Lissa looked so cute in her pink Bat Girl costume and she made a haul. Her pumpkin was clear full and most of it was chocolate. She was on a total sugar high and dumped her booty out on the floor and rolled in it. It was demented. I let her eat candy for breakfast. I finally got her to take off her costume for bed, but, she put it back on this morning.
Lucky Lis. Bet she had a fun night.
Ahhhh. . .just so darned cute, the both of ya'.
I have never seen a pink bat girl costume! How cool, I love it!
How cool is that costume! Must be custom made. I hope she got to trick or treat without a jacket.
I'd wanna keep my costume on, too! Glad Lissa had a great night; she's so cute!!!
10G (Gina)
I love her costume! I lovbe that she rolled in her candy! Oh to have the joy of a child with candy again:)
That's too adorable!! Now that my kids are big, my favorite part of Halloween is handing out candy and seeing how happy it makes the kids. I wish it didn't rain here last night! Now I'll have to eat all this candy myself!!!
I'm glad Bat Girl made out good, though!!
Where did you find a pink bat girl costume? Or did you get creative and whip one up? You never cease to amaze me!
rolling in the candy! i love it!!
As she should have candy for breakfast on All Saint's Day - she has their blessing to do so!
She looks adorable and then some!
So cute. I love the whole Batman universe. Have been a fan since I was eight years old.
Lissa looks so happy in the pictures. As cj said, she is
lucky, to have you for her
I love the costume! Very cute!
I love that last pic of lissa rolling all over her candy. What a perfect picture representing halloween.
DD did you make her costume?
Nope, she was saying she wanted to be pink Bat Girl for a month and here mom finally found the costume somewhere. Lucky find.
That's awesome!! Candy, glorious candy!
dd I'm sorry I've been so busy Im just catching up
with all your posts. I love justcseeing the joyin
lil Lissa s face wearing her costume with such glee !
This is why all kids should have grandparents !
I'm so tired from working the night shift but I had to
write to you and say thanks for all the smiles :)
your place looked awesome ! Kiki in Canada :)
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