Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Face horns

I saw them on Gaga's shoulder once and wondered what was wrong with her, until I realized it was intentional. Now they're on her face. Maybe I'm odd, but, I kind of like them. She looks like the old Star Trek dudes. I can't remember which ones.


Frimmy said...

She has them on her shoulders here too. She's such a gag, that crazy kid.

Dirty Disher said...

I want some. I wonder if they come in Vampire albino?

Anonymous said...

She was on Leno the other night and I stumbled on it by accident flipping channels out of bordom. I watched her interview and after it was done thought..."damn, I like that girl". She was articulate, smart and edgy. I hope she's around for awhile.


Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, crabbie posted it and I watched. She seemed smart and normal.

Unknown said...

The more I think about it. She knows deep down inside that controversy is going to get Fame. The more outlandish she is. The more people will talk. Until they just get tired of it all together.

Dirty Disher said...

You can go to you tube and look up Stephanie Germanotta. She was around for quite awhile and she was interesting and talented. But, no one paid any mind until she became Gaga. The woman can back up her outrageous front. That's what makes her different than these lip syncing twats.

miss tia said...

yeah, she can really sing and she sings live during her shows....i like her acoustic stuff....

Roxanne said...

I WANT SOME AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are the ballet flats, the miles of thick black eyeliner, the ripped tanktops, the tatoos, The huge magnificent hair? the ciggys and booze? Where is AMY? I wanna hear about AMy. I have her CD on roation in my car, except I dont allow it to rotate! It just plays over & over. LOVE her.

sally said...

I miss Amy too. Amy where are you? I like Lady GaGa's music and performances--she has a great voice, but it's all for the show. Amy is the real deal, she's actually THAT person you see on stage, all the time, every day. I like that.

Dirty Disher said...

I like Amy's music too. She is real and I guess we like that. I'm tired of people who can't sing making records.

Roxanne said...

I bet she has horn "down there" too. She's odd. Star Trek-Exactly! But its no wonder she's single. Who could f'g keep up with that?

Dan Zinski said...

I have horns on my ass.

Melissa said...

Can't stand her.

Alison said...

Her new song is just terrible! I loved her first two CDs and was going to buy the next one but now I'm not so sure. I think she should focus less on being "outrageous" and focus more on making music that doesn't sound like rip-offs of old Madonna songs.

Anonymous said...

Pretentious, attention seeking phoney.

just wondering said...

I just don't have the energy for her. I'm at the point where I just want to hear a nice song with nice lyrics. Boring, I know.

Unless we're discussing Freddy Mercury. Then I'll have some coffee and join in on the conversation!