Thursday, February 17, 2011

My dog is not a person

People are always telling me that their dog is a person. How many people do you know who would walk into your house, drop their pants and drag their shitty ass across your carpet?
He looks guilty because he is.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I love my dog and treat her like a person some times. I dread the day that she dies.
We've got ours trained though that she does all her business outside. I might not feel the same way about her if she didn't.

~Palmetto Girl

Dirty Disher said...

My dog wouldn't dream of pottying in the house. He feels no remorse for using the carpet as toilet paper though.

Roxanne said...

Pat, he probably needs that nal gland popped and cleaned. Thats usually why they do that. It bothers them so much. A groomer can do it or you can, just aim away from yourself and wear a gas mask! Its best to do in the tub. He will stop I bet!!! Well, I am not embarrassed to say, our 2 Scottys are people. I know!!! Yea, they are, they have their own FB page. They are what they are, small, very hairy, Scottish people. & its great cuz they dont talk much or complain about anything or the food you give them.

Roxanne said...


Heidi said...

I treat my dogs like kids too. But they know I am the boss of the house!

Anonymous said...

Harley is all the time doing the sit and spin. Even after we get her gland expressed. Makes ya wanna lay right down in the floor, doesn't it?! EW.


Dirty Disher said...

Yuck. He's ready for Casey J now. He's had a bath, flea dip and comb out. Which he took well but, pitiously. He knows what's coming and I feel petty for thinking that's what you get for rubbing off on my carpet.

Dirty Disher said...

AND this fucking dog can have a Face Book page when he learns how to type.

miss tia said...

poli has a facebook page! pan doesn't because she's so good it would be all 'i was good today' or 'i herded a kitty'....

A-Gran said...

Stupid google blogger keeps eating my comments!!!

A-Gran said...

As I was saying:

"He looks guilty because he is" made me laugh out loud. That was a good one.

Our dogs are dogs. We're all happier understanding that they're not people. Harvey does have a facebook page but how else was he going to communicate with Poli? We don't trust him with the phone.

Scooting does sound like anal glands. Lucky Casey..... Can't wait to see his new 'do.

Dirty Disher said...

Fuck. I went to spam folder to make sure you weren't caught in there and accidentally deleted a real comment. Sorry.

twinner said...

My cat has a facebook page, but only because I needed a extra friend for one of my games (cityville) so I made her one instead of going out to find a new friend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah my dog used to drag his bum on the rug and I also thought he was wiping his bum but poor thing was in fact trying to clean his nal gland. They might not be human but they do share a lot of common traits with us! Your dog is incredibly cute.

Dirty Disher said...

He's cute today, yesterday I was so mad at him.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think you probably abuse that dog, poor thing. Satanists have no sympathy for the poor creatures they torment. You chose to own that dog, not the other way around.

They're animals and you chose to own one. Respect and care for that poor helpless little creature who has no choice but to live with you and your bratty grandchild that grabs hold real tight of its legs for photographs.