That's a photo taken in the famous Amityville house. It was taken by pro photographer, Gene Campbell during the Warren investigation..after the Lutz's moved out and no children were present at that time. I don't doubt the authenticity of this photo, but, I hate the Warren's and all their demon chasing bullshit. Every thing's a demon? Really? Pffft. Anyway, it IS a scary photo. I would love to hear YOUR ghostly experiences. Care to share?
Dang! I wish I had a ghost story. I've never seen one and have never even felt a "presence". Looking forward to reading about other's experiences.
Hi DD that photo is authentic back then
there was no Photoshop. My sil died suddenly
last year and I have had several dreams
with her in them I'm wondering if she is visiting
me ? What does it mean when someone
dreams about this ? Do u have any insight ?
Perhaps if anyone else has any answers please
do tell. Kiki in Canada :)
I do believe that one way the departed talk to us is in our dreams. My daughter has communication this way and there's no doubt it's real.
I love me some ghost story's.
I was about 9 staying with my grandparents (our second home). My grandfather had a garage built in the back with a grease pit, this was to make things easier to do oil changes and what nots, because of the pit my grandmother did not want us playing near the garage. Well I didn't want to play with my cousins and decided to play where I wasn't suppose to be bouncing a ball against the wall of the garage and it went inside the garage rolling into the pit (CRAP) I looked over into the pit and there was some oil from the last oil change (it was more ok then not to many people cared about properly disposing of oil)I seen this little girl with blonde ringlets wearing a peach colored bow in her hair and peach colored dress with the pantalones? Im bad with time era's victorian possibly, my ball was beside her she looked at the ball and then to me and said Would you like to play before I could say anything I hear my grandmother yelling KIDS LUNCH TIME so scadaddled from the garage. It was the first and last time I had seen the little girl, a few years later my uncle had the pit covered because he was afraid my grandfather would get hurt.
This could be just my mind playing tricks on me but a few nights ago while I was sleeping I clearly felt someone sit at the foot of my bed I thought it was my sister or son it woke me up and I sat up to see who it was but no one was there I brushed it off thinking maybe I had been dreaming so went to the restroom and heard someone say "I will just wait" to which I replied why wait why not use the other restroom, opened my restroom door and it was pitch black while still in the restroom I hear again very clearly someone say "Connie" I said What, and walked out of the restroom to nothing I will admit I was kind of eeried out to the point I turned on my bedroom light, and even checked my closet for as my grandmother would say "the boogieman"
Turn on CNN. There's a 6-year-old kid flying over Denver in a helium balloon contraption someone left lying around. You thought Kate Gosselin was a rotten parent.
4 years ago I borrowed $50 from a friend of mine. He died unexpectedly a few days later and I took his beloved cat home with me to spoil for the rest of her life as my way of paying off my debt.
That night he appeared in one of my dreams standing in front of a chalkboard and dressed as a teacher (suit and tie, etc). I was wearing my jammies and was sitting in a student's desk right up front but it wasn't weird. I was excited to see him and tried to ask him how he was but he told me to be quiet because he didn't have much time. He then showed me a color pie chart of what to feed our cat based on her preferences. The dream ended quickly and I woke up. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember the exact brand of food he wanted but I was dating a vet at the time and he told me to just make sure that meat was the #1 ingredient in her food. I guess that must be good enough because I've never heard from him again.......
Or maybe it was just a weird dream, I don't know. If so, it was very boring.
Thanks DD :) I think that people can visit
you in a dream and it happens alot more than
we realize it does.
Connie that is spooky !
My parents house is an old Victorian home
aprox 150 + years old and has had a few
owners over the years. The Wallace family
in particular still live there with them persay.
The attic was turned into a bedroom for my sister
after being locked up for 130 years well my sister
my son & my mom all have had strange things
happen up there. I don't go o up there at all.
The basement is spooky to me I think mrs Wallace
resides in that part of the house. My dad had the
place blessed several times ( parents are staunch
roman Catholics) but still despite the crucfixes and saints
everywhere still it goes on. I haven't lived there
in decades and I'm outa the loop but I do think
it's haunted. Often my parents hear footsteps
come up the stairs at night when they know
everyone is in bed including the cats so it makes
you wonder who the heck is roaming up the stairs
at night. The tv goes on by itself too btw. Kiki
Ooohh...the eyes of the child in that photo are creepy. I've heard that demons masquerade as children to gain the trust of their victims.
I love scary stuff. I love Ghost Hunter, Ghost Adventures, Discovery's Hauntings and the like.
Even though the shows may not be authentic, they always give me a thrill.
I have a couple of paranormal stories. One is about a possession which was very frightening and very, very serious. I don't want to tell the story because that's just a place I don't want to go; so I will share my not so scarey story. Enjoy!
I was 12 or 13 and me and my dog were sleeping in my bed. In the middle of the night I woke up because my dog was growling. I sat up in bed, looked at my dog and saw that he was growling at something in my room. I looked in the same direction my dog was growling and I saw a shadow person standing behind my door. It was as tall as the ceiling, looked masculine and it looked like it was wearing a long robe. I got scared and hid under the covers and eventually fell asleep all while my dog kept growling. I never saw it again after that.
anon 5:20...you think thats not scary? Thats your NOT scary story? Jeesh, no wonder you didnt wanna tell the really scary one. That would make me scream bloody murder, but it was probably a housecoat hanging weird or something. I've seen shadows like that before. Once my husband left his pants hanging in the bathroom. It was weird. I went in there at night to potty and saw them and it seemed like a man was in the bathroom. My husband heard me scream, he jumped up, ran into the wall and had a seizure from the impact. THAT scared me! Boogy man & a husband having a seizure! No ghost. Just my crazy imagination.
Crabbie-I saw that balloon flying earlier this afternnon from my kitchen window. The flight originated in Fort Collins and came down in Brighton which is North of Denver and the kid isn't in it.
This is not exactly a ghost story, but when I was about 9 I was sleeping in my bed and I put my hand under my pillow and I felt someones hand there. I freaked out and started screaming. My mom came in my room and I was very upset. Of course she did not believe me, but I know what I felt. This was a weird house that we lived in. My parents were told when they bought the house that it was a house full of bad luck. I would also hear someone whisper my name which also scared me.
There was another time when I was about 18 and I was living in another house and I would be woken up by little creatures jumping on my bed and on my hair. It sounds so fucked up, but it would happen every so often there. I thought I was going crazy because no one would believe me. It did stop when I moved.
I would always have this sense of someone in my room when I would sleep in different houses but I am not sure if it was spirits or just my imagination.Who knows.
Spooky photo though..creepy.
Anon 6:13 - How lucky you are to live in Colorado! I am so envious of you. We try to make it out there once a year and every time it's harder for me to return home.
bored. I totally believe you! All of it. I once lived in a house where I could sense creatures jumping on my bed, at my face, taunting me, poking at me. My husband felt it too. This went on for 6 months before either of us told the other! One night he turned over in bed and said "I'm scared." I said I was too and had been for 6 mos! He said Me Too! We moved out the next day. It was real.
My husband and I spent part of our honeymoon in San Diego and while we were there we visited the Hotel del Coranado where the movie "Some Like It Hot" was filmed with Marilyn Monroe. We had lunch at the hotel and were walking around the public areas. The Grand Floridian at Walt Disney World in Florida is modeled after this hotel, it's very Victorian and is beautiful with old heavy dark woodwork inside. They had numerous shops in the public areas and it was very crowded. After a while, my husband had to use the mens room so I waited for him in a small lounge area that was oddly empty of people. While my husband was gone, I slowly began to feel like I wasn't alone in this "empty" lounge. I really felt a presence there and started to get really creeped out. Months later on the Travel Channel we saw that this hotel was one of the top ten most haunted hotels in the United States. I kept telling my husband "See I told you I felt a presence!!"
A few years ago we looked at an old house to buy and I got the same feeling in one of the upstairs bedrooms and I felt like a person had hung themself in the room and died there. The feeling was so overwhelming I told my husband that there was no way I could live there.
Finally, the apartment we lived in when we were first married was in a really old house and almost everynight when I would get in bed, I would feel light footsteps around my legs and feet at the foot of the bed, like a cat or small dogs circling to get comfortable before lying down. We did not own any pets at the time. After night after night of this I began to get annoyed instead of scared and one night I yelled "Just cut it out and go to sleep already!" and the footsteps stopped and never happened again.
@Anon 6:09
No there wasn't anything hanging up where I saw the figure. It appeared in between the door and the wall and I didn't hang things there. It was just bare wall. And what I also find interesting is that my dog started growling at it before I was even awake. It's very common for animals to sense spirits, etc. before humans do. That's confirmation enough for me to believe that there was something there
I can usually feel when there's a presence around, or through objects/personal belongings. But the only time it got personal was when I was in bed and felt someone slapping my buttcheek. I thought it was my mom but I turned around and there was nobody there. I also felt something really weird (I commented on both these stories before) when I picked up a pair of old shoes at the antique store (remember, Pat, when I sent you the shoe photos?). It felt like electricity running through my arm, it was really bad energy. I had to drop the shoes immediately. To this day I cannot look at them, they still haven't sold them. I took the photo for DD and I deleted it from my phone and my computer right after I knew she got it.
Great stories! I'm surprised at how many people have experienced paranormal stuff.
Pat, do you have a story you haven't shared with us yet?
I don't have any personal experiences, but whenever my dad hit my mother, the model boat he made in her name lifted off the shelf and crashed to the floor. My mom, dad, and grandma have all seen my grandpa (a man in a white shirt - what he died in) cross the room while she was pregnant with me.
A really eerie story was when my dad was working in my grandma's friend's house (the crazy one) this past summer. They heard chains being whipped outside, a pool of blood apeared in the dining room (i don't know about that one), and my dad would hear a deep breathing sound in his ear everytime he was alone in the house. Everyone in the house says that stuff like that happens all the time. creepy... :)
We lived in Albuquerque and my maternal Gma died in El Paso. For the funeral, my parents and lil bro and sis (7 and 8 yrs old) went to TX for the funeral. We got two rooms at the hotel that were adjoined by one of those doorways with 2 doors. My bro and sis and I shared a room with a king bed. When we went to bed, I fell asleep at the foot of the bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up to my grandmother staring at me. I freaked up and looked toward the door and saw my mom walking from our bathroom to her room. I said, "mom! what are you doing?" and she seemed to ignore me. My heart was still pounding from seeing my grandma's face like a foot from mine, so I crawled up to my bro and sis and cuddled. In the AM I told my mom what happened and with my gma and she told me she didn't get out of bed at all that night, and I know she is not a sleepwalker. I don't know why I saw my mom walking or why I saw my gma, but I know what I saw.
no ghost stories really....i've seen people before....like i've mentioned the lady in my house, the men on my street....Mikasa has been on my bed a few times, Molly has been around, some of my other kitties have been around also....
once driving thru streetsboro on rte. 43 there is an old cemetary (1800s) and i saw a lady in black sitting on a log in front of a tombstone....old style dress, VERY old style dress....as i passed i turned to look at her face and she was gone....obviously a spirit visiting a loved one's grave....
I wonder if this house is still standing? My daughter wants to go there if so. I told her no way. That was scary shit.
I went to visit a friend that had just moved to Denton Tx from LA. He had bought a 2 acre parcel with an old house on it, right there in the middle of a suburb, you had to drive down a dirt road to get to it, I always thought that was weird. Anyway, me, my friend, and two of his friends were hooping it up and stayed up till about 3. I woke up to the smell of Eggs and Bacon, super strong and covered up my head with the pillow. I had a major hangover and couldnt stand the smell. Anyway, I woke up and walked into the kitchen expecting to find everyone up and finishing breakfast, NOTHING, NOT A DISH OR PAN HAD BEEN TOUCHED! When the group woke up I asked them why they were cooking so early, they looked at me like I was nuts, end of story, NOT! Months pass and my friend in Denton tells me about a small get together he had, in which a few friends and a phychic attended. Well the first thing the psychic says is "do you smell odd things, like things cooking here" this person did not know my friend or me. He said the psychic said that there was a kind old lady that was haunting the place and the way you would know she was around was strange cooking smells. WEIRD!!! I'M GETTIN THE HEEBY JEEBYS JUST WRITING IT!
I can sense things are not quite right in certain locations. I have never SEEN anything though. A friend had me look at this apartment she was thinking of renting. Everything was fine until we went into this one bedroom. She opened the closet door and I just did not want to look in there. I felt like something was in there. She could see my apprehension. I told her I did not like that room. As we were walking the rest of the apartment, it felt like that feeling was *following* me. She decided against moving in.
That has happened in a few places. It does not scare me. I am just glad I do not see anything.
My Mom told me that my Dad could see ghosts. I guess I inherited his Heeby Jeebies.
You feel funny in these places. You get a feeling that you should not be in there. I usually heed the physical warnings.
My house is old and things have happened but I dont get that feeling that it is something bad. If there IS anything here, they leave us alone.
Looks like a kid with his pj's on to me. The banister is causing a shadow onto his pj's. And the camera lens or flash caused him to have lights reflected in his eyes. Is any of that possible with a ghost? They are not solid, so why a shadow? Light wouldnt be stopped by the eyes either. It just looks creepy cuz the fuzzy effects added to the pic & it's black & white. I have pictures of my dog that resemble this. The eyes dont lie.
Well, the only thing I can ever recall being a little paranormal had to be a few incidences when I was little. They were strange and I wonder if it was just my wild imagination as a child.
I was probably around 7 or 8 years old. My mother and I had moved to my grandparents huge house. We live in Miami, so this house isn't super old. It was built in the 60's.
Well, I remember one night, where I slept with my aunt in her bed. I woke up in the middle of the night, because I heard a noise form the hallway. I then noticed a bright RED LIGHT emanating from under the door of the room. Then the DOORKNOB began to twist and turn back and forth!!! AND THE DOOR WAS NOT LOCKED...but it didn't open!!!! How freaking WEIRD WAS THAT???
I remember poking my aunt, and saying that someone was at the door and I was scared. She didn't even wake up!!! She just ignored me and mumbled that it was just my grandfather playing tricks.
YEAH RIGHT! Why would my grandfather,(who was alive back then) do something like that in the middle of the night, and what about he red light!??
That's the most vivid paranormal experience I can remember. Since then nothing else really happened. I think there is something in that house, but I tend to just send good vibes and nothing has ever happened that was bad at least.
We've got tons of ghost stories in our family...
1) My dad's aunt was Rosicrucian, and had seances all the time. One time they had a seance in their living room and were trying to contact her cousin or something like that. They asked for a sign... from the kitchen they heard a crash. They ran to the kitchen, and on the floor were all the dishes the cousin had given my dad's aunt, smashed on the floor. They had flown out of all the cabinets. All the other dishes were still in the cabinets.
2) At another seance, they were trying to contact someone. Nothing happened. So everyone went home. My dad's cousin was walking home from the seance through the streets of NYC, and this rapist/molester who had been attacking women, jumps out of an alley to get her. He goes white as a sheet and runs off. The cousin gets home, tells her mom or whoever, what happened. The person she tells senses something weird and turns off the light and the cousin has an aura around her. The mom says "Hello?" and a ghostly face leans to the side. The mom says "You can go now" and the aura fades. Apparently the cousin was followed home.
3) I visited the Spy House in NJ and went on a psychic tour. Saw a doll move and felt cold chills in rooms. Got ill in one room and had to leave. As soon as I did I was fine. Found out from the tour guide that was considered the "rape room" where the pirates took women. Went back another time, and a picture was banging on a wall as I walked by.
4) The last house I lived in I saw people walking in the hall, and once I what I thought was my wife lean out into the garage from the house. I was getting the mail. I saw her hit the close door button and I had to dive under the garage door before I got locked out. I went in and went to the back of the house, found her in a bathroom drying her hair and asked why she closed the door on me. She said "What? I'm drying my hair, I've been back here the whole time".
Had a few other experiences in that house. We then sold it and moved... that house always gave me the creeps. 4 months after we sold it, the guy who bought it killed himself in the garage.
5) Last one for now... my mom and dad were deciding to sell their house or not. asks for a sign if they should sell or not. Soon thereafter the phone rings, a woman asks about the house, if it's for sale. My mom and her get to talking, the woman says "sounds lovely" about the house. My mom asks to set up an appt to give her a tour. The woman says no, not now, but she's sure my mom will make out ok if they sell it. My mom asks for a name, the lady says "My name is Betty." They say goodbye. My mom then realizes, her mothers name, was Elizabeth. Her dad called her Betty.
Thanks for sharing. You have alot of stories to tell. It's interesting. I have always heard that spirits cannot physically hurt you. I think they mostly annoy or intimidate or observe. Sometimes even scaring us in the mean time! Anybody here seen the movie "The Others"...ok, thats a scary ghost movie. Good one.
that was a good movie---the others!!
Oh the lutz family and the amityville. Its weird that little boy in the pic has glowing eyes. A simple trick with a eraser.
Sorry I just think if everyone kept quite about the amityville. People might of thought it really happened.
Lets see scary stories. Well anyone ever heard of astro projection. When my mom use to read tarot card i use to astro projection.. But then we started getting more evil in the household.. Things like little spirts on your bed at night picking at you... Ok thats not much of a ghost story..
Ok Well on Thanksgiving we were at a friends house one night eating dinner. I didn't know that last year her grandmother died because she was always in the downstairs apt they made for her. We never saw her at all unless we went down to say hi. Well this night things started to get really freaky. First the oven almost burnt the turnkey. Than lights flickerd. We thought we lost power. Than it got cold and started to storm out. Then the eletric came back on for a couple of min. People's coats and jackets were thrown every were. Next the tv down in the basement got louder and louder. I ask my friend if thats her grandmother she was like nooo, she is dead. I was like i'm sorry so who is down there? She said no one. So she sat up and said GRANDMA GO HOME.. Next thing the tv shut down, footsteps up the stairs and the door shut...
Astral projection? Astro was George Jetson's dog. LMAO~!...sorry, I couldn't help it.
A couple...
For my 16th bday my mother took me to spend the night at the Myrtle's plantation. When I went to lay down the bed shook, like someone/something was upset I was in its spot.
When I was really young someone used to call my name all the time and no one would hear it but me.
Also we used to live in a crappy old trailer and when mom would wash the clothes it would literally shake the whole trailer. I was trying to go to sleep so I asked her if she would wait til morning to do it, but she wasn't washing clothes. My room shook on its own.
Weird stuff. Not horror movie worthy, but spooky enough.
I have THREE stories! Would love to hear what you all have to say, especially you, DD!
First strange thing happened when I was very young. I was maybe 5/6, so about 1977-78ish. I had a metal swingset in my backyard, and played on it constantly. This was in Texas, I don't know what the wildlife is like there (have since moved and grown up in a different state), we lived in a new suburb at the time. One day, I saw birds in the sky, and stood on the platform of the slide on my swingset to get a closer look. These birds were not very close, and seemed to fly downward when I was on the slide. I held up my hand to them, one hand up (like I wanted to pet them), and they ALL flew down and circled my outstretched arm??? They continued to circle my hand, close enough to touch their wings and tails, until I climbed down. They were just normal looking, black birds. I had to tell my parents right away, because I knew it was a strange event! However, my parents told me I was "fibbing", and did not believe me. Never happened again.
Second, I used to take walks (in my late 20s) at night with a friend, when we ran into something unexplained. There was this misty, very apparent, white, spiral shaped, something?, about 3 feet long and tapered (like a tornado). It came from nowhere, moved quickly, and disappeared into the ground? My friend and I both stopped talking and walking to watch it, and she commented she hoped it was a skunk going into a drain. I mentioned that it did not look like a skunk, and we saw NO drain where it disappeared! She said we better walk faster..... I have seen something similar to this in pictures, but haven't heard this talked about?
The third event happened to my mom. She was the youngest of 9 kids, and there was a 30 year difference between my mom and the oldest. When she was about 13, my mom woke up to see her oldest sister hovering above her, in white. This apparition told her not to worry about "the boys",(my mom's nephews, this sister's sons, who were around my mom's age), because my mom would still be loved by her parents (my grandparents). My mom went running to her parents about her "dream", and while my grandma was trying to console her, the phone rang to tell them this sister and her husband had died in a car accident. The boys (nephews) subsequently came to live with my mother and grandparents afterwards. They are all still a very close family, today...but do not talk about this?
All very strange, I'm definitely a believer in the paranormal. Look forward to your stories, and any comments you have about mine!
Happy Halloween, All!
My parent's house was haunted. Most people that slept over agreed. My room was the worst, I moved to the attic, thank Goodness.
When I was young, I heard footsteps and saw a figure with a large brimmed hat. I was scared all the time. My mom and I were talking about it and the guy that owned the house prior was a ranger in the army core of engineers (wore a hat like that) and his office was in the room adjacent to my room and the door was in my room. He died of a heart attack suddenly, and we think it was in his office, adjacent to my room! My mom and I had the biggest chills up our spine when we compared stories, whoa!
A few more... from the last house we we lived in, where I saw people walking around...
My son's room had a dutch door, that my dad and I built. My wife sometimes slept in my son's room when he was a baby, so that he would sleep longer through the night. One night, in this room, she was sleeping, and she remembers something as if she were in a dream that the door was opening at the top. Kind of odd.. she tried screaming but couldn't move. She fell asleep I guess, but when she woke up the top of the door was open. I had the same dream..
Also, my parents came to stay w/ us one night. My son slept in our room. My mom had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but it was very dark. On her way back to the room, the nightlight in my son's room was on. She told my dad thanks for turning the nightlight on, now she could see her way back in the room... no response. She said it again, he woke up and said "huh? I was asleep, I didn't turn the light on for you".
Whenever I was out of town the garage door did odd things. Sometimes it went up on it's own. This is the one that I thought my wife was closing on me, in a previous post. The light in the garage also turned on. My wife set up a camera, and the laundry room was to the left of the entrance to the garage, and the light usually tended to go on when she was around. She set up a video camera. You see my wife walk left past the door, and the light instantly goes on. She tries to act normal, walks away, and the light turns off.
We also had a man from time warner come install our cable. He was in the garage w/ me after installing, and we were signing things. I gave him a check. The lights went out and the check was gone. We looked everywhere. We went to look under the fridge in the garage, nothing. We looked a good 10 to 15 minutes. My wife came out and asked what was going on. She made a joke that the ghost must be playing a trick. He put his clipboard down and I went to write a new check. The lights went out again, he picked his clipboard up, and there was the original check, on the table. There was no way he sat his clipboard on it... that scared all of us. Of course, he ran away VERY fast.. he was white as a sheet.
That house always was eerie. Even moreseo I'm sure that the guy killed himself in it after we left.
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