Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do you know what they are?

The were found in a barrel in Wales after a flood. I knew what they were because I found one once in a trash barrel in a park. I didn't know what it was, just that it was a mammal and pathetic. So, I took it home and raised it on "coon" milk. It grew up to be a Badger and was a very sweet animal. Since then, I've met two more Badgers, fully grown, and they were both nice. I have no idea where their bad-ass reputation comes from. Cute, aren't they? Look at their little bear like paws. Aww.


miss tia said...

maybe their bad rep comes from their name? BADger?

Dirty Disher said...

Maybe. I think they do defend their home and will fight hard if cornered, but, they aren't aggresive. They're curious. In general, they seem much less dangerous than a raccoon.

Dirty Disher said...

Mine was all white, but, same size. No stripe until it got older. Wales Badgers must be slightly different.

miss tia said...

most animals will fight hard if cornered....that's just natural instinct.....i think they're cute....

Unknown said...

aww cute little badgers.

just wondering said...

ok.. I give.

How did you get and why did you have coon milk in the first place?

Anonymous said...

badgers are not messing with you if you get near their den or yung-uns. They are fierce fighters. I dont think they are cute. They could kill you! No thanks. I gotta draw the line somewhere. Wild animals are WILD and should stay there. Sorry. Nope, not my cup o tea.


Anonymous said...

JW...i always want Kool-Aid when I see ur comments. LOL


Frimmy said...

I'm with DD re: raccoons. I don't like them much or rather, I respect that they are capable of evil. They're very good at being raccoons but not very good at being anything else.

My son's dad accidentally ran over a badger last year. He felt horrible because they're a protected animal but it ran on the road at the wrong time. He said it was huge. Way bigger than you imagine they are. Probably because we often see them pictured with bigger animals while they protect their territory.

Bayou Jane said... there anything you have not raised? I don't think we have badgers down here. At least, I hope not.

Dirty Disher said...

I had coon milk, which is an old infant formula my grandma taught me, because I always has orphaned coons every Spring. I lived in a holler. Nope, I don't think there's anything local that I haven't raised.