Thursday, February 24, 2011


Last night I was flipping and watched some Toddlers In Tiara's or whatever that shit is called. I saw a 16 month old baby crowned Grand Supreme. She had false nails on, makeup and a hair piece and a 1,500 dollar dress. She was crying, then screaming as they spray tanned her and forced her little body into a stiff scratchy tulle gown. They used duct tape on her tender skin to hold the off the shoulder straps. Her mother told her she had to engage the judges and interact on stage. Little baby. (?) In diapers. (?) Then I switched to MTV and they had on Teen Moms. The teen mom and the zitty teen dad were helping their baby learn to walk. They were encouraging her and both had their hands around her, in the air, in case she fell. Much laughter. Baby was dressed in a diaper and cheap sundress.
I'm just sayin'. I think the teen moms seem like much better moms then the pageant moms who are unrealistic and abusive.
Click HERE to see a pageant mom who's child will make you cry.


just wondering said...

Nina Frye just had an interview with Edin Wood's mom and another mom from Toddlers & Tiaras. TLC totally edits everything from beginning to end. I just don't want to see any more little kids on TV unless they are being paid.

Damn fool parents renting out their kids to TLC should all have to come back as old people and be rented out by their kids.

Angie said...

You've just hit on something that really, really upsets me. Those women, posing as mothers, make me sick to my stomach. I wanted my children to stay young and innocent for as long as possible. One of the biggest reasons we moved to the country was for that very thing. They rode their bikes, played ball, ran around, got incredibly dirty and were kids for as long as humanly possible. For God's sake, they have forever to be grownups, why force it on them now? Another thing, what's wrong for having something to look forward to? As a girl, they can't wait until they are juniors and can wear a pretty prom dress, to get their hair done, etc. These pageant girls will never know that excitement. It breaks my heart.

Susan said...

That isn't a realy child in that picture. It has to be a plastic that really a child??

Who on earth would want their kid to look like a toy??

Anonymous said...

I refuse to watch that show. I know one person won't make a whoopie to TLC, but I refuse to boost their ratings while these women exploit their daughters like they do.
It's like they are trying to live vicariously through them. I saw something similar on Dateline or 20/20 and all the moms were overweight and not pretty.
I also refuse to watch Teen Mom. I watched one episode and it looked like a bunch of people from my home town. I'm not dissing teen moms at all, my brother and I both were the product of such, BUT to promote a show like its glamorous is ridiculous. I guess what I'm saying is I'm afraid more young women will get pregnant intentionally thinking they will get a show, when more than likely only a small percentage do. It's not glamorous. I've had many friends who had kids while they were teens and they struggled. I know they all love their kids, but given the opportunity to wait, I'm sure they all would have chosen to.

~Palmetto Girl

CatsPaw said...

That photo is its own kind of Photoshop disaster.

The mom with the 5 girls is practically in my backyard except we exist in really different universes. I find this pageant thing to be a really sick "culture" ... and dad is a wimp since he even admits he doesn't really like it but does nothing about it to keep the peace with his wife.

Speaking of whom ... she says the prettiest one looks most like her? They should save on some of those dresses and get mom some orthodontia.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't think teen moms looks glamorous. I think it looks sad, depressing and hard. But, they love their babies. Pageant moms don't seem to love the kids at all.

Dirty Disher said...

Catspaw, that film made me cry. How can a mom treat her daughter that way?

Dan Zinski said...

Ever see this? The movie sucked but this scene is scary/hilarious.

sally said...

Very sad. The mom is homely. She needs to get those horse teefs straightened! ne-e-ei-ei--ggh-h!

On the other hand, I think it's pretty common for parents to openly compare daughters who are similar in age. It's not the right thing to do, but it happens.
And maybe a good thing about shows like this is that when the kid grows up she'll have a record of her mother's behavior to show the therapist, and maybe she will even use it against the mom in an episode of Intervention or Dr. Phil!

Dirty Disher said...

Crabbie, that reminds me of the parents on the "Who wants to be a reality star?" show. They ask moms if they could give their kids enemas, make 6 year olds date old men, tie meat around the kid and send him into a house of pit bulls..all the mom's said, oh sure. My kid would like that! No one steps in to help these kids.

Frimmy said...

Did Bruno ask if the man's baby was ok with lit phosphorus? And did the dad say "Yes"?! Did I hear that wrong?

Enemas and dating old men?!!

What. The. Fuck? Why is this allowed?!

Noelle said...

I don't think I can watch it. Can't take a good cry right now.
Do those girls grow up to be crazy psychopaths that murder their moms? It certainly would be justifiable homicide.

CatsPaw said...

DD, I think it's because it's all about the mom, not about the little girl. She sees every win and every failure as her own reflection –- and behaves like a creep at her daughter's expense. She rates among people to whom I'd like to give shaken adult syndrome.

I'm with Angie: Let kids be kids as long as possible.

Bayou Jane said...

I went to the video and that is one bitch of a mom. One of those girls will have a horrible time growing up with her. You can tell which one she favors. Talk about scarring a child for life.

A-Gran said...

I really think that pageants like these should be outlawed. I don't know HOW that could ever happen but damn.... the whole thing is just not right and I HATE that mother who's doing that to her daughters as well as her pussy husband.

Anonymous said...

Omg! This is a spoof with Tom Hanks and his daughter Sophie that is too funny!
