Lissa was just full of energy yesterday, giggle fits, wrestling, fart jokes..endless. She wore me out, but, she makes me laugh. Throwing leaves in the street and climbing a neighbor's dirt pile. Ahh, the adventure. Remember when your were small and had endless energy and everything was exciting? I finally headed home from our walk because I was damn cold, but, she claimed she wasn't. Later we put up some lights on the porch and I surprised her with a box of pink ones for the tree we will put in the living room. Her favorite color is pink. She was so touched, it was sweet. She said "Thank you, you are such a good person!" Sometimes when she says things like that, I can almost believe it. It was just amazing that she was so surprised that someone would do that for her. It made me want to cry. Of course we can have a pink tree! I'd paint the whole house pink if I knew it would make her that happy.
Pat, you ARE a good person!
That kid sure did luck out in the grandma department. Please post photos of the pink tree.
Thanks. :)
You are a good person! A psychic once told my mother that I was full of piss and vinegar.
I have had pink lights on my tree for years. With Barbie ornaments, too! You sound like a wonderful grand mom... I love your site....
Lissa is right, you are a good person...love your site DD!!!
You ARE and have always been a good person. A good person who has had run-ins with some really twisted folks but always a good person. The fact that your family is still alive and counting on you is testament enough.
Kids can spot and speak of the the truth because their minds haven't yet been filled with all the lies that we discover in adulthood.
Trust that little peach. She knows what she's talking about.
Yahhh pink lights! Can't wait to see! I wonder if I can find any around here. You know how much I love pink too!
Lissa looks adorable as usual :)
And she is right you are a good person.
You're a good person DD and the best person
in her life as she is the best lil person in your
life. You can just see the love she has for you
in her smile from all the fun you let her be herself
and have all the fun she wants. Your site is
helping me feel better and forget my illness.
I'm so glad I know you and I love your posts.
Your friend up here in Canada :) Kiki
That picture just makes me smile. Love the idea of the pink lights! I've never thought of that. I have been going through my Christmas stuff and I have enough to decorate at least three trees and outside about three times. I have white, blue, multi-color, and purple, LOL! Funny thing is, Christmas makes me sad and I don't like it anymore.
Aw, she is so cute! DD, you sound like a really fun grandma to have. Pink lights would be awesome, I would buy some if I could find 'em!
pink is just such a warming color!!!
You are a very good person, not just as a grandma, but all around goodperson. We are lucky to have you here. I dont always comment but read and enjoy. Thank you Pat.
"It was just amazing that she was so surprised that someone would do that for her".
Doesn't her mother do things for her that she likes?
I know you would paint the whole house pink in a heartbeat if it would make her happy - you ARE a good person, DD, we all know it.
You're one of the best people I know.
Lissa knows who you are. Go with that. :)
Lissa is a reflection of the unconditional love and quality time you give her. She is a confident little girl and she has a great sense of humor. You have always been the best grandmother to her.
Trust a kid to tell it like it is.
Looking fwd to pics of the tree.
You're a good grandmother and she is lucky to have you in her life.
I want pink lights!
I long for the energy my kids have. If you call my 9 year old's name she comes running.She's excited about everything.She looks forward to getting up for school in the morning. I wish i was so enthusiastic all of the time.
Your post made me think of my grandmother that died in August. She was quiet .She was a loyal church lady .She baked cookies (from scratch!) She made the best cole slaw ever. She would sit next to my bed until I fell asleep because her house was big and scary to me when I was little. She was the best.
I know your little one thinks the same way about you. I hope my daughters think the same way of me. They can just make you feel like a million bucks, can't they?
LOL Lissa is such a cutie. DD your really a great grandmother to lissa. She is very luck to have you in her life.
You know, Pat,you are a good person in the eyes of the little person who means most to you in this world. That's what I would use as my "likability" scale. That's what would have the most meaning to me. I couldn't care less about anyone else.
Casey obviously thinks you're a good person, too. What else matters? Hell and be damned the rest of the world--the ones you care about are the ones who matter. and are also the ones who care about you. I'm happy for you, pink lady.
Pat ~ I am so glad to have discovered your site. It makes ME feel good. and what a lucky little girl to have someone like you in her life! I can't wait for grandkids. Thank you for being here! ;)
She learned a great deal of her empathy from you, methinks.
You are one hell of a grandma :) You are exactly what I hope to be as one.
Lissa gets more beautiful by the day. I just love her!
Oh, DD --
You're the good person. I still have tears in my eyes from reading Of course we can have a pink tree! I'd paint the whole house pink if I knew it would make her that happy.
It seems there are fewer 'good' people around anymore and when I find them, I feel recharged. Thanks for the recharge and boost to my depleated reserves.
You are the best kind of grandmother. The smart,caring,fun kind who is kid-centric and lives to make her special grandaughter happy.
I had a grandmother like that. Long time ago. Ice cream for breakfast, silly outfits, pink trees with pink lights....along with good books, good ideas, and a role model I could aspire to. She is the reason I made it out of a really bad childhood more or less intact. Those weekends with her literally saved my life.
You are the best!! Happy Birthday.
How sweet.
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