Oh, the revelations of science..get this..apparently the world needs to know why horror fans like horror.
"New York University neuroscientist Josep LeDoux has mapped out neuron by neuron how the brain's fear system works. He says the complex human brain with its enormous capacity for thinking, reasoning, and just plain musing, allows us to worry in ways other animals can't.
That is, fear is not merely a biological reaction, but an emotion derived from both deep-seeded evolutionary factors as well as newly learned cautions. Conversations between the brain's primitive amygdala and the more recently acquired cortex allow humans to interpret an environmental event and respond with an emotion such as fear.
Scary movies can play on this, LeDouz says, "If you have a good imagination, you can connect to your hardwired fears simply by thinking about a scary situation." '
So basically, this brilliant research project found out that horror fans enjoy being momentarily scared. Joseph LeDoux's work is funded by the National Science Foundation and other federal agencies. His work? Really? How about some federal funds spent on researching why people waste federal funds? Anyone want to comment on the absurdity?
I have some experience in the subject of fear and reaction.
Alter ego trying to protect itself will fool the brain into thinking something/someone is a threat. Fear (emotion) like hunger, anger, etc, stimulates the central Nervous System which releases endorphins, adrenaline, and all sorts of other chemicals to enhance perception.
Weak knees and shortness of breath will follow and lastly your fight or flight response. Number one rule of a fight is your survival; act accordingly and don't be scared of the unknown.
Pork projects and politicians should fall to the same fate; trashed.
look at the money wasted on places to test on animals! they torture animals by putting chemicals in their eye to prove it burns! WTF?!
shit like this pisses me off....
we waste BILLIONS on shit and yet there are homeless and hungry children in this country....there is something seriously wrong....
I'm not with you on this. Dr. LeDoux's foundation does a lot of good research into how the brain works dealing with stress and panic attacks which could conceivably help people who suffer from these, including returning war veterans.
My problem with articles like this is they take the most sensationalistic parts of research and trivialize them. This is just a small portion of the valuable brain research being done but you'd never know it from reading the article.
Research science is sometimes a meandering journey. Oftentimes the most important discoveries occur when and where you least expect them.
I can't even begin to comment on the watse of this country. Starting with the bailouts that have failed, money lost hundreds of billions. If they would have given each American 1 million dollars , as was suggested by me & many others. This country would have pulled its own ass out of this shit mess. Now, we are still back at square one, less the money owed to the Chinese now. Fail. And I make crap money but just too much to qqualify for any assistance. Now that sucks. The ones who need help cant get it if they make over minimum wage. Unless you are a bo-jillionaire banker. This country sucks. Can nobody in the entire place balance a damn checkbook? I guess not. Poor people dont have checkbooks. I hate this shit. Poor stay poor. Nothing ever changes. Leaving me and most other people marginally poor to 1-2 paychecks from homelessness. Thats a fact.
Study indoor cats for awhile and then tell me animals don't manufacture fear.
How about some federal funds spent on researching why people waste federal funds?
Fine idea, Pat!
I thought the same thing when I saw Nasa spending over a billion dollars. To send a rocket into space to hit the moon to find out if there was water on the it. WTF.. who cares.. People are dying, wars, unemployment, starving people, homeless, health care etc.. But the stupid gov grants them this $$$ to find water.. STUPID..
My comment didn't get posted, so this is a test post.
a pox of the motherfucker who has been so full of themselves that they keep posting here to the point that now comments are moderated...
I know Pat can't ignore the trolls, but the rest of us can. Just skip over them and pretend they don't exist. It's easy.
The ones that used to bother me were the chinese character posts. Now I don't even 'see' them, just like they're not there.
Lawyers get voted in and make laws that tilt everything to their favor. Corzine was a Goldman Sachs CEO, like many other Washington rich politicians that bailed each other out on the American credit card.
Except now we have Union and Chicago style politics to add to the mix. No bills get read, instead we just have to trust that it will all turn out as they say.
I am concerned for the first time ever about the direction we are being taken into, because nobody with any financial savvy can look at what is going on and be comfortable. Our debt is astronomical and Washington keeps proposing economic crutches to support a jobless recovery. Nuts.
We got the fucking Olympics for 2010 and the gov has so far spent almost 1 billion dollars on them. A BILLION DOLLARS! It just makes me want to throw up. Meanwhile there are homeless people all over Vancouver and the government turns a blind eye. They wouldn't give a homeless person five cents but they will spend a billion dollars on a two-week event.
Hi Allison, I'm in Vancouver too. I'm shuddering to think of how we're going to move in the streets during the O's.
I haven't talked to one single person about the O's that hasn't expressed a negative opinion. Gordo won't stop till Vancouver has the highest density population on the planet.
Anon 12:11 I'm glad you feel the same way! I've been told I have a bad attitude about the Olympics and I'm unpatriotic and all that, which really annoys me. What is unpatriotic about thinking there are better ways to spend a billion dollars than on games. Blah.
I hate Gordon "Image is everything" Campbell. Remember when he got busted for driving drunk in Hawaii about six years ago? When there was a nursing strike in B.C. and Campbell ordered the nurses to stop the strike, my sister (who's a nurse) said her friend made a protest sign that said SOME DRUNK TOLD ME TO GO BACK TO WORK! Ha ha ha.
The Olympics usually means building many structures to house the participants from other countries. Why can't these places be used for the homeless, the abused women and children, families down and out and so on? It seems to be a simple, reasonable answer to a large problem. But politicians don't see this as an answer. Instead, they will probably tear down the buildings they are going to build (using the citizens money) so they can sell the land to make more money to go where? Not back to the people who need it, that's for sure!!!!
If you haven't figured it out, I HATE POLITICS! Even if you vote in an honest representative, you can bet they won't be honest very long!!
Countries that are supposed to be run by the people are really F**KED!!!!
Would you rather have a dictatorship bayou Jane?. Nothing wrong with Democracy as long as Politicians are held in check and lobbyists are outlawed.
Government waste and poor accountability is the norm in Washington. I wish Ralph Nader was SEC chairman. Just having a picture of that guy and his crazy look over my shoulder would make me think twice about cheating.
By the way Pat, Marine Corps birthday today. November 10, 1775 Continental Congress authorized the formation of the Marine Corps and ordered them to fight pirates kidnapping Americans in Tripoly.
"doing so much with so little for so long; we can do the impossible with nothing forever".
today I sign off
JARHEAD!! and promptly bust a beer open! tonight we cry for our lucky few that took over Hell and wait for us to join them!!
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