So far I think, they've pulled 11 decomposing bodies from Anthony Sowell’s Cleveland house of horrors. And the whole country is shocked that he got away with his little hobby for so long. Not me. I think everybody is a potential serial killer. People think I'm just a paranoid nut, but, I'll betcha I wouldn't have thought the smell coming from Sowell's house was the sausage factory. I have personal experience that makes me the way I am. There are more serial killers and murderers than anyone can imagine and they just might live next door to you. Every time I see a run down farm house, I think Ed Gain probably lives there. Yep, he's got him some mofo human skin lampshades. Every time I see a clown, I think John Wayne Gacy and I wonder how many bodies are in his crawl space. Every time I see a handsome charmer hanging around the laundromat with empty eyes, I think Ted Bundy. And I'm especially paranoid about anyone who pays too much attention to strangers kids. I realize how this post sounds, the trolls can use it to show how crazy I am..but, I won't be murdered by a serial killer. You don't come from where I've been. Nothing shocks me, if I lived next to Sowell the only thing shocking would be that no one listened when I said he's hiding bodies over there.
i always suspect my neighbors of things too....the guy next door would bring home TUBS in the middle of the night and watch to make sure no one was looking (it was like 2am) before he lugged them into his house....i saw this a few times when i got up to go to the bathroom...they were heavy ass tubs cuz i could see him straining to lift them....he bought a lot of lime too.....few months later he'd haul empty tubs out....
and the thing in cleveland is neighbors REPORTED it smelled like death!!!
the neighbor in the old apartment building we lived in was a total freak. I was convinced he was a Jeffrey Dahmer type. Turns out, when he moved out, there was trash 2 feet deep in his apartment and a dead cat in the oven! yikes!
nothing smells like death. I dont get how you couldnt know. You wouldnt be able to NOT know! I have always told my kids, who are grown now, that every car that passes us has the equal chance to have a dead body in the trunk as they go merrily down the highway. I also have no delusions about this subject. I have always been fescinated by this subject, so much so that my kids were kinda worried about it! LOL...I just like to read and this subject is compelling to me. No way would I be living enxt to that & not know & trust me the cops would be there every week. Remember that killer in NYC back in 70's, the Zodiac killer? his neighbor called the police almost weekly to report strange goings on and was ignored! Meanwhile, more people were murdered. Police need to stop assuming callers are loons and start investigating sh**!
Rear Window!!!
4:16 OMFG!!!
i'm sort of obsessed with serial killers too! ABC cut into general hospital when i was a kid and showed ted bundy's trial live...that sort of sparked my interest....how could someone like ted who looked nice, had a g/f, going to law school, etc be KILLING PEOPLE? ya know?
boggles the mind....
i have several books on serial killers....including the encyclopedia of serial killers!
I love true crime novels. Sadly many serial killers could have been stopped if someone in the police dept had paid any attention, Dahmer and Ridgeway especially. Its a fact that the U.S. produces more serial killers than any other country by far and there are tons of active serial killers out there today.
The cops always seem to ingore us paranoid people. They never pay attention.
My mom use to have the book serial killers a-z. But she got rid of it. She still has the big named killer books left. I wanted to get my hand on that book but she threw it out. She said the fbi csi and etc find out you have it your gone. She is werid like that I just wanted to read about Elizabeth Bathory.
It wouldnt suprise me if my hub would turn into a crazy serial killer. the movies, books, magazines, what he draws and that he knows explicite detail how to get rid of a body. He even talks about this at dinner. He is wako... Mental problems at times..
Tia, that's scary. Really scary. Did you know Ted Bundy volunteered to work on a crisis help line?
This was a fun post.
Okay, enough break time, gotta get back to sawing up those bodies. Ciao!
Avas Mommy! I am scared for you now. wow... :(
this guy even had bodies just around in his apt! OMFG! Can you imagine that? Like he just ran out of room to store them. Or started getting lazy or wanted to get caught? They were going to tear down his walls & look for more. A black serial killer, not common at all. When those shooter/snipers in ATL were caught a few yaesr ago everyone was stunned to find they were black too. You really cant put a color on murder anymore.
PS: I have always wanted to buy those serial killer coffee table books but my kids hate that stuff and I think it scared them. I am so interested in it. I was 11 when the Manson murders occured, I have been interested in the subject ever since. I just want to know about how a mind works that way. Its so deep.
The Zodiac Killer is still at large.
There are LOTS of them that never get caught and never will.
Pat, you need to check out Dexter. It's on showtime, not sure if it's online, but it's def worth looking for. Insanely good stuff.
Has anybody read "The stranger beside me" by Ann Rule? It is a true-life book. Ann talks about how she used to get off work late and had to walk to her car in the dark by herself. There was a man who worked with her and started offering to walk her out to her car. She said he didn't have to do that for her, and he replied that she should not be walking around in the dark alone because there are a lot of weirdos around. The co-worker? Ted Bundy, years before he was caught. Sooo creepy.
I have a problem with not trusting people too...I'm glad I'm not the only one. I am nervous to go on dates because I always wonder if the guy will turn out to be a stalker...I hate feeling this way but I can't help myself. My dad was a total nut and I think that's part of my problem. I would not trust the guy as far as I could throw him. He has beaten up total strangers and he threatened my mom multiple times when they were married; he is a lunatic. I don't talk to him anymore.
I hate how the cops never believe the right people. I wonder how many victims could have been saved if the cops had listened to the neighbors reporting that this guy's home smelled like death. >:(
I like to watch those documentary's on serial killers and such...the one where the ING guy and his buddy were capturing woman and taping it all really freaked me out to where I won't put an ad in the paper for anything...That is how they got some of them..they took whole families and killed them all..sad so sad!
Maggie, I was mistaken. It was Son of Sam that I was talking about. And it was in NYC I think. Thanks for the heads up too.
I don't think you're crazy.
Dumb ass cops can't tell the difference between dead bodies rotting and bad sausage???
If you don't look out for yourself nobody will.
You can't be too careful.
Alison, I can relate. My dad was nuts too. Really nuts. I've never blogged about him, don't know if I ever could, but, yeah.
Ok, get this. So, seems there was a copy-cat Zodiac killer back in the early 90's. He sucked at it but did kill several ppl. He was caught. He went to prison & fell in love with a dude thats going to have a sex change operation to become a woman. This tranny is asking the state to pay for his sex change so they can marry while both serve life sentences for murders. And they will get their wish? Ya' think?
Julie, the awful part is, if they had looked into it, the sausage factory was tired of being blammed for the smell and did all kinds of expensive repairs and Sowells neighborhood still smelled like death. The police should have been on this years ago.
7:13:00 PM, yeah, probably. Susan Smith still gets financial support from "her public", last I heard she has a website you can donate to so she can buy shit at the prison commisary. People are idiots.
susan smith needs to be put in a car, securely buckled in and pushed into a lake!!!
i read 'stranger beside me'...good book and it's just another layer of ted bundy that makes his killings so unfathomable....ya know?
It's a good book. Scary.
Oooh, Miss Tia your neighbor sounds like the movie "Disturbia". Giving me goosebumps!!!
never heard of disturbia...what's it about?
Perfect example of KEEP THE BAD GUYS LOCKED UP! Hope those that dropped the ball on this crazy. Are watching the other crazies more carefully. Yucky job, would love to say keep up the good work.
I'm right there with you DD. I am the most paranoid person around. People call it negative, I call it REAL. It could however be influenced by hours of True Crime or Cold Case Files...
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.Just sayin'.
I'm from Cleveland, and several friends of mine still live close to where this man lived. The east side of Cleveland is treated like another land- there is a prestigious university that offers law and medical degrees but less than 2 miles away are the poorest of ghettos. On the west side, police target drivers going 32 in a 25 mph zone, but on the east side, as this shows, women can go missing for years and police refuse to file a missing persons report. This is a huge outrage!!
Anon 10:18-sounds quite a bit like Vancouver. Hastings street (the most notorious place in Vancouver and, in fact, one of the most notorious places in Canada) is a drug den, with homeless people everywhere. But drive for a few minutes from Hastings and it's all ritzy, with Chanel and Louis Vuitton stores everywhere. The way it's divided is crazy. And women go missing from the poor part of Vancouver without the cops caring too. A few years ago they arrested a guy, Robert Pickton, who had the body parts of prostitutes buried all over his farm. Some of the women had been missing since the early 1980s but they were "just" hookers and the police were not serious about looking for them. It caused a huge media shitstorm in Vancouver when the bodies were finally found in the early 2000s.
Miss Tia, your neighbor with the tubs freaks me out. That's really creepy.
The Zodiac killer killed in Calif, not NYC, and the US has more serial murderers, simply because we have a larger population. One of the most prolific serial killers was Russian (Andrei Chikatilo). They made a movie about him called Citizen X...great movie. The book "Stranger Beside Me" was also very good.
As to the neighbor with the "tubs", I would make a report...just to be on record. As to the smell of death, that is NOT something that you can ignore. Most people have never smelled it...I have. My father died in June, and was found about 1 wk. later...with the windows open...I had to call the Hazmat. people to clean, and still needed Vicks in my nose to go through his things!!! You cannot mistake that smell! Everyone is capable of killing...I guess it just depends upon how your "chip" is programmed.
I have a good liver and onions recipe. It goes well with a good chianti!
my condolences on the passing of your father Beth.
the police would probably think i'm nuts....he's moved out, though he still owns the house...i've got sound bites ready....and a theory too...
i once worked at a servpro where they had crews who would go clean up fires, floods, and situations such as your father. they didn't follow EPA/OSHA rules and brought back some carpetting from an apartment where a gentleman had died of a hard attack and was there for over a month and that is NOT a smell you forget...can't describe it, but you KNOW it...
the closest i can tell people it smells like is the herb tansy...the tansy flowers when they bloom the end of july smell like death....not as strong of course, but similar...
Another big reason: This happened in East Cleveland. Even more than other broken down parts of Cleveland, East Cleveland is portrayed and viewed as an area of blight, a place where no one should ever venture into, a place where if you accidentally end up, you keep on driving and don't get out of your car. The resources offered to the people living in that community are not enough, and the police clearly do not do a proper job of patrolling the area-- ever. It's practically expected that violence and crime will come from this area-- and very few groups are doing anything proactive to help the people who live there
I bet that nautical fake-walker crazy accuser supermarket woman is a serial killer. At least in her heart.
Gawd, misstia, where the eff do you live? I tend to think everyone has a good reason for what they do. And I've done strange-looking things so i actually think people who DON'T are weird.
I don't even kill spiders anymore, there's no point and don't think I'm likely to start on people. But if anyone here knows a good hitman in Canada, I have a buttload of relatives I'd like someone to do away with.
Anon 12:09: I'm here in Cleveland. This is going on in east side of Cleveland, not the city of East Cleveland. This is a little south and west of Shaker Square. The neighbors complained to the councilman about the smell, and he sent the health dept. to investigate. They focused on the sausage factory as the source, and the owner of the factory did $100G in repairs to the plumbing, etc. to satisfy them. The smell remained. The health dept. has yet to explain themselves as to why they didn't investigate further. Prior to that the police were summoned in regards to the smell, and found a dead dog on the property and assumed that was the source. The County Sheriff visited a few times regarding his parole and registered sex offender status, but spoke to him on the porch and did not go in the house.
According to a columnist here who seems to know what goes on, if there is a member of a family who is an addict who disappears for days and weeks at a time the family doesn't find it unusual and therefore don't file missing person reports with the police. This isn't always the case, but it apparently happens more than I would have imagined. When they get this all sorted out they will probably find that most of these victims were addicts, and nobody noticed they were missing. Kind of a sad commentary on the state of families these days...
A missing black woman isn't worth much on the streets of Cleveland:
By Phillip Morris, Plain Dealer columnist
November 06, 2009, 4:01AM
The life of a missing black woman isn't worth that much on the streets of Cleveland. If I've done my math right, a black woman is worth roughly a $1.50 plus tax.
That nominal fee is the going rate for a 40-ounce bottle of King Cobra Malt Liquor, the reported beverage of choice of accused serial killer Anthony Sowell. Police say he routinely made his $1.50 investment at a Mount Pleasant carryout, then used it to lure desperate women into his Imperial Avenue home.
Once he got them behind his closed door, police say, he sadistically raped and killed them before burying them in his basement and backyard.
And as the unmistakable smell of rotting human flesh enveloped the neighborhood around Sowell's house, a community shut its eyes and held it's nose, while Sowell kept making his run to the beverage store.
The registered sexual predator in their midst made little effort to conceal the horrors that police say he perpetrated on women, but a neighborhood -- and a city -- blithely ignored the parade of women walking into Sowell's home without ever walking out.
It appears that a serial killer was able to kill with abandon and confidence in a congested neighborhood because he knew that no one would bother to come looking.
The killer knew that on his streets, a black woman can simply disappear. No questions will be asked. He arrogantly told one of his victims, who managed to escape, that no one would come looking for her because she was a "crack bitch."
A group of some of Cleveland's most influential black clergymen gathered Thursday at a church near the crime scene and prayed. The church is so beautifully reactive. So are police. So are politicians. So are the media. They prayed for the victims, for the families of the victims and for a neighborhood and a city that continues to reel from depravity.
While they offered consolation to the grieving and support to law enforcement, Sheila Henderson of East Cleveland listened attentively.
We should be listening to her. Her personal testimony offers us an answer to so many of our questions.
"I've been clean eleven years. But those dead women are my sisters. For seven years of my life, crack-cocaine had control of me," Henderson told me.
"I was in the streets. I was living from place to place, wherever I could find a room. I never sold my body, because I had too much respect for myself, but I panhandled to survive. To feed the habit."
"I was able to eventually get it together because I had friends and family that would not give up on me. That's why I did not end up in a place like Anthony Sowell's basement."
"If we're going to end this craziness, We have to stop throwing away our women. If someone in your family is hooked on drugs, don't turn your back on them. If they're stealing from you, hide your stuff and lock them in the basement if you have to. At least that way you will know that they're safe."
She's right. It starts with family. It should end with family.
An accused serial killer appears to have efficiently gone about his work because he knew that many families in this community are indifferent to their women, leaving them to suffocating isolation because of addictions or mental illnesses.
We don't go looking when they come up missing. And when their corpses start to stink to high heaven, this community simply pinches its nose and walks away.
Anthony Sowell is holding a mirror to our collective faces.
He's not the only monster I see.
I agree. It is very very sad. I'm ashamed to say that I'm one of the ones who didn't do anything. Knowing the history of Cleveland, all it has to offer, and yet all it is suffering from, I have not done anything to help the East side as Cleveland calls it.
6:29:00 AM, what are you supposed to do? People there complained and nothing was done. You can't blame yourself.
And I agree that if these victims has been white from higher income, something would have been done earlier. It's shameful.
Anonymous 6:29- What would you do? If you don't live in the community, and in this case, it would be East123rd and surrounding area, what could you do? Now, If I lived next door, or close, I would have been calling the police and/or health departments every day about the smell. Because everyone is right. There is no other odor worse than or similar to death. And, anyone should have been able to tell that it was not the sausage shop after it was cleaned up. different odors.
This surely would not have been tolerated on the West side of Cleveland. Why are we willing to ignore the East side? I was a Home Care nurses on the East side, and many of the homes are disposed of by neglect and the worst would just be left to be the rotting corpses. But from the looks of this home from the outside, this was not an openly neglected home. And, if his neighbors knew him, they might have been afraid of him and fearful of repeatedly calling police. I don't know if people who called police gave them his home as an address to check, or just the general neighborhood. It might have been difficult for the police to walk around and seek entry or get a warrant to check for the source of the odor. I imagine it is a bit more complicated than we make it sound.
In any case, it is too bad it happened, and hopefully something good can come from it. Maybe a better sense of community?
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