I have a couple of bad doctor stories, not that many considering how much time I spend with doctors, but, I'm curious. Who was the worst doctor you ever had? What was the worst medical advice/treatment you ever suffered? This is the post for bad doctor stories.
I got a call from my obg saying I needed to see a specialist because of a bad test result. I went to the specialist thinking ot was just going to be a pap and he didn't give me any info about what he was going to do or what the possible outcomes were. He goes "in" and cuts out a sample (don't know what med term is) of my cervix, evidently he didn't read my med history about how I'm a henophiliac ( a bleeder) and I have to take a medication before aby procedure - even the dentist. I freaked out, left dr office, fainted in the car. Then spent night at hospital thinking I was bleeding to death. Needless to say, I never went back to him. We now refer to him and that experience as the butcher.
*** sorry for typos-- on my blackberry @ work!!
OMG! That's horribe. I once had a doctor take an "inner uterine core sample" with no anestetic. He told me to stop the dramatics and it didn't hurt. Uhh, yes it did. I wondered when he grew his uterus.
My oldest daughter slipped in the bathtub when she was about 18 months, reaching for a toy. She hit under her chin and it split. I took her to the local emergency room and they had one of those Rent-A-Docs. He just couldn't understand why she wouldn't sit still while he stitched her chin. My husband was working out of town and was on his way, but the dr didn't want to wait, so he called for this contraption that looked something like a papoose. I think it was a body board that you use when you suspect a neck injury. Anyway, they have my completely hysterical baby strapped down, taking a needle to her chin for TWO stitches, one so wide that she has a scar today from the stitch. I was a very naive 22 yr old, who didn't realize I had the right to tell the dr he COULDN'T do something. She was so traumatized by the experience, it was years before she didn't cry when she saw a white coat. Why not butterfly bandages? Why not try to calm the baby down or wait for the dad? And it was a local hospital, so we were the only ones there, so it wasn't like they were busy. I was so dumb, letting that happen
My father was in the hospital in a vegetative state for a few months as a result of surgery complications. My mom, who is a heart patient, went to see him every day. One day her cardiologist stuck his head in the room and said he was in the hospital that day and wanted to see how she was handling the stress. He spent about 2 minutes with her, asking her how she felt and how her blood pressure had been. We all thought it was a nice gesture by him UNTIL WE GOT A $150 BILL FOR A CONSULTATION! I don't think he ever actually stepped foot into the room. What a bastard.
I had been having bad pains in my groin area (we had moved the previous year and so needed to find a new doctor). Went to a small hospital in a nearby town, the doctor asked me a few questions (did not do an examination)and pronounced that I had ovarian cancer! He said he had had a patient that exibited the same symptoms and she had cancer. Talk about a quack! I never went back to him and eventually was diagnosed (after having gone to a chiropractor) with having a problem with the alignment of my pelvis.
Angie, I am so sorry that happened to your baby. Kid stories are the worst.
Just happened last Thursday. I have been having a lot of pain in my ears and recurring ear infections. My family doctor sent me to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who had me get a CT scan to look at my sinuses (over the years I have had many sinus infections and terrible headaches).
He came in the room after reviewing the scans and pronounced me perfectly normal. I emphasized that my ears HURT and burn most days and this has been going on the last 6 - 8 months. Also that I get headaches that cripple me for 2 - 3 days at a time. He just looked at me and said "oh well some people are just more sensitive."
When I was 16 my parents were getting a divorce and I just didn’t feel well so I went to see our new family Dr that had replaced the one I’d had, well since he’d delivered me. Anyway I tell new doctor just feel tired and achy & my parents are getting a divorce, so he says he needs to do an exam. Basically he felt me up and gave me Zoloft & said I was “depressed.” He was later fired for sexual misconduct in his office.
When I was 18 I was getting horrible bladder infections & one day one was so terrible I was literally urinating blood. I was away at college so my roommate & I went to an urgent care clinic. I was in scrubs because of the program I was in and the Dr started asking me all kinds of questions about school and was saying how attractive my career was. Then he told me he didn’t think I was urinating blood so I should have a pap. Instead of being smart and saying no-I let him do the pap and say well you aren’t menstruating. No shit. At least I had my roommate stay in the room during the exam (she stood near my head.) Anyway we heard on the news about 3 months later he was arrested because a prostitute he was with turned him in for child porn!!
It was a horrible experience, but she's in her third year of school now, studying to be a nurse practitioner, possibly a midwife. I sometimes wonder if her early experience led her to want to do it better...:)
Angie, don't blame yourself for that. You were young and did the best thing for her, which was to take her to the hospital. You are a good mother. :^) Hugs to you.
Thanks for that, I know at the time, I felt very, very crappy about letting that happen. What was funny about the situation is that my husband did show up when the carnage was almost over, splattered with blood. He'd been on his grandmother's farm, butchering chickens. The look on that doctor's face was priceless!!
I'm going to spare you the details of the worst worst medical experience so I'll tell you this less horrible one.
I was suffering from depression and I used to get really bad headaches. I already drank a lot of coffee to take the edge off the headaches. When I went to the MD for painkillers she prescribed me caffine pills. This doctor always prescribed me medications I didn't need. I would have to be dying for her to give me the right medication. One time she gave me medication for acid reflux I never had acid reflux.
when i was a teen and had braces, i was 13 at the time....the orthadonist [sic] was adjusting them with a sharp tool and he slipped and sliced open the roof of my mouth...it obviously hurt like hell and he just laughed "I slipped haha"....then he blotted up my blood and continued...he was twisted over me and i was fucking pissed and i had the opportunity so i kneed him in the crotch....when he was on the floor grabbing his balls i said "i slipped haha".....that ended that day's appointment and after that he was VERY careful with me....dick.....
after i had my tumor removed/hysterectomy there was a staff dr. who came into my room telling me to take these pills....well 1. who are you? and 2. what are those pills? he was all asshole-ish and said he was the staff dr. and i needed to take the pills without question....NO, who are you and what are they? he just pushed towards my face so i pushed him away the best i could and grabbed the phone and called security and started screaming my head off.....he ran out of there!!!!
security got there and found him and he WAS a staff dr. but not suppose to be on my floor and they couldn't find the pills he wanted me to take....WTF?! to top it all off, he tried to bill my insurance for his 'visit'....i got that removed and told the insurance of his fuckery....
Love it Miss Tia! That serves that guy right. I can't believe that he laughed at you though and said, I slipped.
You were a very bright 13 year old!
~Palmetto Girl
I have more doctor horror stories than good experiences with them. Because of that I take good care of myself & my husband to lessen our chances of requiring the "care" of the medical/pharma industry. Cuz, it is an industry, do not doubt it ever.
-Husband, aged 45, had false positive MRI showing heart damage in two places, diagnosis: Somehow suffered massive heart attacks in the past, without noticing or having any symptoms - happens all the time, apparently! We were told to get our affairs in order and prepare for his imminent death. Nine months later after the usual hours and hours spent in waiting rooms and doctor's offices, numerous tests including angio, and of course living in daily fear of his imminent death... cardiologist tells us the original MRI was wrong, there's no "role" for a cardiologist in husband's care, heart is in great shape, now GTFO.
-After being potentially exposed to the rabies virus via a bat which got into my house and attacked me in my bedroom when I woke up one morning, my GP initially refused to order the vaccine series for me, because the bat wasn't caught and tested. (I got rid of the bat by running out the front door in my fucking underwear and it chased me out and then flew away - excuse me for not catching and killing the fucker as my doctor thought I ought to have done)She (the doc) had to be ordered by the local health authority to administer the vaccine. The rabies series is routinely administered to people who come in contact with bats as a precaution, it's nothing new or unusual and is SOP. There is a very narrow window of time in which to start the series as rabies can kill people within a month. Thanks for nothing bitch.
-I got pregnant three times while on the Pill. No doctor believed me. (The first time, I miscarried. The second two are now my beloved grown sons.) After giving birth to my second son at age 25, I had to beg my gynie to tie my tubes as the Pill did not work reliably for me. I was told over and over that I must have forgotten to take a pill or it was my imagination or I had fucked up somehow. No, no, and no. Finally due to my pestering I was "allowed" to have my tubes tied at age 26 despite being patronizingly told repeatedly that I was too young to sterilize myself and what if I wanted more children etc. If I had wanted children, why would I have been on the pill in the first place? I loved my children and was very happy with them but the whole reason to be on the pill is to give oneself the choice as to when to conceive.
I have many more like these unfortunately.
My general practitioner was recently charged with fraud. He stole a bunch of cash along with his crack head of a secretary. I could always tell there was something off with them and so could many other people. This secretary was the worse. She never would do her job correctly. I got a pap from this doctor and this secretary came in (I know that's normal) but instead of just staying in the room and keeping an eye out, she was right there beside this doctor looking right at my privates. I never had that happen before. She wasn't even a nurse or anything. I was very uncomfortable.
God, I would have loved to see that ortho lying on the floor. My kid's ortho was a serious prick too, is it a requirement, do you suppose? LOL
Once went to a new Dr in town. I overheard him telling the receptionist that he had all kinds of openings but to always make ppls appts for about 10 days ahead so they would think he was super busy, which he wasn't. He actually said this to his new secretary! Out loud! Gawd...I never went back, thankfully his wife also a Dr treated me that day. They were soon gone from town and I never did hear what happened. Lies! Lies!! You dont expect a Dr to lie, do you? And about something so trivial.
Once had a gen practitioner do a pelvic to see if I was preg. No nurse was in the room and that scared me. He was so close to me during the exam I couldnt tell what was going on. I dont know what kind of thrills he got from that. His pants were still on & zipped when he was done, so I didnt have to kick his balls in like MissTia! LOL...but I never went back. But I did find out that day I was having my 1st baby. I swear, Dr's are just alot of licensed perverts!
A few years back, I came down with a weird sore throat, not the usual one, but farther down my throat. I had a wierd feeling about it, so I call my GP, he wasn't in, Dr. Ken was and told me to spray some Cloroseptic and take an Advil. I did just that, against my better judgment and went on with my night. Well, around 7 pm, I could not swallow and my voice had changed, plus I was running a fever! My gut told me to go to the hospital. Once there, the OR doc took a look down my throat could not see anything and ordered an xray. I was at the insurance counter when the results came back. Turns out I had epiglotitis, a swelling of the epiglotis. If I had stayed home and gone to bed, my throat would have closed up and I would have surely died from aspyxiation! I was in the hospital for 5 days!!! ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT FEELINGS REGARDING YOUR HEALTH!
I was 19 when I had my son at a military hospital (his dad was active duty). Needless to say I was young and had no idea what to expect. I ended up ripping hand having to have an episiotomy that required stitches. The nurses sent me home with NO pain meds and told me that I couldn't have anything because I was nursing. For the next 4 weeks I couldn't sit down right and even when I went back at my 8 week visit and was cleared for normal activities, I was still sore. I was 19 and stupid and didn't think I could demand pain meds then just pump and dump til the meds were out of my system and resume normal breast feeding when I didn't need meds anymore. Instead I just took their words for it and stuck out the pain.
The worse one involved my husbands doctor. My hubby is very athletic and races road bikes. He started gaining a lot of weight, lethargic and loss of sex drive. He was referred to an endocrinologist who said "you are being a couch potato and need to get out more". My husband explained to him what he did and that this was not normal. The doctor ran no tests and did nothing for him. My husband went to see another endo doctor who immediately did a biopsy that came back with results requiring surgery that same week. He ended up having thyroid cancer with full thyroid removal. It has now been over 2 years later and he still has problems and it has been slow losing the weight. It also caused havoc with our fertility and required extra steps to complete our dream of having a child. We filed a board complaint against doctor. The doctor got no sanction, this is why I hate Arizona. We did file a civil suit that was settled out of court and the money was donated to two different charities. Was not a huge amount and was not about money but for doctor to know he was an IDIOT who affected more than just one life.
I was once told I couldn't wear contact lenses because "my eyelids were too tight."
I'm not Asian. The woman trying to fit my contacts had 3 inch nails and was having problems getting them in my eye. She determined it was my eyes.
I've been wearing contacts for years. Stupid bitch, Cut your nails.
Miss Tia -- BRILLIANT!!!
Did he actually pop a hole in your palate?
he scratched my palette BADLY...it was a sharp little tool and it slid basically the whole length of it...i could only eat soft, easily swallowed food for over a week cuz it....fucker.....i thought he'd tell my mother what i did to him, but he never did.....
TVSnark: If I may ask...you wouldnt have happened to be at Dr. Tavels at Markland Mall in Kokomo, IN would you? Same thing, old bitch with at least 3" long nails trying to help my daughter insert her 1st contacts a few years ago. My daughter was scared to death as she came at her with those talons! She thought the woman was gonna poke her eye out! Gawd, nasty fug hag. Thats unsanitary esp when working with contacts & glasses. EWWW!
I can completely relate to Angie's story. When my son was about 16 months old, he contracted Rotavirus (horrible gastrointentinal virus). After numerous visits and begging sessions with his pediatrician, he was finally sent to the hospital, where he spent a week being fed via IV. They discharged him too early (against our instincts) and he ended up in the ER that same night. The ER doctor couldn't tap into his vein for the new IV, so everyone in the ER took a crack at him, eventually collapsing his veins. After dozens of tries, they gave up and told us to just have the children's unit handle it when we got upstairs. We didn't realize that was an option! They ended up having to put the IV into his forehead and he spent another week in the hospital. Also like Angie, we were very young (22 and 23) and still trusted doctors. Not anymore! Our son recovered and will be turning 17 this month, but he still hates needles.
speaking of contacts....i once went to a place downtown kent to get some new contacts....the sample ones they wanted me to put in my eye HAD ALREADY BEEN IN SOMEONE ELSE'S EYES!! They reused sample contacts!!! i said no way jose and got the fuck out there! you don't reuse contacts from someone else!!!!
My gawd, these stories are horrible. I was pretty old when I finally figured out you just can't trust and you do not have to do what doctors say. If it sounds or feels wrong, you can say NO. We have to protect children, I feel so bad for the parents on here who've let them hurt kids. It's such a hard lesson. Bastards!
Rox - - no, it was at Kaiser in Southern California.
Yes, it was scary watching those nails "come at me!"
When my baby was 4 months old she needed surgery to repair her cleft lip. Both my husband and I just nodded our heads to everything the doctors told us.
We were lucky we had a good team.
Over the years I have learned SO much about cleft lips, procedures, bla bla bla (it was my addiction before the Gosselins) so now when we go into these appointments (well, no exhsband doesn't go anymore) I'm filled with questions and information.
Between me and my kids I've had my share of crappy doctor experiences, but my 'favorite' was a gyn I saw once when I was in my early twenties. Went to him with what turned out to be a yeast infection - he declared that I had an STD, despite my telling him that neither my husband nor I had ever been with anyone else. He puts me on this medicine that gives me blinding headaches. When I call him b/c the package insert says this is a potentially serious side effect, he scoffs and says "the lawyers make them say that - just keep taking it". Sure, asshole - I'll do that.
Oh, and during the office visit, when this same guy asked me how often I used a douche and I responded 'never' (b/c as young as I was, even I knew that douching messes up the 'good bacteria'), he looked at me with utter disgust like I just told him I turn tricks on the corner. Back then I was embarassed and said nothing - one positive aspect of getting older is no longer feeling like you have to put up with that kind of treatment.
Sorry I posted that under an old blog my friend and had. so I deleted it. Here is original post LOL
I don't have any from my own personal experience, since I am a nurse I can sniff out the good ones by seeing who is the most attentive to the patients I take care of. However my Dad had a ruptured duodenal ulcer at age 47. Now he bled almost completely out but they brought him back with 20 mins of CPR and emergency surgery to correct the ulcer. He was essentially brain dead and I knew this, however my brothers, my Grandma, and my Aunt and Uncle were still hopeful. Now I am not sure what people hear after they are considered brain dead so I feel they should be talked to as if they were talking and alert. My brothers and I were in the room and I had just finished suctioning his ET tube because the icu nurses sucked. The nurse looked and me and said "You are a nurse right?" I said yes. She said "It doesn't look good and I just want you to know we do harvest organs at this hospital, is he an organ donor?" I dragged that bitch out of the room so fast and the social worker had to pull me off of her. I mean what if my Dad heard that shit? Then they decided he was taking up a room for "patients that had a chance to get better", they put him in a skilled unit after removing the ET tube to allow him to die. The man had just had major surgery and I felt he should have the prn Morphine that was ordered around the clock. The nurse tried to refuse giving it to him because people who are brain dead do not feel any pain. I asked her if she has ever been truly brain dead to be able to say this with 100% certainty. She said "well no". I said you will give him that fucking morphine until he sits up and tell you he is not in pain. I don't give a fuck if he didn't have pain, he was not able to tell me that. Why did this bitch have to try and take that away. My Dad was a mean abusive drunk, but he had made up for that by being such a good grandfather. He deserved to die with dignity and those motherfuckers tried to take that away from him at every turn!
When I was in labor with my daughter the anestesiologist jabbed me 7 times with the epidural needle and couldn't get it in - he said I was "too bony" Another one had to be brought in and got it on the first try. I still have back pains from that sometimes.
At another point in my life I was having horrible chest pains that I knew were stress related. The male Physician Assitant told me it was indigestion. Turns out I was having panic attacks. Male health care workers are notorius for not taking women seriously...
Hard to choose among several life threatening, life scarring experience.....but the winner is the Doctor? I kept going to my first year of teaching, complaining about my difficulties breathing, swelling legs, cough, etc. with no tests he announced that I had asthma, gave me an inhaler and refused to listen when I complained it wasn't helping. Told me to use it more. By this time I was sleeping sitting up in a chair in order to breathe. Symptoms worsened to the point I could no longer work...and I gave up and went to the emergency room where they became very excited, as my heart rate was over 200 beats per minute. I had Atrial Fibrilation, a potentially fatal heart arrythymia which was filling up my lungs with blood as my heart raced too fast to pump efficiently. That damn Doctor and his medi-haler!!! That medication had acccelarated my heartbeat even more.
I too had that uterine test, with water inserted between the uterine walls. HOly shit, that hurt. It was like massive cramping at the END of labor!! His assistant told me it couldn't hurt THAT bad.I held it together till I got in the parking lot, and cried for 10 minutes. On my follow up I told him how bad it was, and he should have had me medicate before the appointment. He thought I was kidding.....
I also work in the medical field.Had a doctor come in and take a blood pressure on my patient, and the stethescope was around his neck, not in his ears!! He said she was fine!
He also used to write scripts on the side for staff........hhhmmm.
Don't have any horror stories, except for the occasional visit with a Dr. that talks to me like I'm in first grade. Hate pompous asses.
Here is a story of an unbelievable good Dr. Getting him was like hitting the lotto, and if I ever should win the jack-pot...I'm sending him a huge check.
My daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy last summer. Her neuro is a good hour away. When, after a few weeks, it was clear that finding the right medicines were going to be challenging, he told me, "don't call the nurses line, it takes too long for me to get the message, here is my cell phone #."
For months, I called him on his cell and he adjusted her med.s that way. I'd be standing in line at the grocery store at 9pm, and get a call from him. "How's Hazel doing today?" This went on for months.
One time I called him at midnight after EMS left, after she had a bad seizure. I said, so sorry to call you at home, I just didn't know if I should take her to the Children's Hosp. (an hour away) because the seizure stopped. He told me, "no, no please call me anytime, that is why I gave you my number." We talked for an hour about options that night. He told me, " Remember, I'm only a phone call away. We are going to get through this."
These phone calls were sometimes everyday, for months. Never got a bill from him.
He made it possible for her to get evaluated for surgery, promptly. (Some people wait years.)
When we were at the hospital for her surgery, (out of state) again, he called and wanted to know everything.
There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't get teared-up thinking about what he did for my kid.
Sorry, I know it's Bad Doctor post. I couldn't help sharing this.
Before my divorce my husband went into an urgent care with a very high fever they gave him some penicillin and sent him on his way. The fever did not break,and he ended up with red blotchy spots the chills blah blah blah went back to the urgent care, well after hours of being there a dr. came in and said I GOT IT I KNOW WHATS WRONG you my friend have small pox they gave kevin here's some more penicillin and cocain laced whatever they gave him...Monday came and Kevin was 10 times worse went to see our family dr. who I loved because he would say you know I do not know but will find someone who will (I'm all about honesty) our doctor sent him to a heart specialist since kevin had rheumatic fever as a child...the specialist seen Kevin and said first of all stop taking the penicillin you have been given so much of it you have built up an immune to it and now its attacking and you're now allergic to penicillin...not sure why you had the fever but you don't now and here's some benedryl for the red splotches that you received from the allergic reaction to the penicillin.
Another urgent care story with Kevin who went in with a growing hole on the inside of his ankle urgent care dr. said you have gout? gave him meds for it changed his diet and what not...the hole kept getting larger, we went to our family dr. who looked at the hole and said hmmmm brown recluse bite he did what he needed to do, then gave him some ointment...from all of this we learned no matter what NEVER EVER go to the Urgent Care on Ave. K in Lancaster California.
Bad doctor post or Bad bedside manner...My daughter Jenna 5 weeks old was sent to Loma Linda to figure out why she had no muscle tone after seeing the Dr. who held shock type needles to her muscles (mind you she felt them, her muscles just didnt react) I had enough and said STOP that is obviously hurting her..He began picking up her arm letting it flop down on to the table (ARE YA KIDDING ME, she can't stop her arm from slamming down on the table)...He finally came in and said she has SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy, to this I asked what does this mean for her and he replied "Don't plan a 1st birthday for her you will be wasting your time" I was devastated left there shaking from anger and fear and sadness.....3 months later read in the newspaper the Dr. who did all this was killed in a car accident.
I have a heart condition and sometimes my heart beats very fast (anywhere from 130 to 180 beats a minute). When this happens I have to go to the hospital and get medicine from an IV that brings the heart rate down immediately. It is no big deal, it's over quite fast. I have had this done more than 30 times so I know the procedure really well.
When I was a teenager I went to my local hospital because I had a rapid heartbeat. Usually I go to a hospital that's about an hour away but that time I didn't, I went to the crummy local hospital. Instead of offering me the IV medicine the doctor there said he would have to put a pacemaker in me! WTF! I was like, "Are you kidding, you can't really think that's the best idea" but he was convinced that was what needed to be done. The guy was practically ready to cut me open. All I can say is he must have been batshit crazy.
I left that hospital ASAP, went to the other one, got my medicine through an IV, and was fine right afterwards. Needless to say, I will never again go to my local hospital when I have a rapid heartbeat.
When my sister was 20 she wasnt feeling well and was covered in massive black bruises. Was on a saturday and her normal dr was closed so she went to a 24hr clinic. The Dr there did NO tests and told her she just had the flu and to go home and stay in bed. Luckily my sister knew it was more than that (she is a nurse) so on the Monday she went back to her normal dr. Within the hour she was in Auckland hospital and was diagnosed with AML - an acute form of Leukaemia.. she spent the next six MONTHS in hospital. If she had listened to the first Dr and stayed in bed she would of died that day. stupid farken idiot.
Liz (from NZ)
Went to the same OBgyn for almost 20 years. My sisters however could not stand him as a doctor. I still kept going; I should have know when I had problems, it always my weight blah blah blah. Still kept going to him, until..he did a biopsy on my uterine lining by just sticking the tool in there with no care. PAINFUL! After that I was off work for like a week due to passing massive blodd clots; he must have nicked something. After that, I went to a woman OB, and when she did the biopsy, she used different sized spacer to gradually open the area, slowly, and asking each time how I was doing. TWENTY years with that quack! Glad I found my new doc!
I just read an article about incidents of medical malpractice-related deaths in hospitals. Between 44,000 and 98,000 people are killed each year in the U.S. because of medical error. In my opinion, most doctors are a bunch of ego-maniacal nut jobs with God complexes. I generally avoid them when at all possible!
it was at Kaiser in Southern California
I grew up in Ohio, but my folks lived in southern Cali. before that. They met at Kaiser, they both worked there. (Fontana, I think,I'll find out.)They met, had a sleep-over, and in 1967, apparently the done thing was to high-tail it to Vegas and get a marriage license! Which is what they did, and 8 mo. later they had my brother. LOL. Small world, indeed.
I have nothing but bad doctor stories. I'm convinced they're all stupid.
The only people I know who like their doctors are getting sicker and sicker, spending more and more on meds and are so grateful their doctors are keeping them well!
Umm, okay. But when I gave up going to them, my health started improving and is getting better every year.
I haven't had antibiotics in 31 years, and though I struggled through a few years of colds and infections, my immune system improved to the point that I rarely even get sniffles
I had a copy of How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor and the title, plus a year in France where everyone taught me about homeopathy, kept the whole family away from doctors.
most doctors are a bunch of ego-maniacal nut jobs with God complexes. I generally avoid them when at all possible!
Anon, you're right on.
Corina 1.0, that is the same procedure I was talking about earlier. Hurts like a mofo, huu? Like something out of a slasher movie.
Connie, I've had that shock thing too, it hurts, and I'm glad that dude died. No one like him should see children.
They have god-complexes because we treat them that way. They're fighting hard to keep their position on the pedestal, but people are increasingly disgusted with them.
yes Pat it was a mofo, but the blood clots afterward were just the topping on that cake! For the sake of modesty, let me just say that area is very umm tight, and when he rammed it in (rammed is the word!) I felt violated in a way. No telling me what was going in , no nurse in the room, just digusting.Now, if i feel a doctor doesn't listen to me, or treat me right, I FIRE them. They work for ME, not me for them. IMHO
A doctor diagnosed my son as having "a little bug" he died 6 days later from salmonella, How's that for a bad doctor?
After he died I tried to have my tubal ligation reversed. (I had it done right after he was born during the C-section.)
I go in for the tests only to find out he didn't tie my tubes, he totally removed them.
When I was in ;labor with him, the resident kept trying to put that internal fetal monitor into the top of his head while he was still in utero and couldn't get it in. He finally did an ultrasound and discovered the baby's head was back and he was presenting face first. I had to have an emergency C-section. When the baby was born, he had little cuts right above his eyelid where this asshole was trying to insert the fetal monitor.
I absolutely HATE doctors and don't trust any of them. People are nothing more than guinea pigs.
I have Sarcoidosis, which I originally found out about because I started getting kidney stones (it's a calcium thing). The doc did a CT scan, and Sarc looks a lot like Lymphoma, so I got turned loose on a plethora of doctors, all testing me for Lymphoma. (I'm going, "OK, but, uh... kidney stone?) I looked up all the symptoms (including kidney stones) on the Internet and came up with Sarcoidosis myself. When I asked my GP, he said "Naw, you don't have that." Finally it was decided I needed a lung biopsy. The surgeon said, "I think you might have Sarcoidosis" but when I asked if there was another way to find out, other than to CUT ME, he said, pretty much, no... which was wrong.
The surgery was conclusive that I had Sarcoidosis. But the surgeon had a heavy hand, and I couldn't breathe properly for about 2-1/2 years after that. Couldn't get to the top of a breath without making myself yawn -- it was very scary.
After I fired my GP and got a new doctor, I asked him if the cutting was really necessary. He told me there's a biopsy they can to from under your eyelid -- relatively quick and painless. FUCKERS.
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