Lots of people have a tradition of watching a scary movie on All Hollows Eve, for me it goes on all year. I think I've seen them all, even the bad ones. Let's face it, horror lovers, most of them are bad. But, there are a few gems. Tell me what YOUR favorite scary movie is!
the others is good, but i wouldn't say it's scary....
nosferatu, the changeling (from the 70s), the haunting of hill house, the birds, psycho, strange cabinet of dr. caligari (original!!!), william b. castle movies---cheesy and good fun! the shining (original)...lost boys for fun!
That movie, which I saw as an adult, freaked me out. Whenever I see that actor I still freak out.
The dirty bathroom in Cabrini Greens practically had smell-o-vision.
As a child I remember being freaked out by "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte." I remember a head bouncing down the stairs.
ooo...i forgot the movie that i saw at age 3 and still has an impact on me this day is Duel! I am STILL freaked out by semis on the road!!!!
It was a made for TV movie, but Trilogy of Terror scared the shit out of me. The one where the freaky little Zulu doll with sharp teeth and a knife chases Karen Black around her apartment. I slept on the couch that night because I was too scared to move.
Mine is predictable and unoriginal. The Exorcist...It's the only movie that really freaks me out. The music is really scary too.
Horror movies today just aren't the same as they were back then.
Anyone ever watch Dr. Giggles?? I watched that movie when I was a little kid with my father. He told me it was a funny movie. He lied! I don't know if he thought it was funny or what..but it really scared the crap out of me. I watched some clips of it on youtube the other day and it wasn't scary at all, except for the one scene when the kid comes out of a dead body that he was hiding in. ugh..more gross and disturbing then scary I guess.
The Uninvited (the Ray Milland movie from 1944 - not the new one which is NOT based on this)
The first Halloween - just hearing the music scares me now
The last 5 minutes of Carrie
i always jump at the end of carrie!
Ohh fun!
The Shining
The Descent
Children of the Corn
The Excorcist
I love Hostel 1 and 2 for the cheese factor, haha.
The Sound of Music...hehehe just kidding
The Exorcist
The Shining, heressss johnny evil creepy
The Birds (the original really freaked me out as a kid, not so much now but a major classic)
The Ring
I find books more scary then movies the made into movie books...when reading you see what you visualize as where a movie you see the interpretation of anothers thoughts...Pet Cemetary scared the crap out of me reading it, Laughed out loud watching it on the big screen.
The Shining
The Others
Flowers in the Attic
Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre freaks me out because it happens on my birth day. I slept in my mom's room for a week after seeing the movie.
The Others I thought was very intelligent for a creepy movie. Cool plot twist at the end.
Not a big scary movie person. I'm mostly into the reality t.v. paranormal shows, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, etc., etc.
Sorry for the double post but after reading comments I wanted to add Pet Cemetary, The Ring, Dark Water.
The Pet Cemetary scared the shit out of me. Saw it when I was 16 and I was freaked. No more Stephen King for me.
theres one called "alice sweet alice" omg that one is soooo creepy still creeps me out
The original "DEMONS".
(and of course, DEMONS 2.. LOL)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
True story and scary as hell. No pun intended :)
The Changeling with George C. Scott & The Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black.
Oh, Mabel Leaf! A kindred spirit. I loved Trilogy of Terror! I remembered it all these years.. of course, the "last" of the Trilogy was the Zulu fetish doll was the most terrifying of the trilogy! But I remembered it well enough to track down a copy and thrilled at showing it to my grandkids who LOVED IT just as much as ol' gramma!
Hello?? Silence of the Lambs, anyone? That movie creeped me right out. How about when he whips that poor bastard's face off his own? Jesus.
How can I forget "It"??
Tim Curry's clown "Pennywise" IS the scariest clown EVER!
The original B&W "Night of the living dead" will scare the shit outta you. I swear I didnt sleep for months after seeing that at a theater when I was 13. It's on all day on Halloween. I think TBS maybe. A marathon. I may watch it during the daylight hours. But I dont know. Yikes! Probably can't make it all the way thru.
remember back in the 60's, you could watch all the old horror movies on Saturday afternoons? All the old B&W ones. Vincent Price ones esp. They didnt scare as bad in the afternoon. It wasnt so bad when the sun was still out! LOL...
@brigadoon: "my medal" ! love that movie!!!
Lots of the old Creature Feature shows were scary, too. I remember one with an astronaut that was stuck in space and control wouldn't bring him back in, the ship explodes and body parts rain down. The dismembered hand goes after all the guys that were responsible. Scared the bejesus out of me!
Laura mentioned Pet Cemetary. The book scared the stuffing out of me. The movie was OK, but did not do the story justice. Cujo was another Stephen King movie that really scared me.
And let's not forget Psycho!
The Strangers about made me shit myself.
@miss tia. Isn't it a great movie! I love the part when he is listening to the tape he made of himself playing the piano music. My daughter loves it too and wants the cd. She is a music major. It is very expensive on e-bay and out of print.
I have so many favorites, but it would have to be..
Saw 1
Saw 2
Saw 3
Saw 4
Saw 5
and waiting to see SAW 6 in theaters on Halloween night!!! Twisted Pictures productions are masterminds!
I would have to say Saw 1 is the best, but they are all good...I am like you DD, I watch them ALL year long. Love a good Horror flick.
I also loved The Mist, kind of strange but good...
h ave never watched one and never will. I have seems a few clips from some of them but, that's it! I can't even watch CSI, Medical Examiner, shows or movies that have any bloody, brutality either.
I would watch the old,old dracula movies as a kid, but that's it.
I get scared and grossed out very easily.
@brigadoon: there's a soundtrack to the changeling?? didn't know that! what i thought was interesting is that in 'the others' it's almost like a homage to the changeling as omniscient things are up a narrow attic stairwell AND the gardener's name is the same!!
i think the changeling is totally underrated....and i like that tape part too!
ghost story with fred astaire is good too...
THE SHINING by a landslide!
"olive oyl" was brilliant in that movie. I stayed in the overlook hotel in estes park colorado where stephen king wrote the book! neat old hotel, but not the one in the movie. a travel goal in life is to find that hotel and stay there someday.
I. Don't. Like. Scary. Movies.
I was too young to see Psycho with my brother & sister when it originaly came out. Have since seen parts of it and decided that's enough. Read The Shining. I normally don't dream and have never had a nightmare ... but I was having very strange/ wierd dreams until that book was finished. Enough of that crap.
Horror movies are kinda cheesy. But I happen to like cheese a lot. I like "Carrie" (I jump too every time!), "The Others" is a good one too, I enjoyed watching it and loved the twist in the end. Hmm....I liked the old b/w Dracula with Bela Lugosi when I was a kid, "I know what you did last summer" is super cheesy but I liked it.
Nobody has mentioned "The Omen" series. There's nothing more terrifying than an evil child. I still have to watch the 2006 remake, but have watched all the 4 movies.
And what's the name of that movie with the white-haired children? That one creeped me out big time too. Oh yeah, "Village of the Damned".
There's another one I saw a long time ago about a couple of child ghosts, who befriended a live child or something like that.
DD!!! YOU HAVE TO SEEE : "Let the Right One In"
It's a Swedish Vampire film. And it is like not other vampire movie I have ever seen. It is simply amazing.
Rent it from Netflix, and make sure you get it subbed not dubbed.
Apparently, Hollywood is going to destroy this movie by making an American version. With the director of "Cloverfield." HOW AWFUL!!!
So watch it before Hollywood ruins it!!!
The movie cam eout in 2008 I think. It is an AMAZING HORROR FILM!!! You must see it!!!
Oh, The Innocents, 1961 with Deborah Kerr.
Here is a review I wrote baout "Let the Right One In".
This is not a BAD horror movie!
YEAH TVsnark!!
Ugh, last night I tried watching The Descent with my husband. After the first 15 minutes, I couldn't even look at it. It wasn't the monsters, it was the horrible claustrophobia I felt watching them squeeze through the tiny openings in the caves and them being trapped underground.
I don't watch anything that's too gory. The last scary show I watched was Tremors and that was a long time ago! It had those big worm like creatures that were eating everyone. That show had a lot of humor but it had some scary moments.
Exorcist (still can't watch it)
The Shining
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
It's Alive
Nightmare On Elm Street
Omen (original)
Salems Lot (original)
Amityville Horror
Pet Semetary
Maureen I wasn't going to post till I read your comment. So I'm not the only one who can't watch horror/scary shows.
I did see The Others when it came out and liked it a lot, but of course it was sad/scary/gross at the end. I never figured it out, had to see the very end.
Also liked "I see dead people" - I forget the title.
When I was young it was 13 Ghosts (the original) and House on Haunted Hill (also the original) Now I would have to say The Exorcist. I hate slasher movies. I want to see a really scary ghost movie. The Changeling was good also.
I agree Connie, reading Pet Cemetery scared the shit out of me. The movie was a big disappointment.
Also if you love a good Zombie movie...watch '30 days a night'! Well it is actually Vampire Zombies, but same thing almost.
"Friday the 13th" and all it's sequels! Nobody scares me like Jason Voorhees. Freddy Krueger and Michael Meyers just don't do it for me. I even like part 8, "Jason Takes Manhattan", which virtually all Ft13 fans hate.
I do not like modern-day horror films as a rule because they either try too hard to be witty and clever and make too many "in" jokes (I HATE the "Scream" franchise, for that very reason) or all they do is try to be as gory as possible. However, I do think the "Final Destination" movies are pretty scary and well-done. The tanning bed scene in FD 3 is nightmare-worthy.
One of the oddest horror films I've ever seen is "Halloween 3". They didn't even put Michael Meyers in it. Instead there is a bizarre plot about an evil company called Silver Shamrock, and some random doctor gets caught up in their evil plans, and it's got absolutely nothing to do with any of the other "Halloween" films.
you need to tell us about your childhood one day!
Now, I bet that would be something scary!
I'm terrified of scary movies!! I've seen Saw, Exorsism of Emily Rose (the newest one), the grudge, the first half of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the first 5 minutes of the ring. That's all I've brought myself to watch in the 17 years of my life. I love paranormal shows even though I have to watch them with the lights on and can't have my feet touch the ground while watching. <-- another one of my quirks, lol!
The Tingler and Phantasm
The Night of the Living Dead
Stephen King's "It"
The first Salem's Lot
Flowers in the Attic
Trilogy of Terror--remember the noise the zulu fetish made when it ran
Just in case any horror movie buffs are reading this and want some ideas, I am a self-proclaimed horror movie fanatic and some lesser-known but good ones I've seen are:
The Convent (stereotypical dopey teenagers break into a convent posessed by demons)
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (Japanese, but dubbed in english. Fucked up movie about plane crash survivors being hunted by an alien)
Pinata (Cursed pinata spirit hunting down more dopey teenagers on a vacation)
The Descent (some girls exploring a cave find monsters living in it)
Shocker (a murderer survives the electric chair and goes on a rampage)
Campfire Tales (a string of horror stories)
Sleepover Nightmare (MORE dopey teenagers, stalked by a crazy guy during their sleepover)
Slumber Party Massacre (seriously the best cheesy 1980s horror movie ever. The title speaks for itself. Go rent it now!)
Sorry for the long post but I just love horror movies! I could go on and on but I promise I'll stop now.
Anon, "I see dead people", The Sixth Sense. I liked that one too.
Let the right on in..is a really good movie. Both my daughter`s read the book and had to watch the movie.
Paranormal Activity was a good scare.
As for traditionals..The Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Friday the 13th (original), Devil`s Rejects, and House of 1000 corpses.
Anything by ed wood.. LOL j/k
Well since my hub said I dont watch horror films except old vincent price ones, hitchock movies, old B movies or horror films that have been nurtured to hell.
So my fav are
What ever happen to baby jane
Org Halloween
Org house on haunted hill
The worst ones that freak the living shit out of me
I didn't sleep for a week when I saw them.. Oh the shinning music by far the creepiest.. Gezz I couldnt even ride a elevator for a month.
OMG!!! I think I just saw a pic of Crabbie!!! I went to his site, as I always do, and there was his Twitter link. With a picture!!! Yay! Hey, Crabbie, you are pretty cute! Disher, I didnt know you Twittered? Maybe you dont, but your posta are popping up on Crabbies Twitter. That was cool. Ok, I have to add on here, the Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Outter Limits and Twilight Zone(original B&W TV series) were very scary intellectual TV shows back in the day. The Time Machine was a little scary, more science fiction. One of my favs was on Alfred Hitchcock, Barbara Bel Geddes, killed her husband with a frozen leg of lamb. Then she cooked it and fed it to the officers investigating her husbands demise. I think it was called "Scarificial Lamb"...excellent.
Does anyone remember the movie Magic, with Anthony Hopkins? That was pretty bizarre, too. Those dummies are freak city.
Bayou Jane said...
The first Salem's Lot
Can you tell me who was in that one? I saw one version, but I don't know if it was the remake or not. It had David Soul from Starsky and Hutch in it.
If there is another version, I would like to see it.
The book scared the crap out of me.
Yep, all good, seen them all. The Changeling with George C Scott is great. Let the Right One In, peculiar, but, good. Candyman STILL scary. No one mentioned Brahm Stokers Daracula. Oh and Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? Freaky. And What Lies Beneath. I liked that one. The Exorcist deservs it's own post.
Steve King's books are so frightening, but, the most of the SK movies suck with the exception of Cujo which was scary, Christine, and The Shining which was brilliant fun. They still left out the scariest part of the book for me..the topiary animal attack! Holy crap that scared me.
Well I did mention Dracula with Bela Lugosi. I didn't find Bram Stoker's Dracula to be too terrifying/scary, to me it was more of a tormented love story. Good movie though. Another one I woke up thinking about, was Sweeney Todd. Very gory.
Dirty Disher said:
Steve King's books are so frightening, but, the most of the SK movies suck
I agree - for some reason they just don't translate into a movie. I also agree though that Cujo was scary.
Last weekend I saw the move "The Langoliers" (spelling?), which was based on a Stephen King book. It was so terrible that it was laughable. Since I have not read that book, I can't judge the book.
The Langoliers was not a fav of mine. The story, I mean. The movie was a fat joke.
The scariest thing SK ever wrote (IMO)..Gerald's Game. OMG.
Steven Kings rose red and the one about a
Big winter storm in new England I can't remember the
title. Tim daly was in it.
The skeleton key will mess with your mind !
The innocents the uninvited the changeling
and the fog both old & new very good spooky
effects. I watch them all year long they are the
best genre that as well as comedies and
biopics. Salems lot oriiginal was the best IMO.
Silly teenagers and slasher flix don't cut it for me
I like ghosts and vampires and haunted houses.
Does anyone remember a soap opera from the
60s called DARK SHADOWS ? It starred
Jonathon Frid as a 300 year old vampire named
Barnabus Collins the serial was shot at Lyndehurst
in the Hudson valley area of ny state the gothic revival
manse was the home of rich tycoon Jay Gould who is still
haunting the place today. Edith Whartons estate
the Mount is still haunted by her too. One of
the most frightening haunted homes I've seem belongs
to the white witch of Jamaica her name was
Annie Palmer and she still resides at her manse
RoseHall if you ever are in montego bay try to go
see her plantation but do not stay after dark !!!
Can you refresh my memory on Gerald's Game - what the basic story was?
I cannot put my finger on that one. I may have to seek it out.
I have read all of Stephen King...even his stuff under Richard Bachman.
You are right about the movies not translating well from the books. I did like Dolores Clayborne, Misery, and Shawshank Redemption (although you cannot really classify that as a horror movie but one of our favs).
The main character of Gerald`s game is the young woman in Dolores Clayborne.
It was a freaky freaky book.
I heard all this hype on Let the Right One In. Promoted as one of the scariest movies ever. My DH and I watched it and we both checked the DVD afterward to see if we had the right movie. WTF?
I recently watched A Haunting in Connecticut and that was pretty good. Lady in White was also good.
I remember this movie when I was young that scared the living shit out of me. It was called Black Sunday. REALLY creepy. This was probably in the 60's. Anyone see it?
My mom really had a warped sense of humor. We would watch horror movies every saturday night (Creature Features) She would ask us to go do something, turn out a light, or get her purse, etc. As soon as we would go she would yell WATCH OUT FOR whoever the monster of the night was. We all laugh about it now.
Nosferatu (the one with with Klaus Kinski)
The Exorcist
The Collector
Return from the Ashes
OH - I forgot:
Red Dragon
Silence of the Lambs
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