think everyone has the ability to forsee the future but most of the time they don't pay attention to the signs or shrug it off as a coincidence. But anyway, because of these premonitions that did come to pass I am now rather nervous about any idea that pops into my head. I wonder if it's a sign that I should pay attention to or just a convoluted mish-mash of thoughts and imagery. I need to start writing these thoughts down and see if anything comes of it.

Anonymous said... I'm depressed :(


PS: I have been ill again lately too. We are both 50+ years old. Those thoughts do occur to us! My dad was my age exactly,52, when he dropped dead. It does cross ones mind. Maybe it's us getting used to the idea? Our minds are preparing us & helping us to keep living while telling us it's not forever? It's time to appreciate life maybe? Stop worrying and live? Yea, maybe. Just live & enjoy life right now. It ain't over, yet.

Dirty Disher said...

Write them down, try to make sense of them, for yourself. I'm glad you commented.

Dirty Disher said...

Rox, I see this thing that comes before people die. Sometimes. That's what I meant. It wasn't a metaphor.

Speak To Me said...

Sometimes I get preoccupied with the thought of death. I will be driving along and the thoughts will come popping into my mind that this could be it. Or I worry about my children when they are not there...that I could get a call I don't want to get. I guess you could say I'm a worry wart. It doesn't feel that way. It feels more obtrusive than that. Just entering my mind when I least expect it.

Nina said...

I have orange lights up already too. You doc sounds like someone you can really relate too.

I had a weird experiece when I was around 20.

I always get what I call, "vibes" from people. Some are good, bland, bad, uncomfortable,cozy, cheerful, jittery, bone-chilling, boring as watching paint dry, etc...

But, I FEEL something from everyone I come within a few feet of. I even pick up these vibes from reading someones writing over time.

Only one time did I ride an elevator with a lady that I was right next too and felt nothing. Nada, zip, it was like she wasn't there. I tuned into this lack of feeling while we rode down 18 floors. We both got off on the street level and she went her way and I got out but paused to watch her for a moment.

About 2 min. into watching she collapsed. I rushed over but an older fellow jumped in to assist her, an ambulance was called, cpr was done. Help arrived quickly but the poor woman died anyway. I stood right there and watched the whole thing. Lost in the idea that, that's why I couldn't feel her, "vibe." She was about to die.

I never saw a spirit or even sensed anything other than her lack of a, "vibe."

I never had anything like that happen again. It was weird, scary and yet fascinating all at the smae time.

That memory has stayed with me for years. I think this, "vibe" thing might also tie into, your doc's getting within such close proximity to you.

Maybe he sees or feels something but unlike me he knows how to read the message.

Pat said...

Nina, you "saw" Death, that's how it came to you. Next time, you'll recognize it. Or it may never appear to you again, but, if it does, you'll know. TY for that post.

Pat said...

Daydream, I know what you mean and I wonder about that too. Seeing Death is still different than that. For me.

MuserMommyinPA said...

I don't know if this belongs here or not, but I wonder if I see visions. For me it is something I see in a dream. The dream isn't the exact event but it gives me an idea of something.

For example before my son was born I had many dreams over the years about carrying around or being with a blond haired boy. Sometimes he was a baby sometimes he was older. So when I did get pregnant people thought I was crazy because I insisted from the beginning I was having a boy.

Another facet of these dreams is the outcome of a situation. I have dreams that have a person in them that I knew growing up. Those dreams are usually when something is positive. But when something in my life will be negative, I see my ex. When I lost my first child I had a dream that I told my ex I was pregnant. Sure enough when we went in for the first ultrasound, they said the baby was dead.

Sorry if I sound crazy, but I thought you would be a great person to ask your opinion on this.

Ali said...

You know that people always say, it was "dead silent or deadly silent"? Well, I have felt death, never really seen it, just felt it and everytime it has been very different. One Sunday night in August of 1994, i was 4 months pregnant and sitting outside with Mother, father, and 3.5 year old daughter, and we were all silent, just looking at the night sky and stars, I felt so calm, weird since i was with my parents, toddler and pregnant but i felt so calm, so peaceful, so comforted, I was awed at this first time feeling. 4 days later, I woke up and felt strange, I knew something was wrong, so I rushed to my OBGYN with my toddler in hand. I laid on the bed as i looked at the utlrasound screen and saw my baby floating, limbs loose, dead. I knew at that moment, that that Sunday night what i felt was my baby dying, floating away from me, to a good place, and it was calming, beautiful. That was death. On October 9th, 1994, not too long after my baby died, I had an intense need to see my father, who had been in the hospital for an unidentifed high fever (he had a heart transplant two years before), I rushed to the hospital with my toddler in hand, snuck in his room (cuz little one's are not aloud on the heart floor), and saw my father for 5 mnts until nurse chased me out. My daughter played nurse with her grandpa and i got to say, "i love you" and he said it back. The next day he is rushed to surgery for an anurism that developed between the new heart and main aorta, I said i love you again, went home adn was showering and crying, and I felt death, like a vacuum pulling through me and I felt my father above me, leaving, adn i screamed and begged him not to leave me. A few minutes later i get a knock on my door and my brother-in-law said, "come daddy is not good", so i took my toddler to the hospital, handed her to my husband who left work to meet me there, and i rushed into the "recovery" room where my mother said she had waited for me to ask me if we should disconnect my father from the machines that were keeping his body alive? I am the youngest, my sister the oldes was there but Mom wanted me to make the final decesion. I said yes, i knew he was already gone, i felt him leave, he went through me. When the doctors turned the machines off and all the monitors showed his body slowly loosing life, I stood there crying but i did not feel death or him dying, he had already died. I have two more stories of feeling death but no more time to write.

Pat, you are nutts, you are deeply in tune to yourself, others, the earth, and that beyond it.


Dirty Disher said...

MuserMommyinPA, I don't think that's crazy at all. I think you've learned to pay attention to the signs you get in dreams. Not everyone has those kinds of dreams, sometimes dreams are just dreams. But, yours sound different. Powerful and a little frightening. Yet, there's nothing you can do to stop them, it seems. I guess it's best to try and understand them. I know it's really hard to accept. Thank you for talking about it.

Matilda said...

Thanks, Pat. I'll start doing that.

Just wanted to add that the 2premonitions I had came true in a very short period of time... within minutes actually. So that's why I remembered them. If I get a thought and nothing happens immediately then I forget about it. I have a terrible memory. Also wanted to say that I have had a "funny" feeling about death lately (kinda like a shadow hanging over my thoughts) and it's been damn depressing! I'm hoping it's just my "age" like Anon said. I'm 53 and my mom died when she was 50 so that could be the explanation for the uneasiness.

Dirty Disher said...

Ali, that story was incredible and I believe you 100%. You are so lucky that you had a comforting feeling with your baby. A good place, you say? I wish I knew more about that. I should be happy with what I think I know, but, I want to know more. I always knew my son would die before me. I just always knew it. It wasn't comforting at all. I'm sorry about your dad.

Dirty Disher said...

Matilda, the last time I saw Death it was an entity, the dark hooded figure, typical horror movie figure. I'd never seen that image before and I saw it every time I went to work for a week. I really thought it was for me this time, but, it wasn't. It was for someone I work with. So, I learned never to assume anything. Just to realize something is going on.

Alanna Smithee said...

Thanks for sharing that. I don't have much experience with death thankfully so I don't know what to look for and when.

I am usually an excellent judge of character in that I get an immediate feeling about people but it tends to fall in the good vs bad category. If a person or situation is "bad" or dangerous, I get this kind of swirly feeling that tells me to leave immediately. It's kept me safe on more than one occasion.

I started to walk into a gas station once and the minute my hand hit the door handle, I turned around and ran back to the car. Saw on the news later that it was held up a few minutes later.

A long time ago, I was with friends at a late night party and this guy I barely knew was there. He made me really uncomfortable but not in a good vs bad way. A while later no one knew where he was and assumed that he had gone home. For some reason, I said, he's in the pool. He was in the pool but unconscious at the bottom of it. Luckily, we gave him mouth to mouth and revived him before the ambulance came. He was perfectly fine the next time I saw him and didn't even remember me. I don't know if it's all just coincidence or something more.

MuserMommyinPA said...

Thanks for your thoughts Pat. You are right sometimes a dream is just a dream. It comes and goes for me and I have just accepted it as part of being me. Sometimes I feel lucky in a small way for having additional insight into things. I think of it as my particular way of working out things in my life. Nothing has ever scared me thankfully.

I didn't get a chance to post in the War and Peace post, but I wanted to thank you for not being like "that other site." I have never posted there but it is where I found you and Moon. I consistently found your postings right on and followed your links to find your sites. Due to my work internet I can't see Moon's site anymore :(. I really enjoy all your postings and appreciate all those who contribute to make your site the wonderful place that it is.

Matilda said...

I love hearing everyone's stories. I could read this stuff for hours.

Ali said...

Thank you, Pat. By "good place" i meant that the feeling i had the night my baby/son died, a really calming one, that i was in a good place at that moment but in retrospect, I feel that it was a feeling that was telling me that this "death"/parting was good, the destination of this being's death was a good one. Usuallly, good feelings like this freightnen me, they are ominous but this time, this feeling was so incredibly calming, felt so good, kinda numbed by the feeling of calm and goodness. Now the other times i have felt death, they have not ever been comforting, and death has almost always come to me in dreams. the only times i have felt death while i am awake is with the loss of my baby, father, brother, grandmother, and friend from work (who committed suicide). My mother has wanted to die since my brother died in 1972 and even more now since my father died but lately i feel she is calling death to her, i just feel it, she wants it and sometimes i get angry at her for it, even if she doesn't verbalize it, i know she wants to go but no matter how many times got to the doctor they find her in good health. Mom has normal issues for her age and weight, high cholesteral, arthritis, and a somewhat blocked, minor artery but nothing that will cause her immediate death. Except for now, this last year, I feel like her calls to death have been answered, i feel death looming near her and me, she is coming to us again, and soon. It saddens me, not freightens me, i am sad for her leaving and my children's loss, they are so young, and her absence will be sad.


miss tia said...

ya trying to tell us something??? i got a weird vibe from this post...just weird....

i have prophetic dreams....i dreamed the same dream night after night---it was a cabin on a lake and very peaceful looking...i looked it up in my dream book and it meant i'd be in an auto accident...i wouldn't get in anyone's car (i was carless at the time) but i got on a bus and got injured when they had to slam on their brakes....

when i was 13 my aunt was dying in the hospital....for 2 nights i woke up in the middle of the night hearing the phone ring 3 times and i kept saying we were going to get a call that she was dead....of course my mother told me i was killing my aunt with that one else heard the phone ringing, i was dreaming it...but on the 3rd night the phone really did ring---at the time i had been dreaming it, 2am, telling us she had died....

my favorite vet went on vacation about 5 years ago....i just had a feeling i would never speak with him again...he had a stroke and died on vacation....

before Molly died i kept having a dream of a broken wheel, which meant death...i thought it would be one of my elderly kitties....

Anonymous said...

missTia: I have had stupid prophetic dreams before. Your were deep & with meaning. Mine were all stupid. I dreamed once in 8th grade over xmas vaca about a girl with dark short hair from behind. I didnt know who it was. I went back to school after vaca & walked into home room and Cindy William had cut all her long black beautiful hair off short. I knew instantly that it was her I had dreamed about. I used to have lots of dreams like this. They never meant anything but they always came true. My BFF in 9th grade was in high school, the school yearbook was a strict secret. What color would it be etc. She was telling me about that. I went home & had a dream about a green book. I told her the yearbook would be green. 6 months later it came out & she ran over to my house to show me. The schools colors were black & red. So it had nothing to do with school colors. Gawd, I had many dreams. Too many. It's actually exhausting. Pat, you have scary true stuff on you. I mean, it's being put ON YOU! Wow...& MissTia, you are a special gal!

Pat said...

Cool of you to share that, Tia, thanks. I can find no dream meanings that turn out right for me. I don't usually dream at all and when I have precognitive dreams, they are straight to the point. That's really interesting about the broken wheel. There's a wheel card in the Tarot, it's usually about vacations or truckers, bikers, mechanics.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend has premonitions of sort. The day mom got her motorcycle license we were going riding with her, she was sitting on her bike and Gregg thought he saw a dent in her gas tank. He said nothing and within in 45 seconds of us leaving on our bikes, mom wrecked hers. There was a dent right where he thought one was. He says now he wishes he has said something....
His son was clearing his plate off the dinner table one night, when he picked it up and turned, Gregg said crash, said it really quiet and never looked up from his plate, at that exact same moment, his son dropped his plate and it went into a million pieces.


Pat said...

Rox, what you said..put on you. Interesting. There are times when I think cool, but, more often I think it's a burden of weirdness. It's annoying to be like this sometimes. I think it sometimes annoys my friends and I try really hard not to be weird.

Pat said...

But, then again, when something weird happens to a friend, I am usually the first person they call.

Pat said...

Daphne, he knows things, but, won't recognize and put them out there yet? It's almost like he wants the rest of you to recognize it.

Pat said...

MuserMommyinPA, that stinks about Moons. What kind of net do you have there?

miss tia said...

this is the book i use to interpret dreams and it's right on the money....the author wrote this before Jung interpretated dreams...

Dirty Disher said...

I hardly ever dream. Is it okay if I just ask you next time?

miss tia said...

absolutely!!! a lot of my friends will call me (or email) asking me to look up a dream!! not a problem!

MuserMommyinPA said...

The internet is regulated. It's weird what I can and cannot see. I can't see Moon and TV Snark but I can see your site and only words on Preesi(no scans) :( But we can get on TMZ and RadarOnline.

Every once in awhile the pictures on your site are down (for me) but that is when they update the blocking software and it's back to normal after a few days. It happened last when you changed your banner and I couldn't see it for a few days.

If there is something really good, like Preesi's scans, I will try to get on at home. It happens rarely because I am usually busy with my son until bedtime. I hear about it all the time from my mother who complains that I don't put up pictures of my son on my blog. I would update it but that is one of the things blocked at work. Guess I should be working, eh?

shmedelle said...

Pat said,
And the best thing I like about his office and his exam rooms is that there is nothing religious in them.

I like that too.

I don't know much about Tarot cards, but I'm intrigued. Are the pictures like metaphors? Like for example, a pic of a skull and cross bones symbolizes death in our culture? That's one of the more obvious ones. I like the symbolism of a landscape winter forest, representing loss (of leaves), and change.

Please share, don't delete. I look forward to your writings! :)

shmedelle said...

Thanks miss tia,
I had a whacked-out dream last night. I'm gunna look for that book.

miss tia said...

some whacked dreams are just that, whacked...but when you have the same dream a few times and/or the image of your dreams doesn't leave your mind all day, then it's your subconscious trying to tell you something....then you look up the meaning....

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, Tia.

Sorry, MuserMommy. That kinna sucks.

Frimmy said...

Wow, cool post. Very interesting reading.

I had a dream the other night that a real, tangible human was hiding in amongst the people in my dream. In my dream I was impelled to discover who it was and I never did. It didn't leave me with a bad or good feeling. Just weird. Since then I can't shake the feeling that this person has been following me around ever since just a bit out of phase with my conscious perception. There but not there kinda. I'm thinking I've superimposed some Star Trek episode into my dream some how. Or does it mean something else?

Anonymous said...

I've come to realize for me, that dreaming about snakes means someone is talking about me behind my back - and I can tell by whether the snakes are poisonous and threatening or whether they're harmless, as to how much of an impact it will have. Within days, I see the results and can pinpoint who the person is.

I never say anything, because first of all it sounds crazy, and second of all it would just be stooping to their level.

Anonymous said...

I've had a pretty difficult life and I whine to God A LOT. I don't know how it came about, but I seem to have been praying to Him since I was born.

I guess a lot of people don't want to believe in the God of the Jews or in Jesus Christ because it all sounds so repressive. But it's not.

I wasn't going to post my views because everyone seems so tolerant of everyone but people like me.

But because DD sounds so uneasy, I'm going to say it anyway - and of course you can delete me if you like.

God and Jesus asks that we don't murder people, that we don't lie and steal, that we don't bear false witness against each other (lie about people),that we turn the other cheek (because, and this is my own take, people are crazy - so just walk away, it's for your own good), the rest of Ten Commandments, etc.

God knows we are imperfect, that was the whole reason of the tenure on Earth of Jesus and his sacrifice, because the human mind figures if you haven't gone through it yourself, how can you claim to KNOW.

But on the cross, Jesus did not comdemn everyone to hell, but asked the Father's forgiveness because we don't know what we're doing - and that's for damned sure.

Jesus has certainly been my friend and I have visibly seen the help of Angels.

If you look at the Ten Commandments, and the teachings of Jesus, it's mostly rules that would keep us from hurting each other. God doesn't want to hurt us - in fact, from what I can see he has a LOT of restraint.

He says he is a jealous God, but I can understand that too. He doesn't want us to fall for charletains - like mohammed - who spread his religion though violence, greed and power, whereas Jesus showed his love and path through his own sacrifice.

TWELVE - 12 men who ran for their lives while Jesus was being tortured and crucified because they were afraid they were next. And TWELVE men who came back together after he arose and they saw Him - and ended up sacrificing their own lives in horrible ways to spread what they now KNEW - because they believed beyond belief, so that we have a civilized world today, pulled out of the dark ages, with laws that tell us to respect each other.

I don't fear death in the least. Because I KNOW - that my God is a God of LOVE and when I leave this earth it won't be a bad thing.

Corina 1.0 said...

Sometimes I have preomitions; I have learned to pay attention to them. My son and I lived with my grandparents for 6 yeats while he was growing up. As his father wasn't around, my grandpa was like his dad. When my son was 10 they moved up to WI to be by my uncle.
We made several trips going up to see them. Every wekeend Iw as off, and school vacations, I took my son up to stay with them. My granpa had emphseyma for several years; but when granny wasn't around(she spent a a lot of time in a nursing home, trying to get better from knee replacements, and broken leg), he smoked like a chimeny, even though he had already had a heart attack a few years before. I spent my weekends running up to stop by their apartment and visit grandpa, and see granny in the home. One weekend, I had planned to go up, but felt tired, so was going to go the following weekend. I knew grandpa had been having a hard time with his breathing. But, after I called granpa and told him we would be up the weekend, I literally felt a punch in my abdomen, and a voice told me I had to get my son up there TODAY. So, I got dressed, grabed him, and went up to see them. I saw grandpa was having a hard time breathing, but as he cried wolf alot, I thought he was putitng on. He asked me for the thousandth time if my son and I were going to move up there by them. I told him, once you and granny are gone, there is nothing for us here. He said, don't you mean when granny goes? I said, NO I said both of you. He was my step grandad technically;I had had a hard time dealing with my granny marrying him. I did learn over the years that he was very kind under his bitchiness, and he ended up being in my life longer than my bitrh grandad. I never said I love you to him, and I had a feeling that day to say it when we left, but I didn't. My son told him he loved him, and mussed up his hair like he always did. The next morning, my granny called from the nursing home to say granpa was found dead, he had died during the night. I am sorry for rambling on, but feels good to tell it to people who might have an idea of what I mean. Thanks pat.

shmedelle said...

Thank you so much for writing that. I didn't come from a home where you say "I love you" all the time. And it's hard to change. It's not New Years, but I've decided that when I talk to my family (out of state) on the phone I will always tell them I love them, even if it feels a little awkward. No one ever regrets telling a loved one how they feel, right?

Alanna Smithee,
The guy in the swimming pool...that is the coolest story I have heard in a long time.

I know that a lot of times when I use public Wi-Fi The Dirty Disher is blocked. :(

Corina said...

that entry kinda seemed poetic to me. That's great that you have a good doctor. Mine is a complete asshole. I went the other week because I've had hives for about 3 months with no explanation. He told me I have hives and to take a benydral. Thank you captain obvious. I looked up my sypmtoms on web md and the closest thing i could find was that it might be solar uticartia. I used sun screen last time i was out in the sun for a while, and now i only have a few pop up when i'm stressed. dumbass...

Corina said...

oh, and i believe you about seeing death. A few years ago, right before i was going to sleep, a distant uncle of mine suddenly popped into my head. I usually never think about him - only saw him once a year, but I had a very vivid memory of the last time I saw him. I didn't think twice about it until I found out the next day that he had died in his sleep..

Bayou Jane said...

I don't doubt anything you say. I believe it takes a lot of guts to admit that you do the things you do and stand up to the nay sayers. And I'm sure there are many.
My husband has been going down in health for the past year and sometimes when he is really sick, he starts to panic when the sun goes down. It's called Sundown Syndrome and is very real. He takes the ending of the day as the ending of his life. And it's really hard to watch. He really fears dieing and I don't know how to help him.

Don't stop informing us on things you see and know. We want to know and those that object don't have to read or can go to hell. For those people, I would personally pick the second choice.

Keep the info coming!

Anonymous said...

I can "smell" death in people who have cancer. Sometimes I can smell it before they even know they have it. If I meet a person with cancer I know if they are going to survive their battle with it or not depending on this odd smell that is around them. I haven't been wrong yet.

Pat...Disher said...

9:10:00 PM, I think we are a very tolerant bunch here. I know you aren't the only Christian and I liked the way you wrote YOU, what YOU believe. Nuthin' offensive about that to me. As long as no one is preaching directly to me, I have no prob with it. I hope you understand that I don't care what anyone claims god or Jesus said or did, I don't want them. Tolerance works two ways.

Pat said...

9:03:00 AM, I found that smell thing interesting. Cancer comes as a color for me. It's a yellowish-lavender..not a color I see in real life. Hard to describe.

Anonymous said...

3:23:00 PM When I read your comment I immediately flashed to the lip color of some of the people I have "smelled" and that have passed and I know the color you are talking about. I assume you see the color all around like an aura but I remember the color on their lips. Strange, indeed. When I have told a select few about this, they act like I'm crazy or just a good guesser as to who is going to die so I haven't told anyone in a long time. Maybe I have a good nose like a dog and can smell their insides starting to deteriorate from the cancer, who knows but it is comforting to know that I'm not crazy in being able to pick up signs that people are not well.

Anonymous said...

Pat, in regard to your response to anonymous at 9:10 - the Christian - that's me) I don't care what anyone else does or believes. I think one of the biggest faults of the human race is everyone pointing the finger at someone else instead of correcting themselves (and always trying to be in up somebody else's bidness). It's always easier to point out someone else's faults.

I don't believe God won't let people in because they don't know the magic words. We are ALL part of creation after all.