Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where I'm at today

I was watching the history channel last night and they were doing this long history of the gun, which I don't really give two craps about. I know enough about guns from living with men. I can load one, take the safety off and shoot you if you break into my house. Anyhow, Leonardo Da Vinci invented the wheel lock gun, it was one of the first sorts of automatic firing weapons and changed the course of wars and the world. He invented all kinds of shit, he was a heretical weird genius. Then I flipped the channel during a commercial and saw that Dina Lohan has a radio show and she's going to interview Bombshell McGee. So. Hmm. The past had Leonardo Da Vinci and we have Dina Lohan and Bombshell. Dina and Bombshell are like the shit in my sink drains. I have an irrational terror of the shit in my sink drains. I sort of gagged there just typing it. But, there you go. We live in a world where someone thinks people want to listen to a lying whore who ruined her own child and a sick diseased looking skank famous only for fucking someone else's husband while wearing Nazi gear. Sink drain filth.
We've come a long way, baby? And no, spellcheck, it is NOT Da Vinni. I am not blogging about Jersey Shore. What the fuck is wrong with the world?


miss tia said...

and today someone like da vinci would be shunned and overlooked for the likes of snooki and lohan....

society frightens me......ignorance and arrogance is rewarded and intelligence and brilliance is overlooked...

Anonymous said...

It's the dumbing down of America. It seems to be working as planned.

Frimmy said...

Da Vinci was left handed and wrote right to left. I remember that from school.

I saw a demotivational poster with Snooki. It said "White Trash: now comes in orange".

Do you think the dumbing down of America was planned by the Chinese? Cuz it's working so well that in a few years they'll be able to walk into the country and take it over cuz we'll all be staring glassy eyed and drooling in front of the TV watching reality shows.

Dirty Disher said...

I think the dumb people have taken over. And the rest of us are left living in this shit. And I think it's enough. When even Google's spell check doesn't know Da Vinci, that's a problem.

Roxanne said...

anon 5:01- You are exactly correct. Stupid people don't ask questions. So, everything goes to hell and we have our heads up our ass. No music or art in schools anymore and teachers dont teach, they babysit. They dont even have gym class every week. I am always at History Channel & Discovery Channel. & Biography. I love it. History was always my favorite subject, & science. math was my downfall.

Roxanne said...

THATS exactly why I have never watched TRHW shows or the oompa loompas at Jersey Shore or any of that. I want to be aware, CNN, MSNBC are on at my house. But of course, lots of that is filtered propoganda, so you have to pay attn to the BS. I trust no one. No one on TV tells the truth. Nobody!

Frimmy said...

I had a friend from Tehran and we were discussing the version of news about western countries that she grew up with and the version of truth that we got about them. I told her that we are conditioned to believe that all Iranians are terrorists. "Amir," she said to her husband, "Go and get our guns!" So funny!

Bayou Jane said...

Remember when Kruschev was beating on the table with his shoe? He said that this country would "destroy itself from within". And damned if he wasn't right! What is happening to us can be blamed on no one but ourselves! Scary thought, isn't it?
We put our faith in the wrong people to lead us and we are all responsible for not having a better educational system. And by system, I mean anyone (parents included) who has the responsibility to educate a child. We have become a nation of people who worry about ourselves and to hell with everyone else. And a government that helps other countries more than it helps it's own people. I am dissatisfied with the whole situation. Do I know what to do about it? No! Do I have any constructive comments? Yes, bring our troops home to guard our borders and start filtering through the people to find any one who is here and should not be and send them home. Stop sending our hard earned money to other countries. Get our own country back on its feet before we but in on the business of other countries. Our once mighty nation is no longer #1. We may not even be #10! Who do we have to blame? Ourselves!

Boy, don't I sound pessimistic? I am the person that sees the glass as being "empty". I'm in bad need of a HAPPY fix!!!!!
Sorry to be a downer!

Peg said...

Sorry anon @5:01 was me. Blogger keeps asking me to log in and I don't have a log in.

Anyway, here is a perfect explanation of what is happening to America. It's long but amazing it was written 5 years ago.

Maureen said...

Why hasn't there been anyone who was as brilliant as Leonardo? I often wonder why. He invented machines that were so complicated that they weren't able to be executed until centuries later.