Sunday, October 11, 2009

A chip off the old..what?

Your daughter is adorable, Snowbunnie, but couldn't you guys cut the old man some eye holes? LMAO!! Classic.


miss tia said...

oh that's funny!

Corina said...

LOL!! That's one big pumpkin too... hehe

Vicki said...

Now that is being a good sport.
The little girl will one day look back on the photo and know what a cool Dad she had. I love it when
we as parents get silly with our kids.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. That reminds me of the Friend's episode where Monica put the giant turkey on her head and danced for Chandler.

Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.

The hubs is in the hospital overnight, nothing serious, just did something stupid and didn't listen to I'm a little stressed...

Dirty Disher said...

Biz, I hope everything is okay.

Anonymous said...

Thanks DD. I explained it in a post last night. Just brought him home, have to go get his prescriptions but he should be fine, as long as a pneumonia doesnt develop.