Sometimes I get email requests for my opinion on the best books for alternative religions. Truthfully, I stopped reading most of them a long time ago, but, I have read most of the big sellers and I found Scott Cunnighams's books very relatable. He doesn't just write about Wicca, he writes about all kinds of stuff from Druids to Hawaiian Magic. The dude has his feet on the ground and takes a gentle but factual approach. And he calls himself Scott because that's his name. Personally, I don't trust anyone who has to publish their words under their totem animal name. Why do we have to hide anymore? He writes great beginner books.
I hope this helps the people who wrote to me and if any readers have some good books they'd like to add, please feel free.
Thanks! I'll definitely check it out. Do you do readings long distance? I had a freaky thing happen yesterday and would love to have my cards read, but there is no one locally that I trust.
I came home from running errands yesterday with a gazillion things on my mind and when I came up to my back door I thought of my dad, who died over 11 years ago. I thought I would love to walk in and see my dad there.
Well later that evening I had to go out back and get barky dog and she wouldn't listen, so I picked up a tennis ball and bounced it and told her "look what I got". Out of nowhere a tennis ball rolled into the planter next to me. I was alone in the back yard and the dog was still running into the yard. Freakkky!!
I agree that he is relatable and a good read for beginning seekers. It is nice to know as well that his books are still available and selling.
Too sad that he died so young in 1993of AIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis - we could have used more of his easy to understand wisdom. He was the real deal. I enjoyed him greatly and have a number of his books on my shelves still.
I have another book by Scott Cunningham entitled, Earth Power. Techniques of Natural Magic. I purchased it I think 10 years ago when I was a teenager. I have not looked at it in years. There's lots of different spells in it involving earth, air, wind, fire. Many of them are easy to perform. I remember doing a knot spell years ago that actually worked. I think I'm gonna purchase this other book you mentioned. Sounds interesting.
I love this book. I also like the Witches Almanac. But it is hard to find here.
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