The tow truck was really cute though, I wish I'd taken it's picture. It was red and rusty and from the 60's. It looked like Mater from Cars. The tow truck dude who drove me home looked familiar and it turned out he lives right behind me. I never knew his name before. I just thought of him as Weed Man because he spends a lot of time in his garage (which is right by my garden) and he doesn't have a car in there. Also the smell is a clue, but, he and his wife are quiet neighbors. He helped me carry my groceries in and I asked him if my house smelled bad. He looked a little scared, lol, maybe he's heard of me? I told him about the skunk and he said "Shit, that racket was over here last night?" I was like, yeah, you heard it all the way over to your place? It must have been as loud as I thought it was. Anyway, he said he didn't smell anything. I wonder if he was being polite?
So anyway, now I have a lot to do and I'm tired from fighting skunk juice all night but, that's the way it goes, huu? I sure hope Samhain goes well and I get things straightened out here. It's a lot of work, but, the Samhain rituals are supposed to bring in positive energy for the year. I think I'm really due for some. And if I see that Raccoon in my circle tomorrow night, anything positive is going straight in the trash and there WILL be a sacrifice. Heh.
I think the sacrifice should involve fire and pests. I'll be thinking of you.
It would be nice to stop the constant cat food buffet. This time of year, every hungry critter for miles will take advantage of that and next is trouble. Good luck with all that.
I wish you were here. Remember the fires we've shared? Ahh, the good ol' days.
DD - Just wanted to wish you a good holiday - Moon has a post up about the article Kimberly Daniels, a reporter for the Christian Broadcasting Networking wrote and it's quite hilarious and INSANE. Sorry about your skunk situation - I hope it clears soon.
sometimes when it rains, it pours...just gotta put the umbrella up....
hope your positive energy arrives STAT!! enjoy your holiday!!
i'll email you a link to the pix i take tomorrow night downtown kent (where thousands dress up)....
You have cold....and rain that might turn to ice? Sigh, it's October 30th here in Tampa Fl and I still have the G-damn airconditioner on....when my kids asked me today why we don't carve pumpkins I told them I only made that mistake once, my first year transplanted from NY to Fla., because if you carve pumpkins in Tampa and set them out on the porch, within 48 hours they are squishy, mushy, and full of maggots. It's always greener on the other side of the fence, I'm PRAYING for freezing rain, Halloween costume selection is somewhat limited when factoring in 90 degree weather and 100% humidity.
I think you are getting the Denver 2 foot dump that just rolled out this morning. Hope it doesn't ruin your Halloween!
It makes it more organized when we think that things come in threes. Meanwhile, shit happens all over the place, always. Good things happen that way too, but we are more conditioned to notice the bad and sad things because most of us are lucky enough to have our basic needs covered in our civilized society. Ahem.
Meanwhile, the skunk emission/attack was unusual and unfortunate. GAK! I've smelled enough skunk from a safe distance to know that you must have been in abject PAIN. It's amazing that you have been able to air it out so quickly!
Car stuff...when my car breaks down I am always so happy it happens in a non-fatal way. I've had blowouts on the freeway, transmissions crap out on the freeway, all of it YIKES but happily not deadly for anyone. Expensive, yes.
This is the life that we are lucky enough to lead, which is luxurious by over 50% of the world's standards. I love heat on demand. I love my fridge. I love my washer/dryer. There's three! Got another good three?
Your yard was number one Pat. So you are already on three. So your good for a while now. Take care!
Thanks, Karla. Makes sense.
Thanks for the heads up, Merette.
Escrow..always trying to cheer me up. LOL.
I think I'd go easy on the positive energy. You might just get hit by lightning, and I'm pretty sure that would be your Strike 3!!
NOt sure what the correct term is, but have a blessed Samhain..you deserve a holiday!
Just posted a surefire and cheap skunk remedy on Friday Follies at Moon's. Hope it helps.
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