Friday, February 25, 2011


Georgia, State Rep. Bobby Franklin wants to criminalize not just abortions—but miscarriages as well. His 10-page bill would make any “prenatal murder” a felony punishable by death or life in prison—and that includes miscarriages, in the event the woman cannot prove that there was "no human involvement whatsoever in the causation" of her miscarriage.

Franklin would also like rape victims to be known as "accusers." How is this twat still alive?


Anonymous said...

wow. what a cunt of a man. it makes me even more horrified that he is a representative of the state I live in. Georgia is fucked with an idiot like this

Dirty Disher said...

You have my sympathy.

miss tia said...


i'm speechless....

Angie said...

A good blanket party would be wasted on this douchebag.

Dirty Disher said...

I think anyone who thinks they have ANYTHING to say about a woman's reproductive system needs to die. And when it's a man..they should die slowly.

A-Gran said...

Franklin is a delusional nut bag. Here are his thoughts on gays in the military:
"The Bible says it's a capital offense," Franklin said of homosexuality. "You want someone with unrepentant criminal behavior? And it's not just that, neither should adulterers, neither should thieves, neither should a lot of things. The church is full of sinners, but we're told in 1st Corinthians it rattled off the homosexual, the adulterer, the thief, the liar, and such were some of you, but you've been washed, you've been justified and so forth. It's not what you were. You're not punishing a thought. But do you want an unrepentant drug dealer in the military? Same thing."

Anonymous said...

A-mazing. sometimes the whole freedom of speech thing just goes too far.!!! Who the hell votes for these retards?

I hope he becomes an "accuser" at some point in his life so he can understand how an "accuser" feels.


Alison said...

Imagine a woman who desperately wants a baby being told she has miscarried, and as she's crying and devastated by the news, instead of beingc omforted, someone comes along and tells her she's going to prison for it.

Something is really wrong with this guy, he's not just an asshole, he is extremely mentally fucked up in the head and can't be fixed. People like him need to be locked away and never, ever let in a position of power.

Dirty Disher said...

Imagine a woman who doesn't want a child being forced to carry one because of HIS beliefs. Oh.

A-Gran said...

Agreeing that people need to STFU about my reproductive system. MY ovaries, not yours. Bugger off, asshole.

Dan Zinski said...

Sarah Palin found her running mate.

Alison said...

Crabbie, you are probably not too far off on that one. I bet she honestly admires this guy.

Ugh, I will never forgive John McCain for inflicting that she-beast on the public. (I know he ended up hating her because he thought she cost him the election....but that's too little, too late...)

Anonymous said...

Good God, where is this creep from?

Anonymous said...

I bet he's hiding something in his past!!!!!!!

Kirsty said...

Did I miss Roe vs. Wade being repealed? 0_o

Bayou Jane said...

With comments like that, he may not be alive very long.

Politicians can be so stupid---and just think, we elect them!!! There's got to be something that can be done (easily) when we realize we've made a mistake.

Unknown said...

Who the hell does he think he is!

sally said...

Don't get mad, get even. Give your extra bucks to planned parenthood, speak your mind to everyone you know, and VOTE.

Jessica said...

I second this comment:

"wow. what a cunt of a man. it makes me even more horrified that he is a representative of the state I live in. Georgia is fucked with an idiot like this"

Also, I'm moving.