Thursday, February 17, 2011

Debil worship

I forgot to tuck in my Pentagram today and couldn't get waited on at the deli. Then I got fucked over by the chicken dinner dude because of it. There's a chick at checkout who refuses to wait on me while I wear this too. She always clutches her heart and runs to get someone else. People are so ignorant. They make me want to tattoo it on my forehead.


Anonymous said...

A tattoo on the inside of your wrist would look awesome! Silly buggers being afraid of a symbol!

miss tia said...

religious discrimination!!!! asshats!!!!

Frimmy said...

So many people think it's the Satanic symbol. They don't bother to educate themselves.

A-Gran said...

I agree with Miss Tia. Religious discrimination!

Noelle said...

Ignorant! take a voodoo doll next time. Better yet just ride in on a broom. Discrimination complaint might be fun. Wish that would cure ignorance. Idiots!

just wondering said...

The idiots around here would just think you're Jewish...

Roxanne said...

Tell them you are 33 Degree Mason. That will shut them up. Same symbols, same same everything...

Roxanne said...

& PS- That very symbol, only turned a bit, so it's actually The Goats Head, is all over The Mormon Temple site. So, w/e...ALL religions use this, every damn one of them. People just are so unaware of whats actually around them. Whats bad to someone is a good thing to someone else, someone ignorant, so w/e. Peace.

Roxanne said...

That didn't come out right....I went back in and added a few words in the wrong place. Someone ignorant would think its a bad thing, but its probably all over their very own church, ya know?? They are ignorant of their surroundings.

Anonymous said...

It's no secret that Mormon founder Joseph Smith was a Mason and the Mormon temple and under garments all have similar symbols.

Roxanne said...

This symbol is found all around Temple Square, in multiple forms. An upright pentagram stands for the five elements, protection against malignant spirits and is an embodiment of the Golden Proportion. It also signifies the dominance of the divine spirit on the lower nature of Man. Conversely, an upside down pentagram represents the submission of the spirit to matter and the submission of man to his lowest impulses.

Dirty Disher said...

Rox, that was good. You get an A. Sometimes I prefer and upside pent. Depends on what I need to repel or change. I always wear that one pictured though. I usually tuck it in my shirt.

Roxanne said...

Pat I do read ALot about such things, but I was merely quoting that website & a bit of its information. I now have discoverd that my former religion(the JW's) are also a Mason based religion. Wiht symbolic, hidden meanings on everything. Even the damn Watchtower is a religious symbol, takne from the Masons. The founder of the religion was funded by the Rothchilds(the Jews who freakin' own all of Europe, since Napoleonic time) at the time of its inception. So, JW's, Jews, Masons, Mormons, Catholics, all the exact same thing. BUT, nobody is really supposed to figure that out, so instead, they hide in plain site, symbolic images and meanings that tie them all together as all one. It's very interesting. I am addicted to reading as much as I can about all of this. Hell, the JW founder is buried under a f'g huge ass Pyramid with all kinds of pagan symbols on it!!! LOL...and he died on Halloween, possibly murdered. He is buried right across the street from a huge Masonic Temple, in a Masonic cemetary. Its fascinating as hell. They never told us this sh**. We are not supposed to know from where the origins came, ya know???? LIES!!! Jesus & Jehovah my ass. Besides, the Masons lay claim to Jehovah anyway, way before the JW's did. Another secret we were never told. & What/who exactly IS Jehovah? It aint who we all thot it was, trust me!!!!!!! Fascinating sh**.

Roxanne said...

The founder of the JW's, C.T. Russell often referred to JC as The Grand Master, The Original Master(Mason)"But this tactic of trying to make Jesus Christ of Nazareth the head of a Secret Order devoted to the occult is nothing new. Adam Weishaupt states exactly the same thing about his Secret Order of the Illuminati, which is devoted to the occult:

"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our Order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost disorder...he took in the aid of Religion...and, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion...and they have been handed down to the Free Masons."

This is some heavy stuff for my brain to absorb. I was lied to & decieved for 28 years. I am free now, FREE!!! No binding tie to an anchor of false religion. All religions are based on the same lies. Nobody realizes this until they research it. They all think "their" religion is the ONE an only approved by god. But, they are all ran by the same authority. It's mind boggling. I had an anxiety attack reading about all this last week. It was all too much for me. But I couldnt stop. I HAVE to know!!!

Dirty Disher said...

I just enjoy letting people think I worship the devil.

Roxanne said...

I just need to know everything! Symbolism is a deep subject. Its crazy how much is everywhere and we dont see it. Like that scene in "Dazed and Confused" where the stoner says'Ever look at the back of a dollar bill man? There's some spooky shit going on there"...its not a lie! LOL!!! Then he talks about old George Washington growing weed, so true!!! LMAO!

Dan Zinski said...

The same thing happens to me when I forget to tuck in my dick.

Anonymous said...

Satanists use a lot of symbology. Part of your psyche's been hijacked and you don't even know it.

It's strange you're a grandma and yet you call women "chicks". Are you a lesbian or a transvestite or something? Women don't use the C word like you do. Especially Grandma's with little grandchildren hanging round. Something's fishy.

A-Gran said...

Roxanne, that was very interesting stuff!

Anonymous, you're not an authority on what all women do.

miss tia said...

tonya, my BFF of 2011, you are wrong....anonymous IS an authority on EVERYTHING....they know it ALL...everything....even when they are contradictory and do the things they claim that we do....they are always right in their actions because they are all knowing and all perfect....

ah, to be the perfect cunt that anonymous is....we shall somehow have to wallow in the very dark wide shadow they cast for us to walk behind in....

Dirty Disher said...

1:06:00 AM, you're not interesting.

Roxanne said...

I call women chicks, when the term fits. "Biker Chicks", "Fat Chick", "Some mean ass chick at Wal-Mart screaming at her kids" get the idea? I am neither a lez nor a g'ma. WTh does one have to do with the other? This is too funny. I think thou dost protest too much. Get it? Or are ya stupid?

Bayou Jane said...

We went from pentagrams to religion and masons to "chicks". What does calling a woman a chick have to do with anything?

And Crabbie, keep that thing tucked in!