Which celebrity would you like to stick pins in? Yeah, we can use our evil powers to get rid of them. The trolls love this shit, they think we're a coven. I'd make one for Kate, one for the Kardashians, one for that brain dead idiot, Carrie Prejean, one for Michael Lohan..let the list continue. It's Internet evil. Bwaaa ha ha.
Let's get rid of the Dog Whisperer.
Definitely Carrie Prejean. The more I hear about her, the more I can't stand her.
I think these idiots will self-destruct and don't need any help from us. Who would I like to help reach the dark-side? Surely not someone famous, or named Shirley.
Who's Shirley????
Worship Satan, burn in Hell. It's as simple as that.
I was trying to be funny.
5:03:00 PM, JAM! That was me sticking a big rusty pin in my troll doll. Yep, Pagan means Satan worshiper, look it up. I have to go give the Debil his special ass crack kiss now. Bye, trolly wolly.
Snarky, I'm slow today. Took a migrain pill..or two. LOL! Still sharper than our trolls though. Of course, pubic hair is sharper than most of them.
The best thing we could do is never, ever mention Prejean's name again. She gives empty-headed morons a bad name.
Wish I could stay, off to worship Satan and burn in Hell. See you there!
Kate Gosselin
Shana Moakler (sp) (She's a trouble-maker)
Stephanie Skantaro
Mustache Mom Skanktaro
Kate Major
Those are the ones on my shit list RIGHT NOW....but i might get mad later so who knows who I will add.
Right now besides Kate Gosselin, Miley freakin Cyrus!!!
DD, if it's a red pubic hair it's even sharper...fuck off stupid troll!
Elisabeth Hasselbeck she annoys me, Kate, and Jon, most of the people on TLC reality...you can leave out the littlest couple Jen and her husband although I think he can be a dweeb but she's adorable. Suri's father Tom whoever. Octmom. Im sure there are more but those are the ones I can think of now.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck! I hate her. I want to punch her.
Pat, sorry about the migraine. I get them too. Hope you feel better.
I got it in time. If I take my meds when they come on, I'm usually okay, just a little wonky today. If I wake up with one, I'm screwed for days though. Well, you know, since you suffer them too. They can really suck, huu?
Yes they do suck. That is mt problem, I usually wake up with them and them it is to late to abort. Yep, sucks! I want to post on the liar thread but don't know what to start with. Did I mention that Miley sucks!
Perez Mario lavadandaria Hilton and Paris Hilton
Nikki Hilton rick Hilton Kathy Hilton Joe Jackson
Donald trump senior David letterman prince Charles
Camilla Parker bowles queen liz#2 Les moonves
mark Burnett Doug Reinhardt all those hairy
gorillas aka the kardashians and bruce too :(
stoopid men who have facelifts - Kenny Rogers
Burt Reynolds yik how vain !!! Ba ba wa wa on the
view too and Bruce Willis Demioorraashhkutcher
tumer horseface Willis just Jared of jj & rol.
Mike walker of national enquier Howard stern and
his horsefacecroaseyed wife Beth 0 JackieFartlin
babbaboooey robin quivers Melissa rivers there
are soooooo many of these I could open a store
and call it ASSHOLES ARE US ! Kiki ;-))
The Huggard's! The people with all the kids and a new granddaughter. I'm not sure I spelled the name right.
Any REALITY people!
And our own little TROLL that keeps butting in where he/she/it is not wanted.
DD--Hope your head is better!
Kiki, that was impressive. I am ordering more pins.
Ashton, Demi and their fucktarded Twitter shit. Kill them now.
Bayou..the Duggars? Rabbit breeders.
I forgot to remind the TROLL----if you have read any of out last several comments, you will know most of us have had our HELL already. Most of us would agree that it can't get much worse than it is or has been!
Troll....bend over and put your head up your ass where it belongs!
I like the K-Dash's!!! Whats up with that? You used to like them too.
But lets get rid of those erectile disfuncion commercials, all of 'em! I hate them!! Blech!!! Can we voodoo a commercial?
5:03...I guess God decided to log on & comment, eh???
DD .... Gwenyth Paltrow ... Buddy the fake cafe boss
who really is a mamas boy Valasco eileen oniell
tlc dr phuuul of shit Racheal rayyyyyy she really sucks
donkey balls .... Oh my gawwwd DD I could go on
.... & 0n .... It's just the tip of the iceberg !
The Dugger's parents for sure maybe there is some hope for the little kids. Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Tom Cruise, Octomom, All the idiots on Fox news. That's enough to keep busy!
The Kardashians are worthless humans. Worthless. The mother is an idiot, the daughters are brain dead, the little girls want to be porn stars. Bruce is the only one that's decent.
That friggin' Gweneth Paltrow needs to be stuck in a meat grinder head first and the vid posted on Goop.
Yes, Rox, voodoo a commercial. There's one I despise right now and I still don't know what the hell they're advertising.
But DD, honestly...I know you used to like them. We both even agreed that the mom was the prettiest one. It may have a year ago, maybe less. Kris has of late been messing with her face, it ain't good! I hate that, now she will be deformed. But truly, you DID used to like them & you watched the show!!! What happened????
PS: I say Nick Hogan & his parents need punctured on here. What about them? They are accountable for Nicks accident.
And what's up with the Amazon Khole? She's been to the most exclusive privates schools in Beverly Hills and talks like a friggin hillbilly......weddin, talkin,lookin.....it's like there's no "G" key in her vocabulary......
Any and all of those Kate Gosselin lovers (although some of them are celebrities only in their own minds).
Chris Brown,Bernard Madoff,Christian Bale,Alex Rodriguez,Rod Blagojevich
Gwyneth Paltrow (pin with lace)
Jane Fonda (horse shoe nail with red lace and a crushed crab shell)
Kate (pin with tail)
John (pinhead)
I have watched the Kadashians, that's why I know they're worthess. It's not okay to be too damn lazy to work an hour in your own store. It's not okay to have no work ethic at all and think the world owes you a living because your pretty. It's not okay to dress your 11 year old sister in a low cut push up bustiere and a pound of make up and parade her in public, it's not okay that mom is okay with that, it's not okay to have your friends help a 9 and 10 year old make a girls gone wild pole dancing vid. It's not okay to lie to your husband constantly (Kriss) and pitt your children against each other and your husband. I could go on and on. Nasty people.
DD! That proves you did watch the K's. You know everything about them! I have to agree with everything you said too. I still watch it on reruns. I can't help myself. I was watching Khloe's wedding episode and I have to say, if Kris & Bruce stay married I will be amazed. I dont know whay Kris constantly decieves the man. He finds out most of the sh** from the news or radio! They never tell him anything, ever! But he still finds out and then he has it out with the girls & his wife. The son Rob seems to be the exception. He seems like a good genuine guy. The little girls will be lost. I still watch, I am owning it right now. I love Kendra's show too. I can't wait to see it when it's back. She lives in Carmel, In now. But is back in Cali till the baby is born. When they show Indy on her show it will be so great. Hank is nice guy. Sorry to go off. But I needed to know if I was crazy for remembering you watched the K's! I know what they are, but they entertain me too! Kris & Bruce are toast. haha
Yeah! I love Glenn Beck. The guy is a Libertarian with the guts to call it like it is. Not a politician at all either. He got on Bush about the spending and Iraq, and now he's giving it to Obama, but Obama can't decide what to do about him either.
Awww.. The list just wouldn't be complete without Baby Fucking Mama's head on one!
Would you like me to box it up and send it to you???
Josh and Jim Bob Duggar
Tom Cruise
Dr. Phil
J+K (of course)
Richard Heene (Balloon Boy's Dad)
OMG Carrie Prejean. God doesn't want two ppl in love to get married but he wants her to twiddle herself on camera for her boyfriends? UGH she drives me mad.
anon 7:45 Poor Glenn, the red phone never ringgs :( Did you know he had his appendix out last weekend? He's back to work today.
Becks phone never rings because the White House would have to engage in answering straight questions.
WOW....I'm surprised you people like Glenn Beck. He's a fat raving lunatic to most.
gwenyth paltrow
dr. phil
kate grosslien
adam sandler
jerry seinfield
bill cosby
reality show 'stars'
miley cyrus
kathy griffen
jennifer aniston
angelina jolie
bradd pitt
jennifer lopez
any celebrity who thanks 'god'
Awww.. The list just wouldn't be complete without Baby Fucking Mama's head on one!
I second that...
Baby Bowel Movement Mama..hmm, why don't I just stick pins in the Kate doll and let BM feel it? I mean, she IS Kate, right?
Snarkie: yes, someone famous, and don't call me Shirley ( I got it) ghehehe
Well burn in hell, I guess I wmight..hopefully there's an open bar there.
Let me add Jim Carrey and Will Ferrell and Fox News and Geo. W. Bush. Chenay and the rest of the cabal deserve hot pokers up there asses 24/7; pins aren't strong enuff.
Hank Paulson
Ben Bernanke
Angelo Mozillo
Nancy Pelosi
Chris Dodd
Barney Frank
Goldman Sachs
B of A
JP Morgan Chase...et al
LOL All of the above mentioned.
But DD, in all fairness, Hasselcrack is the only one who doesn't buy the Kate Gosselin charade. At least that's something good. But I can stick a pin or two on her too anyway.
People you forgot Iwhine!
Perez Hilton & Tom Cruise I hate fanatics of any kind.
Hell was a troll invention back when it was introduced to christianity - after the death of christ - and it's a troll invention now.
Seriously...burn in hell forever for what you did during 60 or 70 years of pathetic human life? What the hell kind of justice is that? Troll justice. They wish. If they redirected the energy they expend condemning people they feel threatened by, and put it into being better people, they just might be less pathetic. Maybe.
Nancy Grace
Howard Stern
Rush Limbaugh
Dick Cheney
Carlos Diaz
Dr. Phil
Shaquille O'Neal
Nancy Pelosi
Glenn Beck
Rosie O'Donnell
Donald Trump
Richard (Balloon Boy Dad) Heene
(I refuse to refer to that freak as "President".)
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly
Larry Craig
Rush Limpballs
Anonymous @11:56
Ooh fun topic!
Jennifer Aniston-We KNOW your husband left you for Angelina Jolie. Shut the fuck up about it already. You're pathetic
All the reality skanks like the Kardashians who have no talent except sexualizing everything they do
Kate Hudson-I hate this twit, she only has a career because of her mother and I've never read a single nice thing about her *anywhere*. I hear she never tips. A big spoiled brat
Christian Bale-because I'm a Batman fan and I hate the way he plays Batman. His growly "Oooh I'm dangerous" Batman voice is stupid. Also he is a pyschopath in real life apparently, as evidenced by that tape of him screaming at a crew member for like four minutes straight
Tom Cruise-STFU about pysch drugs being evil, you aren't a damn doctor and you don't know what you're talking about
Katie Holmes-for marrying Tom Cruise
Britney Spears-Another no-talent skank. My brother loves her. Yuck
Stephen Harper-I hate this guy and wouldn't vote for him even if he was running against a sea monkey
Sarah Palin-Her 15 minutes should have been up long ago
I'm sure I've forgotten lots of people...
You can also add IWHY.. But you should probably use some holy water first. Freak!
Oh hell yea, you have to add Dr. Phil and I know I will get a lot of
"Boos", but you can add Oprah to that list. People act like she's the "second coming". She's really starting to irritate me.
I worked with a Katrina victim in 2006.. Oprah had given them a Hummer to use. The women had to drive about 100 miles a day back and forth to work. She didn't think about the cost of gas for that thing! The people she worked with collected money to help her buy gas.
As far as I'm concerned, she's all show. Also, in a list of celebs that gave to charities, She was not in the top 8. This woman is worth billions!
How could I forget the "Little General"---Tom Cruise!!! Now he's a twat!
Miss Tia said: "Any celebrity who thanks 'god'"
Oh I so agree! Look at all the bad things happening in the world-if there is a God, he's got better things to do than make sure some overpaid celebrity wins a Golden Globe or something.
I also hate any celebrity who whines about the paparazzi. You wanna make millions of dollars for a few weeks of work, you gotta suck it up when it comes to the paps. Or else move out of L.A. Either way, I am so over celebs pissing and moaning about the paps.
Hey Corina, first you need to learn to spell Cheney.
As a military Vet, I prefer a leader that has clear goals and can give me a clear objective. There is no mission in Afghanistan because there is no strategy. Marines are just holding their cocks at night and patrolling newly booby trapped roads in daylight.
Barack Obama is not a leader. He took 7 months to make a decision about a family dog breed, and the n Ted Kennedy gave him one.
"Nobody can be forced to give an account of doing nothing"-Roman Emperor Galba
Miss Tia; God's gift to man is free choice. Read some Milton, or Dante.
dirtydisher said...
Elisabeth Hasselbeck! I hate her. I want to punch her.
Oh please can I hold her for you? :)
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