When the film crew reminded her that her real children were behind her floundering on their own, Kate screamed "I'm a single mother, it's all for my kids!" Then she whipped off her blouse and showed them her new bikini top and implants. "It's for the kids! Single mother with 8 (count 'em 8) kids coming through!" She then tried to count them and got as far as five before she was understandably distracted by one tabloid that did not have her face on the cover. An Amber Alert has been issued for the blond child. Kate was last seen heading for a spa and muttering "Poopy, lots of nice poopy, poopy, poop."
Oh my god Pat.....I am crying so hard right now that my dog is barking and chaos is ensuing. I wish I were as witty as you. Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face.
Just found your blog and this post was HYSTERICAL.
LOL... DD do you know if she took pictures of this poopie??? for her memory box's.
Very funny DD. I wonder if Kate also spoke highly of her plastic throne to the blond girl too.
what a stupid post.
Another excellent take on things, You made my day!
hey anon 5:23, that was a stupid comment! FUCKTARD!!!!!!!!
If people didn't spend so much time blogging about/talking about/writing about/watching the Gosselins, then they will go away. So you, miss tia, are the fucktard.
hmmm....i call someone a fucktard for posting a comment that this was a stupid post and that makes ME a fucktard???
i don't watch the grossline show....my point is, and i'll spell out cuz you're too clueless to understand....IF YOU DO NOT LIKE A POST, DO NOT FUCKING COMMENT SOMETHING INSULTING....
you fucking get that??? or do you need a visual??? you gonna defend china next??? fuck china and fuck you too...
Pat, you are one funny woman! I sure enjoy your sharp wit!
Miss Tia, never mind the trolls. They are too dumb to "get it". Pat's literary skills are completely lost on them. And you're right - if they don't agree with what they read on here then they can keep their stupid comments to themselves.
That's her new "not a nanny"
'literary skills'?? roflmao
Anon @ 8:31 PM;
Do you have a blog?
8:31 really thats your witty comeback? I am sure you are rolling on the floor. Loser. No name no IQ and no wit. Please leave.
Yea, calling yourself 'Bill' really identifies yourself. Very bold of you.
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