I have been the meanest, grouchies, angry-ist (is that even a word) miserable, cussing, grudge holding, pissed off, revenge wanting mofo you ever saw lately, and I'm not about to get over it real soon, but, I do straighten my ass up around kids. They're about the only thing that makes me smile. Lissa wants to be Bat Girl in pink. I told her Bat Girl wears black and she said WHUUUUUT!??? What's your kid going to be for Halloween? Be sure and send pics of them. Awwww, they're going to be so cute. Does anyone make costumes anymore?
I still make costumes. Every year I make very elaborate costumes for my kids. Since I love to sew it has always been great fun for me to create great costumes for my kids. Of course their standards are so high now after being spoiled all these years it can be kind of hard to live up to their expectations. But, sadly those days are comming to an end. My girls told me this year that they are too old and even my eight year old son is saying he is ready to give it up. I am starting to think more about decorations for the yard since they are old enough to help me now and we might actually be home.
My kid doesn't dress up anymore but he loved throwing together items of costumery and becoming a Cabalero. You know, from Disney's Three Caballeros? It was hilarious and random because in Canada Caballeros are few and far between. When people asked him what he was he not only told them, he launched into the song from the movie complete with ear piercing opening "Yiiiiiiii!!!!".
Now I have that song running through my head...
my 2 brothers never dress up anymore, but I'm going as a black cat for the millionth time in a row! Except for maybe 2 or 3 years I've always been a witch or a cat. It's so easy - black clothes and cat ears. :D
A little off topic but- when did you start 'tweeting'?
Lissa wants to be a pink batgirl? Look into Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog. Ok she's a little slutty but I'm sure the costume can be toned down for a kid. She dresses in pink and white.
I'm going as Peggy Olson.
I made all my kids costumes as well. It was very fun, but probably more expensive by the time I bought all the material. This year, my 17 yr old is going as Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. The store bought costume is very cheesy, so I'll be dragging the Singer out once again...LOL
I have a gorilla suit I've been wearing for the last 3 years, no mask, no gloves or feet, just the suit. i'm 40
I made my daughter an indian princess costume out of a pillow case one year. It is so beautiful. This year she is going to be some kind of pop star. The costume was free, so I'm all for it. The best year was when she was 4 and asked to be a spiderweb. (I sent you a pic of that last Halloween.) I keep all of the costumes and my bestfriend and I cycle them around between our daughters and my niece. My son is 13 and is going to a party as the grim reaper.
I'm going to be a witch again as I am every year
and give out the treat bags. My sons are grown now
and haven't gone trick or treating for years. DD I love
your new header pix the owls are a hoot :)
my little one (9) wants to be Marilyn Monroe. There are no Marilyn costumes that I can find for girls her age, so I guess I'll try and make one .Ha that oughta be good. Last year my husband and I were Danny and Sandy from Grease. The fucker snuck outside the party and took the costume off. I was so freakin mad. Too cool for school I guess.
Mini-Snarkie wants to be Kirby. I cannot sew and I don't have any skills for creating costumes.
Any suggestions???
Google: Kirby
Aw, if your granddaughter lived near me I would make her a pink batgirl costume. Good for her for thinking out of the box.
I used to sew my kid's costumes, but I don't enjoy it anymore...fabric is so stupid expensive, and the kids want the cheap looking costumes from WalMart like everyone else in their class.
All I know so far is that my toddler is going to be a chicken. The big kids...dunno yet.
My daughter and I are going to be matching Butterflies. I am really excited because this is going to be my first time making our costumes! I hope they come out good or I'm gonna have one pissed off 9 year old on my hands! LOL!
I am going to try to either make costumes this year or try to get them at a thrift store. I have been looking at these stores and nothing so far. Kids costumes are so expensive, I mean come on $20 at Walmart, give me a break.
My twins are almost 4 and one wants to be Snow White or a black cat and the other is caught between a dinosaur, blue pig, a prince or anything else she may see. It is pretty much changing daily. I have decided that since I will be making them if I cannot find them at a second hand store, I will make the easiest of the choices.
Pat, I'll second that comment that recently the only thing that makes you smile are kids. Me, too. My grandson is about the only person I even like anymore.
I bought a great Jack Sparrow costume frome Disney. The quality of their costumes is really great. I went a little overboard as I even bought a pair of pirate boots(hilarious on a 3 yr. old)for 25.00. He's worth every penny.
My mom made almost all of my costumes growing up, they were SO much better than the store bought cheapies...
I AM also making Sam's costume, she will be a ladybug for the 2nd year in a row, and honestly she's going to be a ladybug as long as she allows it... boring to you but not to me. Last year it was hot pink and black this year it's going to be red and black and SO cute. So much has changed in a year, last Halloween she was still kind of a blob (6months) just crawling, so her costume was kind of just a sack, this year she runs and dances so it's going to be a tutu kind of thing. SO SO SO excited :)
Can't wait to see everyone else's pics!
I'm still looking for a cute outfit for Zahid. It's his first Halloween!
Ok, I'm jealous! I love to sew and no-one to make a costume for. At least who won't chew it off, LOL! My mom will be here for Halloween, maybe I'll make her get out and go to a bar with me. She's pretty hip about stuff, that might be fun.
Well, I lost all my hair to the chemo and now that its come back in and short and curly it looks exactly like snow white's hair do. I have always wanted to dress up as snow white so I'm going to make the best out of my silly hair situation! I'm 24 to your never to old to enjoy dressing up for halloween!
When my son was about 9 he wanted to be a ninja , so I bought one of those really easy patterns and material and thought to myself .... I can do this. How hard can it be ? I worked on that thing all day . It was suppose to take an hour or so according to the directions . It looked pretty good when I was done , but it kind of fell apart as the day went on when he wore it to school . He was happy so that's all that counted . When he was in jr high he wanted to look like he had been beaten up . I was able to give him a black eye with make up that was so realistic the kids thought that he really had a black eye . I was proud !
I always made my sons zombies, werewolves,vampires etc. To me, Halloween is a time for scary costumes. I made my one son up exceptionally good one year as a zombie, complete with gray and green peeling facial skin and a bloody bullet hole in his forehead. He had on an old suit coat. I draped the fake spiderwebs on him and stuck leaves in it. A few hits with a powder puff to look dusty. His hair was spiked and sprayed gray,
He was told to stay away from the younger kids (he was in 7th grade) because he was scaring them and they were crying, but he did win the school costume contest. Oh how I miss those trick-or-treating days when my boys were young. It went by all too fast.
I go all out every year and make my own costumes. My favorite was me as a wind up doll. This year since I am preggo, I am going to be an Egyptian style super hero queen (protector of children and animals).
I made all of my son's costumes until he was eight and then it had to come of the rack like everyone else's. 1st-pumpkin, 2-devil, 3-scarecrow (with yarn straw which made his ears tickle), 4-dalmation (or a cow, depending on how you looked at it) (that is also the year he started not to trust my opinion), 5--Batman, 6-Elvis with cape and rhinestones (actually it was a hand-me-down and he had no clue who Elvis was, but he liked the sparkle), and 7-shark (Jaws and the hardest,the nose kept falling over his face). I still have them and hopefully they will be used again.
I don't have kids but I've always been entertained by my brother's Halloween costumes, he has terrible luck with them. One year he went as a robot by painting a box silver and gluing buttons on it like a control panel. But he forgot there was long, narrow walkway leading to the neighborhood where were trick-or-treating and the box wouldn't fit through it. He had to hold his costume over his head the whole way. Another time he dressed as Santa Claus and he seriously had like 100 people yell at him, "Hey man, wrong holiday!" and laugh.
I love drawing, but I am not good at sewing, so if I had kids I would probably draw up something really cool for them to wear on Halloween, then totally fuck it up when I tried to sew it.
Hey Crabbie!!!!!
What are you going to be for Halloween---costume wise?
I thought your brother's choice of Santa Claus was quite unique. I don't think I've ever seen at Halloween before!
I used to sew all the girls costumes. One year my youngest was Marie Antoinette. That costume took me a month to finish!
Alas they are older now and do not need me to sew them costumes.
I think they both mentioned that they were going to dress up...I hope I do not have to sew costumes!
Thanks for putting up the post Pat. My favorite holiday is Halloween. It's just so much more fun than any other and I enjoy reading how creative everyone is and seeing the different costumes.
My son will be a year old next Monday the 12th and his favorite thing in the whole wide world (which is small at this point) is Thomas the Tank Engine. I cannot sew or be the least bit creative so I bought the costume which amounts to basically a smock with Thomas on the front and a matching hat. I also bought him a candy pail which is shaped and painted like Thomas.
I expect that he will be looking down at his belly the whole time he is wearing it!
My kids are both going to be "Buggle Bee's" as my 3 year old says. I bought the baby's costume at a garage sale for $1 and plan to attempt to make the Toddler's out of a yellow sweatshirt & felt. I'll tell ya though, I found an adorable one at Target for 12.99 all fuzzy with a hood. It is tempting to buy it and save myself some time.
Good morning DD :)
I sent you some pix I just snapped this morning
of what I like to call an autumn sky. Check your
email when you get a chance. Thank you. Kiki :)
ps I love this time of year the coolness &
no humidity - autumn is the opposite of august.
Thanks, Kiki.
Man everyone had some good ideas. I can't wait to see them. I have to look up Kirby.
Kinipela, I'm so glad you have your hair back. I hipe you're well and it sounds like you'll be a beautiful Snow White.
Geez..Kirby. I guess cut out two circles that cover the kid from head to foot, paint them pink and tie them on.
Crabbie, you'd make a better Nellie Olson.
kirby seems hard... i would maybe try to find a pink trash bag cut out holes for hands and feet and stuff them with balloons for the roundness and a pink turtle-neck underneath. my mom make me a bag of grapes this way and i was friggin mortified. haha. as far as the rest of it goes... maybe a big pair of clown shoes for the feet??
It does seem like Halloween is becoming less popular, but maybe that's because my son in grown, I live in a secure apartment building and I don't personally participate anymore.
I loved when I used to take my son trick-or-treating. The year he was six he dressed as a vampire. At one house, the guy asked him if he was there to suck his blood, and my son said, "No. I'm here to suck your candy." So cute.
Just remembering about that Halloween. My son and me (single parent, age 25) and we lived in an apartment complex across from a decent neighborhood. So I took my son into the neighborhood across the street where Hallowaeen was going strong, people decorated and gave out candy and the children were oohed and aahed over, but then at a few of the houses the women interrogated me, like - do you live in this neighborhood (and I was neurotic as hell), and I'd say no (because then I'd have to give a house number), but I'm visiting a friend. And they'd say, "oh, which house?" and I'd say I don't know, I'm just visiting friends - and of course I looked all kinds of nervous like I was there to rob the bank.
So long story finally done -- when children come to your door for candy, just smile, be kind and give them some. Don't be a stupid bitch. :)
you should have to;d them you didn't live in that neighborhood. You were actually SLUMMING that night!
Well last year ava was a witch. It was a dog costume. She was only 3 months old and I thought what the hell it wont hurt.
This year I haven't decided because she is only 14 months old. She really likes Ni hao kia lan. But they dont have costumes. Plus I only know how to glue and staple. We saw a cat costume at old navy for 20.oo I think thats to much. Specially when then dont want to wear it or only wear it for 1 night. Than I saw a tinkerbell, dorothy, a girl gnome or a butterfly.
Its still undecided what she will be at the moment. I'm just looking for a reasonable outfit.
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