Sunday, November 15, 2009

I see it, Tia!

Something spooky at Miss Tia's house. I think I found it. Someone seems to be peering out this upstairs window and what's really interesting is, there were no curtains at this time. Maybe in the ghost's world, there were curtains. Cool pic.


miss tia said...

well it's not my house, it's down the street from friends lived there and i took the pix to show 'em they were missing out on SNOW (they moved to california)....

but yeah, that's the window....isn't that weird?? there was NOTHING in that curtains, blinds, nothing....there was a man who was there---a spirit---and the closet in that room was always 20-30 degrees COLDER than the rest of the would form ice in the winter it was so cold in that closet, even though the bedroom was toasty....

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, I thought it was your house before the cool paint job. Thanks. I liked it, it's curious.

coffeebean said...

That picture scared the shit out of me this morning. Whoa!

Anonymous said...

I see a face in the window heck mean it was empty
when u took this pic?!?!?????!!!!! Kiki :-0

miss tia said...

it was 110% EMPTY when i took this pix....

Anonymous said...

That's so spooky!

Unknown said...

Just blew it up on photo shop. Fix the color grain and focus. You can really see someone. It looks like a lady crossing her arms. Freaky pic tia. ( im going to send the pic to you dd email.)

Matilda said...

I see someone too! That is so freaky! Thanks for sending the pic, Tia.

miss tia said...

whoa ava's mommy! i always thought it was the guy spirit who lived there but now that you said you blew it up, i can see the folded arms too!!

i'd like to see the blown up pix!

i'll pass it on to my friend who use to live there!!

Anonymous said...

If the window was empty, then why would you take a pic of a boring, bland empty window? just wonderin'

miss tia said...

i didn't take a pix of just the friends who lived in the house had moved to california a few months prior and it was snowing so i took a pix of their house--the whole house---in the snow to show' em what they were missing....i emailed tammy the pix and she called me and said her son had seen the person in the window! i relooked at the pix and then saw it too....the house was vacant after they left for months...

i even went down there after her call and there was ZERO footprints around the house in the snow....i looked the next couple days and no foot prints were around her no one was going in/out....

Matilda said...

Tia... Something just dawned on me. That spirit in the window is looking down which means it was looking at you when you took the pix! You can clearly see the angle of the head is facing downward. (shivers)

Dirty Disher said...

I should have posted the whole pic. Sorry. I'm having trouble with blogger pics today.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, good, I got it on and in the size you sent it, Tia, people can click on it.

Dirty Disher said...

It's interesting that there is nothing in the other windows, they look normal.

miss tia said...

yeah matilda, i see they were looking right at me! and i didn't notice a thing when i took the pix!!

SharnaPax said...

miss tia, that is a fantastic picture, one of the best I've seen.