Fergie on cheating: "I think women are beautiful, I’ve had a lot of fun with women, and I’m not ashamed of it. The problem is that I also love a well-endowed man. But just because I enjoy women doesn’t mean I’m allowed to have affairs in my relationship. I learned through talking with my therapist that it is still cheating even if it’s with girls, so there is a rule there.
She had to pay a therapist to figure that out? I wonder how much she pays her therapist? Now I remember why I don't celeb blog anymore..actually I remember that ever other day when I check D-Listed. Because they can't just do their job, oh no, they have to talk. At least she's learned to wear depends on stage. Moron.
What did the comment about her well-endowed man have to do with any of this story? I don't get it. Now he'll have even more hookers interested in him.
I wouldn't tell any woman about my husband's privates, they are just that, private.
That well-endowed man crack made me sick too. So gross.
fergie came from questionable background, did she not? Drugs, crack etc. Nothing she says surprises me. The fact that Josh Duhamel married her does however, surprise me. Very much. Now, even his rep seems to be in question. If the guy has a big dick, it makes no difference. If he's poked it in everything that walked in front of him, I would not want him near me.
She is probably sorry she made that remark now that her husband is cheating on her ass. She also just appeared on the cover of Cosmo and when they asked her if she worries Josh will cheat she's all "Oh no, never." Bet she regrets saying that too.
This is the reason I have a hard time feeling sorry for celebrities when shitty things happen to them, because they brag so much, waste so much money on dumb shit, and say so many stupid things.
Oh yuck gross. That's the first time I've seen that shot, although I know the story about it.
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