Friday, July 16, 2010

More pics of the UFO in China

Really clear China wants it to land so they can cover it with lead paint.


Frimmy said...

I bet BP did this to deflect attention away from their catastrophe. Oh wait, my mistake no need to deflect...nobody's really paying attention anyway.

miss tia said...

i totally believe in ufos....

Unknown said...

I wish that I could see this photo. Some how I cant. But I looked it up and this ufo kinda looks like a big boat with lights. Very odd Ive never seen one like this. Still a believer

Christina said...

The light portion of this looks exactly like what I saw a few years ago. I never saw any detail on top like what you see in these pictures, but the light and shape of the light on the bottom are exactly the same. It scared me to death. We were riding in our car, coming back home when I saw it. No hillsides behind it, no planes in the sky, nothing that it could have been, but unexplained. I have often wondered why I felt about it the way I did. My first reaction was instantaneous---I scooted down in my seat, and thought something along the lines of "I'm so glad they're not looking over here!" I don't even know who "they" are!!! I just had total fear---it felt like my stomach sank down into my abdomen.
Interesting to see all the pictures of it, and that the light looks the same. I have tried, ever since I saw whatever it is, to tell myself that I saw some secret technology of ours. I don't believe it, though. This is from somewhere else.

Dirty Disher said...

I would LOVE to see one. OMG, I'd try to flag it down. I thought I watched one real close one night, found out the next day it was the Steath doing manuvers over an "unpopulated area." LOL..uhh, that's my town.

Christina said...

LOL @ "unpopulated area"!
I used to read all this stuff about black helicopters, and wonder why they were regarded so strangely. They used to come over our house all the time. We are a couple hundred miles away from an army base, and I think they liked our topography with the town on several levels, and the canyons going through it. That's the only reason I can figure that they buzzed through here during the day. Often with one of those huge C-140? I think, transports. The helicopters did look to be either very, very dark green or black, and were without numbers, as far as I could tell. They haven't done any of those training sessions in some years, though.

Anonymous said...

That thar is an airplane.

Anonymous said...

Anon yeah right ?!?! Well then I'm the
flipping queen of Romania !!!!!!!! - Kiki :•?!

Anonymous said...

Fake, obviously. Where was this on the news?