Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I had the worst nightmare. I dreamed that I was outside and when you looked at my house in a certain light, the front window was a big ad for Jesus. And it had a horrid cartoon Jesus on it and JESUS written in script across it. It was multicolored and had a sparkle on the end like those nasty T-shirts they print at the county fair. I got a razor blade and tried to scrape it off, but, it was in the glass. I was screaming. When I woke up I was terrified and threw up. My whole day is ruined. Have a go at that.


Anonymous said...

Oh Pat. That sounds awful. Sometimes I have very vivid dreams when I take ambien. Once I was deployed to Iran. I am not even in the military, but it was so scary, and it does set the mood for the day.

Feel better.


Dirty Disher said...

But, you aren't supposed to dream when you take Ambien!

miss tia said...

sorry you had a nightmare and got sick :(

i've never taken ambien, but i don't really dream when i take valium.....

Angie said...

Do you have that kind of reaction to the idea of Jesus when you're awake? Or was it just a creepy kind of situation starring Jesus?

Anonymous said...

I hate those bad dreams that stay with you after you wake up. It sure does mess up the day.


Dirty Disher said...

Angie, I don't like Jesus. Or god. They kind of make me sick.

miss tia said...

well shit.....in my dream book it says that if you dream of god you will be domineered over by a tyrannical woman masquerading under the cloak of christianity...no good accrues from this dream....

fuck....is it the day to go drive your mom around??? do a spell to protect yourself the best you can!!!! i'll send some protective energy too!!!!

miss tia said...

though it said GOD, not JESUS....but we know that some christians use them interchangeably.....

still protect yourself best you can....i'll still send protective energy!!!

Dirty Disher said...

Thank you. I apreciate that. I think it has something to do with my evil aunt. I just put on my pent.

A-Gran said...

Holy shit! That would terrify me too. I've been out of sorts all day because I dreamed I was a nurse and I had a hundred old people to clean up and I forgot to give them all their medicine!

Dan Zinski said...

I have a nightmare where I'm a pathetic loser with nothing better to do than blog about celebrities. Somebody wake me up!

sally said...

My understanding is that when you dream about your house, you are actually dreaming about yourself. So maybe you are trying to work through something horrid or nasty that can only be seen right now in a "certain light". Maybe the dream is telling you that trying to remove a big jesus ad (problem) with a little razor blade is futile?

I have a reoccurring house dream in which I live in the crappy little house I grew up in, (and in the dream it's even crappier) but in the basement is a secret door that leads to my REAL house, which is a new, large, comfortable home. I've been told the dream means that I am working through the idea that I am not the SITUATION I grew up in--that just because I grew up in a disfunctional and crappy environment, doesn't mean I am inherently that way, and that hidden inside I am normal and I deserved better.

I think a hidden meaning of your dream could be that in your life you are tying to remove a problem with an ineffectual tool, and you maybe are getting to the point where you are realizing it's not going to work?

sally said...

Good one Crabbie! You are FUNNY!

Frimmy said...

It's not so bad Crabbie, at least you have your hair.

A-Gran said...

Sally, that sounds pretty spot on! What do you think my dream means?

sally said...

Tonya, It might mean you are overwhelmed right now trying to take care of and sustain someone or something that is helpless or decaying/dying. It could be a person, a pet, a relationship, a lifestyle, a job, an idea, a dream you had for the future, anything.
Did anything bad happen because you forgot the medicine?
If nothing bad happened to the old people or yourself, it may mean that even if you don't do everything perfect, things will not be catastrophic. You will be fine even if you forget to do something or if something you cared about is no longer working out or thriving.

Bayou Jane said...

I take ambien and I will dream if I sleep longer than 7-8 hours. I suppose it's because the ambien is no longer in my system. If I wake up and then go back to sleep, I will dream and they are not always good dreams.

A-Gran said...

Sally, thanks! I did have a bit of drama last night with a few friends arguing and I wound up in the middle of it. That's not exactly what you said but when I read what you wrote that's exactly what popped up in my head.
Nothing bad happened but everyone was mad at me and I was trying to smooth it all over and hide it from everyone. In the end, the only person who was upset was me. Hmmm.

I will pay whatever your fee is, Sally.

miss tia said...

according to my dream book, if you dream that you are a nurse, you will gain the esteem of people, through her self-sacrifice....

some people's dreams are straight forward symbolically and others are not.....mine never are....

best dream book ever: 10,000 dream interpreted by gustavus hindman miller....

Melissa said...

I hope we all have better dreams tonight...

Peg said...

I never dream at night. But if I take a short nap mid day I will always dream. My last dream, we were walking the dogs to the park and a Pit bull ran over and snatched up my little Chihuahua. I was hitting it trying to make the Pit drop her.

There are these 2 guys who sit in the playground and just let their 2 Pits run wild through the park. They have already charged up on us twice but we didn't have Peeper with us. I think it's just on my mind a lot.

Dirty Disher said...

I had no dreams last night. Ahh.