I got a lot of good photos last night, it was just a great night. It was Lissa's first time in the Samhain circle and she did really well and enjoyed it, though when her mom picked her up she called feast of the dead, feeding the dead. Good enough. We made our resolutions and wishes and did some spell work. She told me her wish was "that no ghosts would get me." I told her it must have worked, she was still here today. She loved the fire chant and happily drummed the beat with some firewood. All in all, it was just a great Samhain..Happy Pagan New Year to all you practitioners out there!
I didn't know anything about Samhain and with all the talk of it I went to the internet last night and did some reading. I always learn something new here. Thanks DD. Exaclty how do you pronounce Samhain?
It's pronounced Sow-in. But, it's fine to say it like it's spelled, Sam-hain.
Love the pictures! Lissa looks adorable as usual. :)
DD- this morning on CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood they did a piece on this very subject and I so wished I could have picked up the phone and said "Pat, turn on the TV" LOL
Beautiful pictures!
Looks like you had a beautiful, festive evening.
Looks like a magical night. Great pics and Lissa looks like she had a blast.
I really wished I could see this celebration first hand. Glad to hear the Lissa had a great experience.
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