Check out Shelly's daughter, Sydney, dressed as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. Not only is it an awesome costume but, she took the time to pose in a real cemetery. I love that. And in the second picture you will notice a nice large orb that showed up, and it was right over the grave of their dog. There's only one orb and it is plain and clear, so to me, that rules out the lame "dust" theory. I think you've got yourself a spirit there, Shelly. Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing!
Cool costume, very original.
Great costume and great photos!
Thanks for posting this Pat. This was taken at pretty high resolution and I looked at the orb super close up. It's got a really pronounced ring that's royal blue on the outer left side.
I've never had an orb like this in a photo, it's very distinct, and right underneath it is where Harry is buried. I told Syd I wasn't exactly sure it was Harry. It could be any number of family members, but Harry was my sweet baby for many years - even before Syd was born. It was horribly crushing when he died 2 years ago. We got Mouse a couple months before Harry passed, and Mouse would sleep with Harry all the time, and looked up to him.
Good photos and cool story, thanks, Shelly! I'm with ya, Pat--best costume, indeed!
10G (Gina)
Awesome costume!
thats awesome! IT's like Zero is right there with ya, Sally!
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