Monday, December 21, 2009

That's so sad about Brittnay

Man, that was so shocking and so sad yesterday to hear that Brittany Murphy died at such a young age. I thought she was absolutely brilliant in Girl Interrupted and I liked her little chick flicks too. People are criticizing Ashton Kutcher for twittering about it only hours after her death, but, really, this is the age we live in. He's the Twitter king and she WAS his ex and friend. He said the world lost a little piece of sunshine.
I feel so bad for her family today, 'specially her mom. I know how she's feeling and nothing will make it better except time. I know when someone this young dies of heart failure, there's a lot of speculation about drugs or eating disorders. I know thought that way when my son died and found out I was wrong. You always try to explain young death because it makes no sense, but, sometimes death just doesn't make any sense. I hope the autopsy can tell Brittany's mom what happened and ease her mind a little. My thoughts are with her family. Rest In Peace, Brittany.


miss tia said...

i never saw any of her movies, but everyone always wrote and spoke so kindly about her!!

my heart goes out to her mom....she was an only child so sad....

Dirty Disher said...

It's terribly sad. You should rent Girl Interrupted, Brittnay and Angelina were both great in it. I think you'd like it.

Dirty Disher said...

I can speculat too, I'll bet she had an embolisim.

Unknown said...

such a shame that her mother found her. I feel so bad for her and her family.

I love girl interrupted its so much better than the book. Didn't Brit's character have a eating disorder? She only ate a cold chicken once in awhile.

He voice was also good in Happy feet. I bet litle lissa would like that movie.

Dirty Disher said...

Her daddy's chicken. That was the creepy part of that movie. Daddys rotten chicken under her bed. That movie was kind of scary, she did it well. I think people get that charactor mixed up with the real person. Anyway, yeah, terribly sad.

Dirty Disher said...

Liss has Happy Feet, she doesn't care for

Maureen said...

It is so hurtful to the family when rumors and speculation are spewn about. People should keep their mouths shut until the facts are known.

Angie said...

I always thought she was such a pretty girl, those eyes looked so soulful. My thoughts are with her mother...:(

Dirty Disher said...

Maureen, you are so right.

Christina said...

This is such sad news, and I thought that Ashton Kutcher's comments on twitter were very sweet.
It's a shame to lose someone so young. I didn't particularly follow her movies, but I liked her in the ones I saw her in. From what I'm hearing, she voiced Luann on King of the Hill. I always liked Luann.

Alison said...

While I agree people do jump to conclusions, in Brittany Murphy's case I think the "speculation" is a LOT more than speculation. Brittany lost an absolute *ton* of weight after hitting it big and it was apparently well-known in Hollywood that she was on drugs. (I've read that for years on gossip sites.) She just got fired from a movie a few weeks ago because her behavior was so erratic. I don't think people are trying to be hurtful by suggesting she was on drugs or had an eating disorder, I think in this case, it's really the truth.

At any rate, I too feel sorry for her mom. Her mom had cancer a few years ago on top of all of this...don't know if she still does. And how horrible that she was the one to find Brittany.