Sunday, June 27, 2010

HierLOON tomato..fruit of Satan

Hiedi now agrees with me about those Heirloom tomatos. They are huge and mishapen and crack and split and they take over your garden. And they stink like death when you can't find the clinkers. They are now fighting over who has to eat this ugly thing. LMAO! The good news is, they taste fine. They just aren't worth the hullaballo garden folk make of them.


escrow said...

LOL! My one heriloom plant is going to take over the entire deck by summers end. I swear I can sit on my chair out there and watch it grow! I enjoy the weirdness of the fruit :>) What's a clinker?

Anonymous said...

It resembles a pumpkin ;)

Dirty Disher said...

A clinker is one of the big ones you didn't find. Flies find them and you start to smell something awful and you dig around and find it, maggot filled. Gross.

Heidi said...

i found a clinker yesterday. it had bottom rot. All the rest are fine so far. this little monster is almost ripe enough to eat. we agreed to share.

Christina said...

Wow. That is one weird looking tomato! Does it taste like red tomatoes do?
They had a public tasting area for heirloom tomatoes at the Farmer's Market last year, and I found out that I really like the huge, old plain red ones. Those and the Brandywine tomatoes are my favorites, along with Juliet grape tomatoes.
If you have blossom end rot, I use an old-fashioned cure. When you are planting the tomato, plant egg shells in the dirt around it. It works for me. No blossom end rot if I do this.