Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yet another article on how the government is wasting our money

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $181,406 this year to a researcher at the University of Kentucky to study how cocaine enhances the sex drive of Japanese quail.
Dear U.S. guberment and NIH, I conducted a scientific study of them ground dwellers in my back yard today. I asked the Quail if they like cocaine. They said, no, they only like Ouail-Ludes. Send me my $181,406 please. And none of them IOU's, I aint China.


miss tia said...

what the goddamn fuck?!?!?!?

CJ said...

Boy, do I feel better now with that info. Always felt bad for all those lil sex starved Quail out there.

Is it possible that money could have been put to better use on some Real health research? Maybe something that affects humans in this country and not wildlife in Japan.

Dirty Disher said...

They tried using Bobwhites, but, they're all pot heads.

Christina said...

LOL @ Quail-ludes!!
Stupid research ideas. What on earth is the practical application for any information gleaned by this study???
So much money is wasted on every level, yet whenever there is an attempt to cut taxes, we are always told that if we don't pay those taxes, it will be police and fire that is cut.
It just makes no sense. They need to eliminate studies like this and put the money into a fund for ER use for illegals. They consider the ER to be their doctor's office anyway. Grrrr. . .

Unknown said...

DD good one quail ludes. I agree with the foolish spending gov money on asinine research. Really what is the point? What the quails fluid suppose to help cancer patients or aides patients. Oh wait its so the people at the yacht club can have a tasty small game bird dinner for 65.00 a plate.

hall606 said...

Seriously??? I live in KY and think this is crazy. I'm not even going to try to take up for that one. I am curious as to when a research team needs coke to give to the quails - where do they get it?

Anonymous said...

"Bobwhites pot heads" funny!
They have hundreds of perfectly stupid humans to do drug research on why waste it on good birds.

"Am I to snort every hour?"

No L

Alison said...

And people stay homeless meanwhile...oh well, who cares right? Important things like the sex lives of quails need to be taken care of, after all....