Teen apparel chain Abercrombie & Fitch Co has closed its Hollister store in New York City due to bedbug infestation.
The store, in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood, was closed on Wednesday, the company said. It said it was in the process of removing the bedbugs and hoped to reopen the store soon.
This is only newsworthy because it's A and F, but, bedbugs can be found in a lot of places and there's no reason to panic. You can spot them. Here's a good article on learning to spot them. I spotted some in the dollar store yesterday, they were in plastic wrapped comforters (from China) and when I put on my glasses and really looked, they appeared to be dead. But, I'll bet their eggs weren't. Some people say you should never buy used beds and bedding because of them, but, I don't think so. You just have to know what you're looking for. You have to check the wood on headboards and end tables. They hide in cracks. Bed bugs are painful, irritating and hard to get rid of..and they can be found anywhere. They are one thing I've never had. Because I learned to look for them.
I was at a health care conference at a Hilton hotel, years ago, when the state entomologists found bed bugs in their room. Truly, they can be anywhere, no matter how nice the hotel or motel.
Gross that they were found in a clothing store, but someone must have just carried them in, or maybe they were accidentally packaged with something that the store was stocked with.
I'd check hotels before I unpacked. Man, if those things get in your luggage they'll go home with you and make you miserable.
Now, I'm poor and I stay home in my bed bug free dump, so I guess I don't have to worry about it. Sigh.
How do you get rid of them?
Bayou ~ IDK, burn your house down???
I was in Walmart the other day looking for a mattress protector, and they have them for bedbug protection...the claim being that bedbugs cannot bite you through the protector. Yuck!
I feel itchy and twitchy now. My scalp's crawling.
I'm a textbook case of psychosomatic itching after discussing or reading about shingles/bed bugs/fleas and poison ivy. ARGH!!!
I had a long miserable night shift when one of my patients had scabies years ago...AH!!! : )
never had them, but we did have lice last summer! My daughters friend picked 'em up from daycare, thought they were gone and had her sleep over. Her mom never told me they had them. Then, my daughter brought them home and gave them to her sister and her friend. After being extra careful with picking through their heads every morning,washing bedding every day for 2 weeks they were gone. Then , after all that, the same kid give them to my kid again after her mother told me thy were rid of them. My daughter was so upset and the 2nd time I was pissed because she knew how upset my kid was the first time. There's no way they didn't know they still had them. My kids head was itchy and they were clearly visible on her brush.
OMG now I've got the willies! (((shudder)))
They are very, very hard to get rid of because they crawl into crevices and cracks and stay there till "dinner" comes in.
A hotel owner once told me that they had a infestation in one room and finally had to throw all the furniture out a three story window and strip the room to drywall, fumigate it twice and start over just to get rid of the critters.
This epidemic is on the rise and makes me think twice about staying anywhere except in our RV.
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