Ohhhh, man..now the zealots can buy a pair of shoes that leave their inspiration everywhere they go. You have got to be kidding. I'd rather be stuck in the Katie Irene Tour Of Tears shirt for life. Wake me up when they make some shoes that say eat shit and die.
You just know there are people that buying these shoes is awesome! Glory to God! Meanwhile, I wish I'd invented them because so many people gobble up meaningless shit like this every day. It's like those magnetized yellow "support the troops" ribbons on cars. Who, exactly, benefits from those? The person who sells them, that's who. This country eats up useless platitudes like there's no tomorrow.
Oh hell, where'd you find these things? They're awful!!
10G (Gina)
Will somebody please manufacture shoes that will leave the prints, FUCK and YOU?
Talk about false advertising. Jesus freaks don't really think Jesus loves everyone. There's always strings attached with them. Too bad there's not room to fit on the shoes, "...As long as you're a Christian, you're not gay, you're not divorced, you don't have a child out of wedlock, you've never had an abortion, and you go to church every Sunday."
Oh goody.
Jesus likes it in the ass.
You all know the freaks and sinners of the world are wearing these shoes. Let me wear my 'Jesus Loves Me' shoes while I go beat or kill my family members and spout off anti-gay or bigoted religious speeches.
Oh hell no! Now the beach will be contaminated with someone trying to shove Jesus down my throat!
LMAO at Snarkie. I want mine to say: "eat" and "shit".
So what. You believe in your crap, christians believe in theres. Who are you to judge? You like witches they like god. They think all people can be saved you think all people are fucked up.
Hi Alison,
I don't recall seeing a sign in front of the soup kitchen, AIDS help center or church that instructed gays, non Christians, divorces, or anyone with a differing opinion to fuck off. politicians and politically motivated so-called liturgy seeks power and corrupt the message.
Even if you read the Bible as fiction, one cannot argue the fact that the Jesus character wanted only to help everyone.
Just my opinion.
Again, I'm struck by the fact that on Saturday night you were practicing an elaborate samhain ritual that you said "brings in positive energy for the new year" ....yet it's not even Tuesday and you've already managed to publish long accounts of hating your family; hating thanksgiving; hating the Gosselins; and now, hating footprints in the sand, which you'd like to change to "fuck off and die". Yeah, that's some kind of positive energy, alright.
I saw some cute ones like this that said "Bride" and "Groom" on the bottoms. Those are cute. Honeymoon flip-flops!
These are church shoes. Self-important holier-than-thou! I dont go to the beach to go to church, thank you very much. I hope the person wearing those flicks his cig butts far away, into the ocean along with their own ass!
I want the ones Dishy wants! That would be awesome!!! I'd laff my ass off if I was greeted by that in the sand! "Eat shit & die!" LMAO!!!! Good one!!
I don't want anyone judging me or giving me advice on the after-life, because you haven't been there either.
How do you know what Jesus would do?, maybe you mean what you would like to think Jesus would do, right?. If he was as I think he may be still; he'll forgive me for being opinionated and rotten to the core!.
I, however, stand in the ranks of the believers and gladly pray and thank for good and bad. Faith will support a body through rough times.
wow.. some of you folks better hope to live forever!
~Evil chuckle~
Uh oh, the bible beaters on here are all in a tizzy.
It's like these assholes are everywhere DD
just the other day another asshole Christian
hypocrite spews all the sugary fake bs and adds
have a nice day. Dude I'm like HEY dont fucking tell
me what kind of a day to have asshole who the fuck
asked ya ?! Now they got these dumb ass
flip flops. If I ever see any imprints on the beach
I will smush them away & god better help the asshole
if I catch up to them cuz I'll kick the sand into their
stupid fucking fake phoney faces. I love the beach
and this type of shit is not going down on my day off.
Take your fucking stupid stamping sandals and
shove em ! Btw don't forget to have a nice day
while your at it jackass ! Fucking hypocrites!
Evolution & science are all around you get with it !
This is life ,the one you get so go live it !!!
They're everywhere and they love to concentrate most of their worthless day on me, twsiting and churning things. If they really believe what they spew..They should go to church instead.
I'm no Bible thumper but I know when to quit.
Dude I'm like HEY dont fucking tell
me what kind of a day to have
I know! For fuck's sake.
After the Iraq war first started, those yellow magnet ribbons were on everyone's car. Telling us to "pray for our troops", or "support our troops".
My husband would get pissed seeing those. Don't tell me what to do!!!!
Don't tell me what to do!!!!
God it must suck to be you. Why take everything to fuckn personally. Get over yourself.
Hi Anonymous 6:51,
See, here's the thing, they don't need a sign up. You can tell it by their attitude. No signs neccessary. Don't bother trying to make me feel ashamed of knowing the truth about hateful Christians. My dad is one and I know how they think. If you are not the kind of Christian who is hateful, good on you, but you're in the minority.
Yours, Alison
I am definitely a Christian, but consider shoes that would leave this sort of print to be tasteless. It is actually offensive to me that someone is putting Christ's name in the dirt. If there wasn't commentary here about it, I would simply ignore such.
That said, the concept of the picture of prints in the sand reminds me of pictures I took in the evening, along Venice Beach. The bicycle tire prints along with the bare footprints, running shoes, etc., all melded together, just looked so pretty and soothing to me.
(My laptop is up and running again this evening after several weeks of downtime---the hard drive encountered a particularly vicious virus and did not survive---so forgive me if I am behind the times here.)
Hope this post puts a little more positive spin on the print issue. I'll see if I can access any of the pictures to post in the next few days, but no guarantees. . . the main computer they were stored on bit the big one about 2 or more months ago.
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