Saturday, February 19, 2011

New do

Niki's all spiffed up. Casey J gave him the "donut" on his face. He was smiling after this and prancing. Dogs know when they look good.
In other new, Lindsay is sleeping with Sam again. I don't think sleeping with Sam Ronson makes you a lesbian. It makes Sam kind of dumb though.
The Kardashian family made $65 million last year. I wonder how much the Iowa public school system gets per year? I'm just sayin'. Kris Jenner gets a full 10 % as manager and says she should have had more kids. Can't she have some more? Dina would find a way.
Lady Gaga says she's on a whiskey diet and smokes pot when she writes. OMG, she must go to rehab now! Someone do an intervention! Rehab! Rehab!


miss tia said...

Niki is looking very spiffy!!!! Casey J did a great job!!!

Watch Kris Jenner adopt some kids or something....and it's sickening if they really made that much money.....i really find that hard to believe though....

who didn't see Sam & Lindsay getting back together when she rented the house RIGHT NEXT DOOR?!?!?!??!!?

Dirty Disher said...

She stalked her. Sam is looking like the fool now.

Noelle said...

Lovely new do on the Niki! Sharp! Good job Casey.

Unknown said...

aww niki looks fab. Love the poof. Glad he feels better getting all spiffy.

Anonymous said...

You better take good care of that dog and not abuse her! We managed to smuggle in a wired device with one of your mailed gifts and are watching everything. There's also GPS on your car to make sure you're not going to bury Miffy in the middle of the night.

Dirty Disher said...

Just keeps getting weirder, doesn't it?

miss tia said...

well i xray all gifts that are mailed to me before i forward them to DD in my at home xray machine that i bought used from the TSA....there was no wired device of any kind....

had i discovered a wired device i would have called tom cruise because he was in like 9 mission impossible movies and he would know what to do..he'd defuse the device while that snazzy theme tune was playing...or he'd try to convert me to scientology.....or he could do both at the same time because he's cool like that....

if tom wasn't available i have heard that mr. t is renting himself out as a solo a-team member....i'd call him because he has that cool van....if it was too far for him as a 3rd choice i would definitely have to rely upon the greatest american hero because well he's the greatest american hero and he had really curly hair and how many heroes have really curly hair?

all precautions are taken before anything is mailed....i also have a magnometer too....yeah TSA auctions are just really awesome and cool....i can scan stuff to see if it has radioactive material....

Dan Zinski said...


miss tia said...

Miffy is the embalmed corpse of the magical voodoo priestess that has been on display for over 500 years in the local coven....

there is a sect of the coven that wishes to bury Miffy, much as there is a sect of russians who wish to bury Lenin...

the power and allure of Miffy and Lenin is too strong....they must not be buried...they must remain enshrined for the faithful to worship....many miracles are attributed to both Miffy and Lenin, though Miffy being older than Lenin has more attributed to her...Lenin, gracious gentleman that he is, would concur with that....

Lenin is generous with his miracles and his usually take the form of rice and potatoes for the workers on the collective farms....he gives them many blessings...

Miffy's miracles are more orange sunset, a double rainbow (only she knows what it means), the dew on the shamrocks....these are some of Miffy's miracles....she has also been known to be behind every perfect grilled cheese sandwich....

Lenin & Miffy are going to join forces and shall try to perform a joint miracle of preventing Natalie Portman from winning an Oscar....they are working on that together for DD....

just wondering said...

I think everyone feels better after having their hair done, including the dogs. I'll be taking mine in for clips soon, too.

Tia, too funny! Good to know you have dd's back when needed, though!

miss tia said...

oh and i just had a ninja take the GPS off of DD's car...

sorry, i'm in a weird mood today....

Anonymous said...

love your dog dd, he's adorable and i love your hardwood floors.


Dirty Disher said...

My lino squares on sale for 50 cents each. I have extra. Good thing by the looks of it.

Heidi said...

Dogs do love getting their hair did. Tia, you crack me the F up! Greatest American Hero.
Believe it or not, I'm walking on air.

I loved that show. My Decca teacher in high school looked just like William Katt (right name?).. Curly blonde jewfro and all.

Anonymous said...

Little niki looks absolutely gorgeous! I just love dogs, more so since mine died at 17 last year, he was a little poodle pom, and also looked so spruced after a clip, he too would dance and jump around with joy after a clip. Little devil eyes too! He's a real sweetie just like mine was.

A-Gran said...

A little tardy to the party but Niki looks wonderful!