As the Gosselin evil and greed reaches a crescendo, the kids are still without parents. A hired helper with stringy hair sits in the white plastic throne, in front of the mansion where the paps can get the good shots, and puts the death grip on Collin as Joel screams. And Nancy Grace failed to ask "WHO'S HOME WITH THE KIDS?"
I agree. WTF?!! ALL of the kids in that picture are screaming and who in the fuck is this bitch reaming Joel????
Seriously, something needs to be done about this family. They are about to completely derail and it will be the worst fucking trainwreck TV land has ever seen.
can the kids tell the difference between the blond bitch in the pix and their 'mother'?
They don't have a mother.
well yeah, they don't have a mother, just a bio-mother who's a cunt....those kids need serious therapy and they best start it NOW if they want to have any hope of having a semi-normal adjusted adulthood.....
where's gloria allard in all this???
those stupid shits are more worried about money and who is screwing who then their kids. i hope social services does something. those kids need help. jon needs to be a man and tend to his home and kids. let that stupid cunt whore herself out. i hate to see kids cry like that. breaks my heart.
his poor little arm! all the kids are upset. This is a telling picture. If she is that mean they need to can her. Those kids can play out back too, why the need to allow the paps constant pics? They have NEVER been allowed to be normal. They are going to have emotional & behavior issues because of this. Is TLC gonna pay for their therapy? Those kids will be promiscuous & on drugs as soon as they get a little freedom. Jeez...this is all going to end very badly. And haven't we been saying that for about a year now? Yes.
Wow that's a scary picture
Here's the really scary part - that woman is supposedly Kate's BFF - not hired help. Those kids are turning into total brats - they definitely need some correction, but not like that - I'd rip her head off for grabbing him like that if she was my 'friend'.
The way the one boy is holding his shoulder, I'm thinking the other one gave him a good smack, but hey, you learn by example, isn't that right? Because the way he's being manhandled, the "nanny" is just reinforcing that grabbing and hitting is the way we do it when we're mad. And believe me, grabbing the upper arm like that hurts like hell when you're a little one. If any one of us tried that, we'd have Child Services at the door before you can say "Kate's a whore".
this picture IS REALLY scary. i'm pretty sure that's alexis and she looks to be crying. aiden seems to be grabbing his head as if he was just smacked too, and clearly joel is crying. very suspicious..
I feel so bad for those kids.
What if they hired a helper to stay with their kids for 2 weeks, while they're gone, what about for 3 or 4 weeks?
And a week for a little kid is a long time, especially when mom and dad is gone.
Is this legal? To leave your kids like that? And who are these helpers? What if the helper has a perv. ex-boyfriend??
J&K are not looking out for their kids.
WTF!!These por boys are going to seriously hate women when they get older. What is up with that blond cunt? She seems like a major white trash bitch.
Ya, where the fuck is Social Services?
Look how tense the not-a-nannie's muscles are. She has a mighty tight grip on the kid. If someone gripped my kid like that they'd have a lot of explaining to do.
Looking at the photo...Collin must have hit the others with the orange cone thing he has in his hand...this behaviour totally pissed off the IWANNABEJUSTLIKEKATE who grabs Collin screaming What the hell were you thinking youre just like your dumbass father all of you go take a nap!!!! She will be found passed out somewhere with a bottle of tequila.
Those kids all look like brats. I realize it's not their fault though. Their parents need to step in and start acting like parents instead of trashing each other in the media and running around grabbing all the freebies they can get. I wonder when was the last time either Kate or Jon spent actual quality time with their children, without cameras around. Probably never. I think Jon and Kate need to quit their own reality show and go on a different reality show- "Supernanny"!
bored said...
Ya, where the fuck is Social Services?
That's my question!?!?! Where. the. FUCK is DSHS??? Their parents are always gone, leaving them in the care of nannys - and they never seem consistent, as in, not always the same one - and this is how they are cared for??? WHERE ARE SOCIAL SERVICES??? Why aren't they stepping in??? This is absolutely criminal! I can tell you that if I had some bitch baby sitting MY kids and she pulled that shit with MY kids, MY foot would be so far up her ass it would be coming out of her mouth!
Something has got to be done, why is no one helping these poor children???
Alison said...
Those kids all look like brats. I realize it's not their fault though.
You're right. They are brats, but that's because nobody has taught them to be anything but brats. Look at Mady and Cara. They are going to be 9 in a few days, and they still throw tantrums that rival their 5 year old brothers and sisters. Completely unacceptable, but again, it's not their fault.
Cara and Maddy throw tantrums at the age of 9?! Yikes. That's pathetic. I don't watch the show, so I didn't know that. Jon and Kate SUCK at parenting. (Although, I already knew THAT.)
If it keeps going this way, just wait until those kids are teenagers. They are all going to be a nightmare. I'm having visions now of Cara and Maddy throwing themselves on the floor screaming "I WANT TO USE THE CAR TONIGHT! GIMME THE CAR!"
This truly is one frightening photo. Poor kids. Rotten
Kate for a Mom and another Bitch
for a sitter. How sad and maddening.
The mean woman minding the children while
kHATE is on her sadass flabass poor olde me
mediatour or pity poooop is her fake bff Jaime from
Michigan. She works for tlc and is a replacement
for Karla ( who grew up with her in Pa) the
new bff role has been replaced. She has eliminated
all and any friendships family bonds those poor kids
have and she is working on her pinnacle to get
rid of jon altogether as she mounts her flag in the
apex of the snow covered mountain of turd that is
now her my i my I my I my allll mine MY LIFE !
Same olde shit as per the usual fakery & cuntricks !!
It looks like Control kid aka Colin has just finished
hitting his brothers and sister lexi and got caught.
Hitting and physical abuse is the norm at casa G
they don't know any other way to express their
conflicts that and yelling and screaming is common
place it's not the childrens fault they are innocent
in the way they were taught it's akin to them
being brought up as feral children wild uncouth
and without any boundries and disipline.
Manners are not on their parents agenda
if so it's pretty far down on their list of to dos.
PA state should have been involved by now already
but I feel bad that they just seem to think that
they should not get involved or by ignoring it
it will all go away. PA is PAthetic & APathetic
about it which ever way u look at forward or
backwards it's a shitttttttttttty situation indeed!
Maybe the kids just need to be kids and get into a good sister and brother fight---get it out of their systems. A little slapping each other (windmill hands)and pulling hair never killed any of us. Who can say they never wanted to yank out a hand full of their sister or brother's hair.
I don't think they're at the eye gouging age yet!
That photo threw me off, I thought it was Kate! She looks just as mean!
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