NEW YORK – Mackenzie Phillips says she had a sexual relationship with her father, John Phillips, a member of the '60s Mamas and the Papas band.
People magazine says Phillips writes in her new book, "High on Arrival," that she had sex with her father on the night before she was to get married in 1979.
Phillips starred on TV's "One Day at a Time."
The magazine's Web site says Phillips writes: "I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father."
I was wrong about thinking she needed to quit drugs. Take all the drugs you can get, Mackenzie. Take them by they barrel, by the truck load. She can't be fixed. Ever. As for him, is he still alive? He needs to be dead.
he died a few years ago....
oh, shit, that has to be some F'ed up shit to have to live with the rest of your life! It seems like she is blaming herself, like, "oh, i woke up from a black out and i was doing my father but he was just laying there asleep and he did nothing in return!" yeah, duh, the sicko should have smacked the shit out of her and thrown her in rehab! But i am figuring they were both doing drugs together and one thing lead to another, even sicker yet! ok, back to the Dan Brown string of comments for me!
D-list..Mackenzie writes, "I had tons of pills, and Dad had tons of everything too. Eventually I passed out on Dad's bed. My father was not a man with boundaries. He was full of love, and he was sick with drugs. I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. Had this happened before? I didn't know. All I can say is it was the first time I was aware of it. For a moment I was in my body, in that horrible truth, and then I slid back into a blackout."
The following year continued to be a fucked up time for Mackenzie. She was fired from One Day at a Time for being addicted to the bad shit and she went to rehab with her father. Mackenzie says their sexual relationship became "consensual." She went on to write, "I was a fragment of a person, and my secret isolated me. One night Dad said, 'We could just run away to a country where no one would look down on us. There are countries where this is an accepted practice. Maybe Fiji.' He was completely delusional. No, I thought, we're going to hell for this."
According to her, he introduced her to heroin. "A man with no boundries"?? This is the most depressing thing I've ever read.
I pretty much threw up when I read this. That poor woman.
I don't think many people will comment on this here. They're too sick to type.
I'll never be able to enjoy listening to the Mamas and the Papas from now on. I'll always have that vision of him and her. I can't think of a strong enough word to describe what I'm feeling after reading this.
she is talking now because he is dead. Now all her fuck ups have some true meaning. She hasn't been able to deal with her life. It was unnatural. At least she knew it was. But how sickening to consent to it. I wonder if she was ever pregnant with her own sibling and had an abortion? There again, thats some fucked up shit. Sorry to use that word but I cannot even find words for this. I watched that show all the time & saw her downward spiral. her face was so scarred from acne & when she got super skinny & her eyes bugged out she looked like she got caught in a meat grinder. Yet, she kept trying to work. This is one of maybe the worst, if not the worst celeb personal information that I have heard. Of course many ppl have granpas that are their fathers & uncles that are really their brothers. It's complicated and sick as hell. I am surprised she never killed herself. If she died & left a note stating this, how many ppl would have believed it? Poor girl. A kid on drugs with dear old dad that is raping her everyday. This is gonna be a best seller. And she needs the cash.
i just read on the net that she DID get pregnant and she didn't know if the father was her dad and HE paid for the abortion and after that she never let him touch her again....
PS: Thats probably the longest relationship either of them ever had. BLECH!
If he's already dead he needs to be deader. When I hear stuff like this I wish there really was a hell.
Wow-that takes strength just to tell anyone, much less the whole world. Just. Wow.
304 pages. Thats it? $25.99 hardcover price. I am waiting for the paperback. could read that in a day. I will buy it later. Or borrow it.
I read stuff like this and know in my heart that I am NOT the mellow, pacifist I would like to believe I am. Because as I read this I know I could have put a bullet right between that Mother Fuckers eyes and gone home, had dinner and gotten a GOOD nights sleep for having done it.
I don't know... maybe when she woke up that morning in bed with him she decided "what the hell, my life is one big god-damn mess anyway so a little hanky-panky with the old man isn't going to make it any worse".
I'd say Mackenzie is a prime example of how addictions (no matter what kind they are) leave you with a feeling of low self esteem and/or self loathing. You know it's bad but you just can't stop the behavior.
John Phillips was one sick mofo to be sure, but Mackenzie was a wealthy, worldly, about-to-be- married 19 year old the first time it happened. I'm not saying she's as culpable as he was (he was her FATHER afterall) but she WAS an adult by the time their sexual relationship began and it certainly doesn't appear she even attempted to dissuade him --much less fight him off. If she was so drug-addled she was probably a very willing participant at the very least.
Anyone else feel Mackenzie has to bear some of the responsibility for this tragic scenario?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with your own children.
anon 4:25
The filthy bastard who raised her did this when she was 19. What had he been doing for the first 18 one can only imagine. PARENTS fuck their kids over literally and figuritively, sometimes leaving the poor kids a troubled and empty husk having NO sense of right or wrong.
This is why the kids turn to drugs. To escape the parents. Mackenzie had NO culpability.
The bastard probably raped her mentally, emotionally and psychologically long before he got around to the final act.
i don't think she holds ANY blame....he started doing drugs with her when she was what, 10/11? that right there twists the parental child relationship....it is NOT her fault....just because she was 19 doesn't mean she was an 'adult'....she obviously was very stunted emotionally due to her father and their combined drug usage....
This is so sick.
Nina, with you sista! Your child is your child, the adult should always bare the responsibility of doing what is right, to set an example, no matter how freaking old your kid is and her father was a fuck up, who should have had the sense to stop that shit in its tracks. The drugs can be blamed but he is the first one to blame, Mackenzie was a product of his making, his life. Blame there is and it all points to him, now owning up to your role in it, understanding that there are somethings you cannot control even if you know they are wrong, and learning to move on with your life, that is your responsibility.
a child will do anything a parent tells them to do, they think it is love and no matter how abused they are the more they want that parents love; this is the case for 90% of the children and people of the world. No matter how F'ed up a parent is and how badly they treat a child, that child will stand by that shit hole of a parent the rest of their lives...
anyway, let me get off that soap box! anyone that molests or rapes a child, should have their sexual part seared, cut off, and then they should be publicly executed!
They had a comment from her step mother at the time. She said while John was a horrible alcaholic and drug addict, he loved his children and would never have done this. As Oprah asked her, who is still alive to say any of this really happened? Nobody. Her sister Chyna will be on Oprah Friday, I think to dispute her story. None of her siblings are happy with her writing this book and say it's not true.
ugh that should read alcoholic.
Well it looks like Chynna does agree with her. Oprah didn't make it sound that way.
From US Mag
Chynna, 41, tells Us Weekly she remembers getting the call from Mackenzie, 49, in 1997 — 11 years after the affair had ended — while she was between flights at LaGuardia Airport in New York City.
"She said, 'I don't know why, but I just really felt the need to call you and tell you something that I think you need to know,'" Chynna tells Us Weekly. "And she went on to tell me that she had had an incestuous relationship with our dad for about 10 years."
"Somebody could have dropped a piano on my head and I probably wouldn't have felt it," the singer tells Us Weekly. "But I knew it was true. I mean, who in their right mind would make such a claim if it wasn't true?"
She says the news sent her into "a deep, deep sadness and depression for about 10 days. A part of me died when I found out."
Peg, it sounds like when they asked Latoya Jackson if MJ's allegations of abuse from his father were true she flat out denied them and said that he "loved" his children and that she was only beat cough spank once (or twice?).
I've seen many times family members, especially and sadly the mother, fail to see what's going on and blame it on the child, and of course, the siblings don't have any idea of what's going on because everything is "normal" around them. So I'm not surprised if Mackenzie's family denies this story left and right.
Ok Peg I posted my reply at the same time you did. I'm glad it's not being denied after all. Yes when I saw the preview they made it sound as if Chyna was denying the allegations.
Also, didn't she say that her wedding eve was the first time she was AWARE? If that's the case, who knows for how long it had been happening prior to that! Oh god I'm so sick now.
....and the prize goes to the 73-year-old man, in Austria, that kept his daughter imprisoned in a windowless cellar for 24 years while he repeatedly raped her and fathered her seven children!
Things like this happen under our own roofs, in front of our eyes and we just choose not to see them!
A Lot of people will begin using drugs and or alcohol to self medicate. People with addictions find that the use of drugs/alcohol/sex helps deal with lifes issues, having low self esteem, self worth...being stoned, drunk, or whatever the addiction may be makes you feel popular, happy, or in the I just don't care what others think...the Addiction(s) cover up the real issue's not the other way around.
*barf barf barf barf barf barf barf*
That's all I have to say about that.
I'm glad to hear that Chynna backed up her story. I cannot imagine someone making up something this horendous for ANY reason.
The poor woman is trying to cleanse her soul at this point.
I agree with everyone who has stated that many times the other parent is simply a masterful enabler. They ignore, excuse and will even defend this sick shit. I personally think they need to be tortured right along with the person who commits the acts.
Kids only want to be loved and please their parents. When parents forever dangle their love and acceptance like a carrot, just out of reach, the poor kids will jump through every dysfunctional hoop offered just to gain the love, attention, support or approval the parent offers at the end of the string.
That's why the sick bastards get away with it for years...
Pat, please check your email.
I was born in 81 and I remember hearing a couple of their songs from my childhood but I didn't really ever see/ pay attention to the actual singers until I saw the video of them the other day on this blog. I totally got the creepy vibe from him. I was so weirded out I couldn't look away he was so odd/ peculiar (sp)
I hope he never can rest in peace.
Of all the bad things we hear about high profile people something like this ups it a notch in the crazy department.
She should have kept this secret between her and her therapist.
Naseem, I agree with you. There are ways to deal with one's past besides writing a book that can't be disputed.
I don't know if what she says is the truth or not--in any event, she's certainly had a sad life--just from the drug abuse, and I'm sorry about that. I'm always a little suspicious, however, when someone comes out with a tell all book about a person after they die and can't defend themselves. He only died a few years ago--why now?
Aside from her claim that she wrote it to help others, I think she's in the minority of adults who have sex with a parent.
We'll never know whether she's destroyed her Father's name rightly or wrongly or because she needed the money and notoriety. Just my opinion.
I'm sorry for her, but honestly, I just can't fathom why celebrities always feel the need to write a book about their horrible deep dark secrets. I have some crappy secrets of my own (as I'm sure everyone does) and I would NEVER want to write them down in a book for complete strangers to read.
And yes, her dad was a total fuck-up and a sicko.
I watched Oprah and I very much believe Mackenzie. You can tell that she is a very distraught person and I would not want to be inside her head. It is so sad and explains alot of her paths in life. Her parents literally destroyed a person because they were too selfish to be good parents. Shooting your kid up with heroin, gimmie a fucking break. How fucking despicable.
I truly hope that Mackenzie has some peace in her life.
i don't think there's anything wrong with her making this public as long as she understood the possible backlash and effect it would have on her...as she said there has to be others who have suffered thru this....
and any parent who shoots up their child (who IS a child) is capable of having sex with them....
Has anyone else verified that her father shot her up or is this what McKenzie says in the book? If that was stated, I missed it.
I think everyone agrees that just exposing children to drugs is criminal. That's a whole different ball game than sleeping with a child, though. Again, I question why she didn't write the book while he was alive, either with him since they loved one another or without him, giving him a chance to confess or defend himself.
I was surprised to hear her brag about her fling with Mick Jaggar, but gave her credit to make sure to say it in no way was pedophilia.
Who is her mother? Michelle Phillips, John's wife during the M&P years was his 2nd or 3rd wife, and not the mother of Mackenzie.
I was wondering that myself while watching the show. I don't recall any mention of her natural Mother.
I looked it up out of curiosity and her name was Suzy January aka Suzy Adams, east coast socialite.
Michelle Phillips was not her mom. Her younger brother was an addict as well. I think her other siblings had different mothers and different upbringings.
If you dad is the one who shoots you up for the first time, I cannot imagine that there are any more boundaries in the parent/child relationship.
Has anyone read Tatum O'Neal's bio? No wonder she is an addict as well. And her dad is alive and could have sued her, if it was a lie.
I believe everything Tatum O'Neal has said about her father. He has even admitted he was a shitty father. He also admitted that he hit on Tatum at Farrah Fawcett's funeral because he didn't even recognize her. Yuck.
As for McKenzie, I have no idea if she is telling the truth about her dad having sex with her, or not. I don't know enough about her, or about her dad, to judge yet. Haven't seen any interviews. I'm sure I will eventually. If it's true it certainly is horrible and disgusting. On the other hand she could be lying about it if she is as fucked-up as Michelle says. I am NOT saying most people who are abused are lying about it, I am just saying that from what I know about McKenzie she has really effed herself up with drugs and drinking, and she might not be trustworthy.
I read today that her step mother would object to the "too familar" way Mac had with her dad. And he would say thats just her way. Not a big deal. So, that kind of confirms it with me. The step mother said it cannot be true. Yet, she confirms they were "too familiar" with one another. I believe it anyway. What woman wants to admit her husband was f'g his own daughter when he was married to you? Not many. Esp if they didnt report the incident to anyone. And step mom was a user too and probably dependeant on John as well. He lured them into his web and kept them all there. Not knowing if she was pregnant by her husband or her father made me wanna vomit. How ghastly would that be. Suicide anyone?
I do not know if it is true or not, howeverI feel that as she said that the relationship was consensual and she was an adult, I feel that she has some culpability in this.
Not a popular opinion, I know.
I also question her writing and revealing all of this without being sober for at least a year or more. It seems to be a great deal to work through/write/and reveal out on your book tour with emotions still raw from attempting to get sober yet one more time and not having conquered a year of continuous and quality sobriety.
My opinion only.
at least he did not kept her in a cellar.
I think she can and will die now. She just let us know why.
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