I am staying home and I hope they have the nerve to invite me so I can say, fuck you and your overcooked dry cat hair covered turkey. Eat my ass for thanksgiving. I may stuff some stove top up a chickens butt and open a can of Ocean Spray cranberry sauce and call it good. Actually, that does sound good. I may even save a turkey. I may adopt some turkeys and put them in my backyard. There fairly annoying..but, not annoying enough. I may add some screaming guineas and a rooster. I wonder how the neighbors would like that? I have to listen to their annoying dogs all the time, a few LOUD birds might be quite fun. I could make a new tradition of watching cannibal movies all day. Bwaa ha ha.
There must be other people who hate this stupid holiday..tell me about it.
i hate holidays like that cuz then i get the "oh don't you have a family" queries from people and it's like mind your own fucking business i am perfectly happy baking a turkey at home to share with my dogs and cats....i sometimes go to a buffay with my friend....but i prefer to stay at home....
there is no law that says you have to torture yourself with your family and there are probably millions of us in the world who say FUCK YOU to their families.....
bullshit indeed!
I am about ready to say Bullshit to my Aunt for Thanksgiving. I called and asked her if she would come up here for it this year since we had it last year in her little dinky apartment, that is full of crap. It was just 4 adults and my son, but still it was cramped.
This year I want my brother and his family, my aunt, my cousin and her fiancee, but when I mentioned it to her she said she just figured we would go to her. I said that I haven't cooked Thanksgiving dinner since the year before my son was born and I wanted to do it. She went on to say "Well it's Lisa's (daughter) birthday that day also" All the while I am thinking that that doesn't stop you from going somewhere. So she told me we'll see.
Tell you what I am cooking and if no one shows up, well that's just more pumpkin pie for me.
P.S. Have you seen "Parents" on Hulu?
Sorry, Pat et al. I do love Thanksgiving,it is the only holiday that I don't feel compelled to buy nonsense. It isn't one big advertising campaign started three months before that makes you feel inadequate because you can't spend what is expected of you by the advertisers.
I love to cook and love the family I cook for.
Miss Tia, you are an inspiration..and I am not joking.
Theresa the movie Parents is hilarous. Classic dark horror comedy, aint it? Bwaaa ha ha. And don't you have "we'll see" as a response to an imvitation? She sounds like she's trying to control you..I know that game well.
Maureen, it's okay with me if you like it. I hope it's nice for you. My family is like rabid retarded wolves so naa, I'll skip it.
All holidays should be banned.
PULLING MY HAIR AND SCREAMING I HATE IT. Anything after the halloween I hate. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years etc... I hate it so much. I was pushed and pushed into sit down dinners, family outings and family get together's. I rather sit home eat a cold turkey sandwich and call it a day. Usually I have to work anyways to tourism never stops.
I have talked with countless people who spend hundreds of dollars to fly and be with a families they despise, usually having to get completely drunk just to deal with it all. It's the opposite of "Happy" and makes the term "Thanksgiving" a joke.
We enjoy the day off, don't get me wrong, and my husband and I usually have my Mom over and a few stray friends if they want. A couple of movies, some drinkies, good grub, fuzzy doggies is all we aim for. We couldn't give a care about the lion's share of our relatives, certainly not to the point of making an effort to be with them. Just because you happen to share some DNA with people doesn't mean you *have to* love or spend time with them. Ever.
In Canada, we've already had Thanksgiving. My son and his new wife had it in their little apt, with her parents, a friend and me. It was very nice because none of my birth family were there, thought about, or invited. Not one neurotic or narcissist in the bunch!
My parents didn't even invite us this year, so I guess they're getting the hint.
I really enjoy getting together with my kids and inlaws on Thanksgiving but it's a lot of work. My 2 grown daughters and their families just love coming here but never volunteer to have it at their houses. Of course we have a pretty big house and much more room for everyone to gather so I can understand why they wouldn't want to cram people into their limited space. So I guess I'm stuck. The daughters always volunteer to help out in the kitchen but I have to watch them closely cause they get distracted easily with all the commotion, i.e., talking and laughing and carrying on with all the guests. I shouldn't be complaining. But it's just that after all these years of doing it up big for Thanksgiving for once I'd like to be a guest at someone else's house for dinner. I even thought about having us all meet up at a swanky restaurant for a Thanksgiving buffet but the family thought that would be too impersonal.
I never loved or hated the holidays. My family are a bunch of dysfunctional fucktards but we never had fights or drama. Some times it was fun, sometimes it was meh. My husband and I moved 1000 miles away from both of our families last year and now we have the holidays to ourselves. We can eat what we want and do it at our own pace. The best is no asshole in laws to deal with. No nauseating Catholic guilt thrown at my husband from his mother or semi literate brother in law to avoid.
I love turkey and everything that goes with it. I've tried to have the entire family and that usually ends up in stress and hatred, so now I make the turkey and whoever is there, is there. I make a mean dressing, so that means more leftovers for me...:)
I enjoy Thanksgiving.
Makes Sense???
My mothers, step-mother who raised her gave my sister who does NOT cook, all of her nice cook-ware so she could have all the family over, when my sister called me over and began asking what's this, and what do I use this for...I told her to figure it out she's the cook (I love cooking and baking)my sister is not willing to give me any of this stuff, but is always asking hey Connie you going to cook a turkey for thanksgiving cuz I'm inviting flavor of the month boy-toy over and don't forget to make the coconut cream pie.
Before I got married my son and I went to my moms for thanksgiving, after I got married I told my mom I would take over the family holidays to which she was extremely pleased and every year the same thing would happen, about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving I would begin getting the count of people who would be over usually being 15/20 by the day before Thanksgiving that number dropped to 5 because my stepfathers children chose last minute they didn't want to come to my house so my mother would be scrambling to buy things she would need, I would decline her invitation and would go around asking all my fathers homeless friends if they would want Thanksgiving dinner. So it always turned out well!!!
WTF would your step granny give the sis who doesn't cook all the cookwear??????? I'd love to hear the story behind that.
I am constantly amazed at the number of people who have cut ties with their extended (bio) family. It makes me feel not so abnormal since I have done the same thing. A family unit can be anything... not just blood relatives. My husband and new inlaws are much more loving and caring toward me and my children than their bio dad and his family ever were. And don't get me started on my own extended family. I agree with Miss Tia's sentiments.
Angie, wanna share that stuffing recpie?
Lmao @ the cat haired turkey!!!
I hate this holiday because it has been altered by society. People forget that the "Day of Thanksgiving" was when many man, women and children were slaughtered. That and the fact that millions of turkeys are killed.
I will go to my families house but it is not a typical celebration, more of just food.Unfortunately
my sisters are not around and do not talk to my parents so it is weird now.
Holidays just tell people how alone they really are. It is really depressing.
I used to love Thanksgiving. My hubs' family has ruined it for me. Christmas is even worse. I'm already getting that knot in my stomach.
I dunno, but, I like being alone. If my daughter and her man come over there will be food, but, her dad always has a big dinner. If my grand daughter is here, we'll have dinner, but, if it's just me, that's okay too. I just hate the rest of my family, they can go suck a cats ass.
Cut, what did they do to you??
thank you DD! I gotta say it really helps having friends here who feel the same way and who have had similar experiences!
I never understood the need for traveling thousands of miles that one time of the year when you can do it some better time, and have the same family bonding time you so want. It's amazing how we value the company of the people we love only on some given day of the year, when there are other 364 days when we can do just the same. And what's worse, drag our cranky children and cranky selves through flight delays and crowded airports. Not fair for anybody.
There's been times when it's only been my mom and I for Christmas (we don't celebrate TG in South America) and we'd do fine just the same the two of us alone. We stopped doing the family gathering thing a looooooooooong time ago when the kids grew up. And even then it was never a big deal for us, there were years when we were at home just all four of us. As long as the four of us were together that's all that mattered.
I like entertaining people, and cooking and baking and making yummy stuff for others, but, I would take a night alone with my husband over the craziness any day.
I use to love Holiday dinners.
Now not so much as I am expected
to clean, cook,and clean up after
a bunch of ungrateful step-kids.
8:32:00 PM, man, you married into it. That's even worse. Sorry.
Score me on the hate it side. I'm 2100 miles from my family and I still think it's too close because they can still get to me by plane in 4 hours.
Pat, No shit. My kids have always appreciated and helped me prepare
and clean up from meals...any meal.
Step kids can Fuck Off this year.
Go to YOUR Mommies house you ungrateful Brats.
Annon 8:32
We dont treat Thanksgiving the way most people do.
My hubs has to work this one but when he does not..it is a total family pajama fest.
No relatives to see. No parades if we dont want to.
There must be football but that is why we have more then one tv.
My oldest is a vegan and my youngest hates turkey so it is always an interesting meal.
I would cook a turkey breast with trimmings, tacos (for youngest) and a Tofurky for oldest.
This year will be very different. I am having surgery on my back very soon. So no turkey cooking for me. Hubs may work (dont know if he will take off cause of ME), and Oldest will be in TN.
So Youngest and I were thinking of having really good chinese food!
I have to call around to find out if they will be open.
I have a really good sausage stuffing recipe that was handed down by my Mom. My hubs loves it so much that I have to make it every year.
Pat, thank you SO much for bringing this up, because it's been on my mind since before Halloween. I HATE Turkey day, for most of the same reasons posted here, and Christmas? Just makes me INSANE!! My UBER conservative, bitchy family can't seem to get it that I am FORTY-FREAKIN'-TWO, have my own life, have tats, cuss, have a DEGREE for chrissakes--yet, they still want to treat me like I am TEN. But I have learned that when my control-freak mother dominates the kitchen to just go downstairs and look for a "Law & Order" marathon! lol
Am very glad there are many people here to commiserate (sp?) with! ;)
10G (Gina)
I have lots of pretty good memories and the traditional food. I'm working this year. I hope to make the day fun for others who don't want the stress and the mess at there own house and want prime rib instead of turkey. Though traditional turkey dinner will be available.
My family talks ALOT! They kind of drone on with lovely stories of the past, or the latest tree beetle infestation. It will be nice this year hearing the sound of my own voice. (I'm only a little narcissistic.)
Best thanksgiving we ever had was at a restaurant!!!
Usually my husbands cooks, but we were going on a road trip the day after,so we just ate out! Went home to a clean house, and all took naps!!!!
For some reason I have visions of you molding tofu into the shape of a turkey! I'd like to see the drumstick!
Being Native American, I haven't celebrated this "holiday" since my mother died 15 years ago (she was all about the holidays, so I did things for her).
Now, we pretty much look at it as a cool 4-day vacation!
I might cook something to honor the earth and my ancestors, like Chicken Cheese Chowder and homemade bread, then we watch movies all day.
I'm happy to say that my adult children have followed suit and do not celebrate this day.
I do like turkey, though. We have turkey and all the trimmings in February or so, when it's very cheap. It's not to honor or celebrate anything but a good meal with many leftovers.
I hated the holiday growing up with alcholic parents that were trashed. But now with my three daughters and lovely wife of 18 years. Hell yes I am thankful and enjoy the holiday. Give me a tv dinner but I know to be thankful for what I have. Hate my job yes....but damn I love my life. So give me a friggin turkey leg. Why bitch? We are still alive
Two days ago you were doing an elaborate samhain ritual hoping to draw in positive energy for the coming year, and already you're back to spewing hate about your family.
DD I wish you can come up here and spend the
day with me it's my birthday and forget about all
the hullabaloo of turkeys and stuff it ! Just
relax and have some coffee and birthday cake
with me and my boys. Our thanksgiving came & went
amonth ago and I made a nice lasagna :)
Btw dd your birthday is almost here soon I remember
conversing about this earlier in the year as u are
a Scorpio and I am a saggitarius. I hope I can remember
when your date is I don't want to miss saying
Happy Birthday to you. Today is the third I hope I haven't
missed it already ! Omg in case I can't recalll
let me say it now.
love your friend
Kiki :) in Canada
I dont get why Thanksgiving is the most popular day for travel each year? Why travel & fly to some other state, country for a turkey meal? I never did understand that. Standing in line at the airport for a flight then hours later landing someplace, somebody has to stop what they are doing & pick you up and haul you & your luggage to someones house then over to the place where the dinner is taking place. Hope you can scrape some stuffing out of the pan! Cuz nothing will be left when you get there! So stupid!! And expensive. Its not a vacation, it is one day. I aint wasing my money flying someplace for a day.
Bayou Jane,
Hell no I am not molding a turkey but that gives me flashes of Marie Barone doing it..LOL
No, it is actually something you can buy.
It is not half bad. I mean if that was all that was being served, I would not have a problem eating it.
I just love turkey!
anon 5:12am....you are a total clueless fucktard....
HaHaHa Pat I have asked that question many times. I guess because she gave me her clothes that had gotten to big for her (cough cough)and then informed me that they most likely wouldnt fit because I was way larger then she was or even could be. After her visit I told my mom, did you see the clothes grandma mildred gave me, the pants had the seams ripped out in the seat or the sides, the shirts were ripped and torn at the seams, my mom kept apologizing for her and we laughed about it and told me that she would throw all of it away considering the old woman had her car smelling like piss from her not being able to control her bladder. She passed away a couple of years ago, I still hear her voice when she would call "Connie, Connie,Connie this is your grandmother, Connie, Connie, Connie I don't know why you and your mother don't answer the phone when I call"
Another funny thing about grandma mildred her youngest son was/is gayer then gay I'm talking flaming an awesome guy Uncle Frank and up til she died she was looking for a wife for uncle Frank even though he told her Mother Im gay I want a husband, she would argue with him telling him he wasn't he would say Mother you met my lover Chris, oh Frank she would say Chris isn't that way.
LMAO Connie..gawd, she sounds related to me. "You're not "that way", how many times has my mom said that to my brother? AGG!
Noelle, you crack me up. Still.
Kiki my birthday is not until the 16th. But, thanks.
Oh DD I'm glad I didn't miss it ! I actually
asked lisa k & brigadoon to helpe remember it
I thot it was on the 12 or 14 th I was close ;)
Connie roflmao what a funny lady she was
your poor uncle frank we have two gay uncles
my grandma is 91 and thinks her 72 year old son
my uncle Jerry her oldest of 11 children will be &
is still looking for a wife ?!?! And her lil baby
my uncle luke he's only 56 there's lots of time
she says !?!?! Grandma is a hoot she just can't
or won't see that they are both gay.
Bill I like your attitude dude :)
you hate your job but live your life and your
wife and 3 daughters you are a what we call up
here a gem :) give you a tv dinner dude you rock !
Anon 512
miss Tia ita how dare she speak to DD like that !
Shut up and stop hiding !
DD I'm glad you are back & in fighting form
I have often thot of you and hoped you would
return to your wonderful blog I just love
your posts, topics, pix, stories, ( all of them the funny
ones and sad ones but the spooky ones are my favourite )
I look forward to your entries everyday. DD
you rock too :) !
Oh DD I'm glad I didn't miss it ! I actually
asked lisa k & brigadoon to helpe remember it
I thot it was on the 12 or 14 th I was close ;)
Connie roflmao what a funny lady she was
your poor uncle frank we have two gay uncles
my grandma is 91 and thinks her 72 year old son
my uncle Jerry her oldest of 11 children will be &
is still looking for a wife ?!?! And her lil baby
my uncle luke he's only 56 there's lots of time
she says !?!?! Grandma is a hoot she just can't
or won't see that they are both gay.
Bill I like your attitude dude :)
you hate your job but live your life and your
wife and 3 daughters you are a what we call up
here a gem :) give you a tv dinner dude you rock !
Anon 512
miss Tia ita how dare she speak to DD like that !
Shut up and stop hiding !
DD I'm glad you are back & in fighting form
I have often thot of you and hoped you would
return to your wonderful blog I just love
your posts, topics, pix, stories, ( all of them the funny
ones and sad ones but the spooky ones are my favourite )
I look forward to your entries everyday. DD
you rock too :) !
Get out of my head, LOL!Sometimes I think you are reading my thoughts... I'm not sure what I'm doing for the holidays, I have less resources than in past and I'm 2700 miles from "home" I hate this time of year, a lot of stress and even people I love and get along with lose their minds. I may stay home and read and cry.
Some of my worst life experiences have been at Christmas
1. Death of my uncle and aunt incapacitated by a stroke, same day.
2. Huge knock-down dragout fight with MIL, involved her almost attacking me.
3. Getting so sick that I should have been in the hospital. Back so bad, I could hardly get on the plane to go home.
4. My brother losing his mind and being super mean to me.
5. Every year for the last 10years being away from the now ex-hub due to the fight in #2.
I want to cry thinking about it all now.
I actually really enjoy Thanksgiving. My house is generally a wreck (it's been a bad year), but there's nothing like the motivation of having an unspecified number of guests for a nice dinner to speed along a spiffing up.
My mom often cooks, but I enjoy it, and have taken over the past few years. My brother is divorced and has two grown sons, they may both come, my mom, my sister and brother-in-law, and possibly either of her grown children and their families, or at least parts of their families, or maybe none of their families if law enforcement is involved, etc.---there's no way of knowing until that day, as we have a significant amount of dysfunction in the family. I don't know if my in-laws will come over, as my father-in-law is ailing, but we will roll with it, unless he doesn't last that long. In that case, all bets are off.
I love baking the turkey, making the dressing, and everything that goes with it. The more different dishes, and comfort food, the better. If someone wants to bring something, or help, that's great. Otherwise, I'm good on my own.
Hope it's a good one for everyone.
I am going to miss Grandma Cleta's cooking. She was an AMAZING cook. I miss her. RIP Gma.
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