If you're pregnant, you should start an IV of soda pop to give your little embryo a good start! Formula is too expensive anyway, fill that bottle with delicious Coke or Pepsi and make sure your child is fitting in. Don't you want your kid to be happy and have friends and a bubbly personality?
Thanks for the info Pat!! I'll get started right away! Good thing we found out I'm pregnant so early, I can get a head start!
I know, I was worried about you. :)
Argh, too late for me. But I vow my grandchildren will reap the rewards of this health tip!!
Is this real ?????
What was the date on that ad? Looks like it was from the 1950s. Good thing my mother didn't believe everything she read, or I'd be crazier than I already am.
Crap-I've blown it already. I knew I was the worst mother in the world.
It's been so hard not to drink coke during my pregnancy but I have toughed it out. I will be the one screaming for a coke once my little guy is out. I hate being addicted to it. I have a 21 year old son now that does not drink soda at all. I never gave it to him as a child, so I guess he never developed a thing for it.
That did give me my laugh for the morning though. Thanks Pat.
Wow,that's quite the ad! Where do you find this stuff? I'm not happy and bubbly, I must not have had enough Coca Cola as a baby, LOL!
Damn, just went back and enlarged the ad. Now I know why I had a hard time fitting in during my HS years. I'd sue my mother if she was still alive.
Hey DD, I don't want to highjack your thread, but I was wondering what you and the readers thought about extended breastfeeding.
I am writing a paper for grad school. The US is different than most countries. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at least one year of breastfeeding, while UNICEF and WHO recommend two years.
I think it is weird to have kids with teeth and who can talk asking for the boob...but I am not a parent!
What do you think of toddlers and walking/talking children that still breastfeed? How old is too old? What's the oldest you ever heard of?
I worked with a woman who made cakes and cookies with her breast milk...she nursed her school aged kids AND would bring her cookies or brownies to work. Gag.
Would love to hear what you all think....
You mean to tell me I wasted the past 9 months drinking water and juice when I could have been knocking back sugary sodas? I'm devastated!
And for Elizabeth - I feel like breastfeeding is a personal choice. I nursed my daughter until she was almost two. The last six months she nursed maybe once at night and it was a comfort thing. I think we are too quick to say nursing should be stopped at a certain point. It is so natural and our culture is so freaked out by it. Even I think that nursing school aged kids is kind of odd - yes, it is done in other countries but that is generally because that is still their main source of nutrition. That is not the case in the US. But I also think if you choose not to breastfeed or can't or whatever that is ok too. Breastmilk cookies - yuck...
I think when a kid could say, "Mommy, boobie," it's too late to continue breastfeeding.
I could not drink anything but water when I was pregnant. I actually craved it. My mom was told by her doctor when she had my sisters in the early to middle
60's that breastfeeding was bad and that formula was the only way to go. She was still told that when I was born years later. What a difference today makes. She also remembers her and her OB smoking in the exam room.
lol nice add dd. This must of been before Doctors were telling you the do's and donts of parenting.
Yes I did get piss off at my mom when ava was only 2 months old and she had hicups/colic at times and she gave her coke. She swears that it works wonders on a upset stomach to. We are only talking about a 1tsp. But still I didnt want her to get all hyped up and crave the coke.
Breastfeeding. Well my thoughts.. I was embrassed to wip out my double ds to feed my child. Even though I was pressured in the hospital to do this. Luckly I had high blood pressure and very low potassium and on a high pain killer that the said its better if I dont breastfeed. My mil breastfeed her daughter only till she was 2. She use to ask for the numies... she said that she did this because of them moving around the country.
Pretty much I think its a womans choice to breast or not to breast.. I know chemical formulas can not give the same ign as the boobie. But they are trying there best to provide some of the same stuff.
I think breast feeding is a womans choice too and we should respect both choices. But, personally, I think breast feeding is for infants.
DD, I hope you did not watch that special a while ago about women who still breastfeed their grade-schoolers. A woman was still giving her 8 year old daughter the boob.
I watched it. She was an idiot.
Bored! LMAO! Reminds me of my dear aunt, in the delivery room staging area, having baby #6. As always, she was smoking her beloved cigs even then. She said listening to all the black mothers screaming their heads off like they were being murdered made her nervous, so she just kept on smoking. LOL...thats Indianapolis circa late 60's for ya'.
so what did that mom do? Go to school at lunch & feed her 8 year old kid? OMFG! That kid will be the misfit for life! Dayum. Not that the kid will have any social skills issues or anything, wow!
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