Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hose melt down

I caught about 10 minutes of Kate Plus 8 last night while I was flipping and that was all I could take. Gathering eggs should be fun, not punishment. Nice that all HER eggs come out perfectly clean though. Cough. Then she totally flipped out because the hose leaked and the kids couldn't follow directions. Kids are friggin' irritating and everyone knows that. It's much easier to do something yourself than let kids "help", but, how else do they learn? Every mom deserves a "lose it" moment now and then, even if you only have one kid. But, come on! With her, it's constant. The hose leaked and the kids got distracted and she screamed for help from someone off camera and then yelled, "I have to get out of here!" I changed the channel, so I don't know what happened after that. She is the nastiest person on Earth.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't watch this sh** if thats all that was on. I cannot deal with my own stress, I certainly don't need stressful entertainment. She's horrid. Wicked & evil, selfish & MEAN!

Alison said...

Who watches this show? Seriously. From the sounds of it, it's just endless footage of Kate yelling and complaining. I know people used to watch it because the kids were cute but they aren't cute little babies anymore so I can't see people watching for that reason.

Mimi to 3 said...

She's a bitch. Plain and simple. She is so entitled and believes herself to be this popular TV 'star'. From what I am reading, she is fading and people are getting sick of her nasty attitude. It sure took long enough!

Christina said...

Disgusting to me that they had this family get chickens as part of their show. We all know what a dipshit Kate is when confronting something that she imagines not to be "clean". Giving her chickens is just asking for a batshit crazy, moronic response.
While it's true that there are people out there who get chicks and then post on the BYC board "help. new chicks. What's next?" It's a little sad and sorry that they do. When you get any kind of pet, you assume responsibility for their lives. It would have been far better for everyone if there had been brief snippets of her planning what breeds, housing, etc. before just getting some. Irresponsible, as usual. I caught about two minutes, and then had to quit that bitch.
On a side note, a senator is writing someone (maybe the attorney general? IDK) wondering why work permits had been issued to the children for TV work, when that is not permitted under age seven (I think they are six, now). It will be interesting to see what comes of that. It was in the news this a.m.

escrow said...

I want to know whose brilliant idea it was to put chickens out in the south 40 with no running water? Warter weighs approx 8lbs per gallon and here we have a little tiny 6y/o trying to carry near his own wieght. Do you suppose those camera guys were laughing at Collin? I was cruel just like the mother those kids were born to. Even if they are finally released from filming they are still stuck with that "thing".

I think Mel and "thing should hookup. Imagine that trainwreck :)

Heidi said...

I did not watch. What pisses me off is she had those poor kids in NYC during the heatwave we just had. You have never experienced heat until you have been in NYC in July..there is a reason New Yorkers flock to the Hamptons. And they were working because a photo was snapped of Kate with a mic pack on her hip.

Kim said...

What the hell channel is this on? I don't have cable, so I need to find it online. Help?

valle said...

i watched the whole thing commenting what a bitch she was the whole time. The hose thing pissed me off. And lordy, Maddie is becoming quite the Katie Jr.

Anonymous said...

Watched as much as i could stand...saw so much mean-mouthed parenting and poor parental judgement in just a few minutes that I had to change the channel.The woman seems to be attempting to tone it down and be nicer to to kids...but can't pull it off because maternal love and compassion for her kids is just not there.

When I turned it on she was giving hatorade instructions on how to use a sliding glass door as if the kids had never seen one before. wtf? How long have they lived in that house?? KHate(s her children) had put one of the little boys "in the corner" for "playing" with the sliding door. He was obviously missing lunch-such as it was.Is all natural childhood curiosity to be mercilessly stamped out? What harm could a tiny 6 year old do to the heavy door anyway?

The kids got a pb and j sandwich and fruit salad. Seeing the huge bowl of salad-for the first time I'm sure-she informed the kids they could have all they wanted. Are these tiny children on food rationing? Is being able to eat all you want a special privilege only occasionally granted?Isn't it a given that a child should be able to eat their fill of what is on offer? Apparently not.

I could go on and on...threatening them with cleaning the coop as punishment-guaranteed to make them hate and resent caring for the chickens....requiring a small boy to drag an extremely heavy water container all the way to the coop...melting down over the leaking hose....talking to her kids like they are salaried 30 year old employees on the verge of being fired...

This show makes me really really sad.

I am one of 8 kids. We ate what we wanted pretty much when we wanted. Dad or Mom did the hard/heavy/stinky chores. We were mostly treated with affection and respect. We had sliding glass doors we totally jacked with all the time. Our chicken/rabbit cages were located next to a water hose connection.It certainly wasn't perfect, but it was waaaay better than this.

That woman just has no business parenting anything or anyone. Poor poor kids. My heart goes out to them.

ICSillyPeople said...

My brain will not even let me watch 10 MINUTES of this crap. I think it would explode. As soon as she opens her mouth its nothing but lies, over the top exaggerations or Boo Hoo woe is me living in this mansion with only a measly $couple hundred thou to spend on me.

I never got the appeal of this show even when the kids were smaller and no one realized they were being taken in.

Anonymous said...

When these kids grow up they are going to watch these shows and sue her for every penny she squandered on her cold hearted, lying,fake-ass self. They are going to be so pissed off and emotionally damaged that they will need the $$$$$$ for therapy to recover form her parenting.

Anonymous said...

Just checked Amazon. Her (ghost-written) books are marked waaaay down. The tide has turned against her. She apparently doesn't realize that she is a heartless, selfish, control-freak parent. However, the general public has caught on and does not like what they see and hear on the Kate +8 mistreated and sad children show.

LMAO when the water filter installer assured her that maintenance would be easy "just like dancing". Khate angrily said "I don't dance", turned her back and walked off.

Seems she is a local laughingstock as well.

Dirty Disher said...

Kim, I think You Tube has it.

And watering..jebus. Anyone else would buy two waterers when the water source is that far away and keep the empty one by the hose. Save those poor slaves..err, kids a trip.

Dirty Disher said...

And did anyone laugh when she said "I hate it when no one informs me that equipment is malfunctioning." Fuck one's asking you to build a shield against the Borg, it's a fucking garden hose!

Frimmy said...

ahahahaha!!! @ shield against the Borg

notherrealname said...

What does it tell you about the homeowner when she says no one tells her equipment is malfunctioning?
Nobody's home.

Christina said...

LOL @ DD for "shield against the Borg"!!!! Resistance is futile, alright. . .
I wonder if there was only one waterer because the chickens are a temporary plot device (if there was a plot I guess it would be) and the birds will be disposed of sooner rather than later. I just can't see her attending to anything as messy as birds for anything more than a hairsbreadth of time. If I was there, I would have several coops with a heritage breeding program in one, and some Silkies as broodies in another, as well as a hoop house for some meat birds, and some goats and donkeys. Oh, and a garden. I would want to be as self-sustaining as possible, and teach my kids where food comes from. I do what I can on my little place, but to have her resources and the home and the acerage that she has and do nothing unless forced is just plain stupid. She is missing the boat. With the economy as bad as it is, and the self-sufficiency movement happening, it could actually attract viewers, but she is too much of a bitch, and is totally incapable of valuing anything that doesn't focus directly on her. I hate to see chickens and chicken-keeping treated this way by a raging dimwit who can not for a moment roll with it.

Alison said...

So what's up with Jon? I never hear about him anymore. Last I heard he was dating some new girl and USWeekly reported she hates kids. Just what the Gosselin children need, another parent figure who doesn't want to be around them.

It's evil how Kate uses animals on her show and then discards them. Remember her dogs? Stupid bitch. And now she will pull the same shit with the chickens, just wait. I work at a cat shelter and I can't tell you how many people dump their cats on us because they just got tired of them. One woman brought in a cat she'd had for 15 YEARS, explaining she no longer wanted the cat because "my boyfriend doesn't like her." It makes me sick. Kate is exactly that kind of person. And she is teaching her kids to be the same way. It breaks my heart.

valle said...

p.s. what a douche she was to the water filter guy when he sat down his toolbox. I don't want that in here while it's lunchtime (or something like that) GAG. and fuck off! And trying to power wash and bitching cause she got sprayed. "I'm wearing white!". Like she didn't know the color of her fucking clothes before she had to touch the thing. It should be called Kate plus 6, cause TLC doesn't seem like it gives two shits about the twins, and Maddy is sick of that shit.

DD said...

She was an asshole to the water guy? Geez, what a surprise. I didn't see that. I saw six year olds trying to carry a jug that weighed more than them and her yelling. Disgusting.

DD said...

Christina, don't give her any ideas. Her "people" will steal them. I think that's how she came up with the organic egg crap.

Kiki 8/ rolling her eyes said...

She is the epitomal incarnate of vapid
ugliness right to her blackened soul in her
inner core ! The damage is done,only for how
long will her 8 kids pay remains to be seen?
Her screetchy voice and witches cackle she
passes off as a laugh makes one wish for the
gift of deafness. Men all over the PA area testicles
retreat upward into their bodies just knowing she
is hovering over the horizon on her broomstick.
In case it's not blatently obvious I do not
care in the slightest for this horrible facade of a
woman and trainwreck of a mother ! Yik :€ !!!

notherrealname said...

Oh, how I love Kiki's comments.

Men all over the PA area testicles
retreat upward into their bodies just knowing she
is hovering over the horizon on her broomstick.

Doesn't get better than that.

Anonymous said...

Not my real name thank you :) Kiki