Monday, February 21, 2011

Why is my restaurant failing??

I watched a bunch of Kitchen Nighmare episodes last night. I love this show. Gordon Ramsey comes in and tastes the food, spits it out and then wipes his tounge with their napkin. He proclaims it "not fit for my dog" and then goes into the kitchen where he finds mouldy rice, cockroaches, dried blood, gobs of grease, rat droppings and hair balls. There is usually an open sewer in the dining area which is "unpleasant" and everyone is drunk. No one speaks English, even though the place is named "Classic Americana." The wait staff is out back smoking and texting and the manager is sloused at the bar drinking a fruit jar filled with Ouzo. The head cook smokes cigars over the fryer and picks his nose, wiping the boogers on the same greasy towel he uses to wipe plate edges. And the owners always, always say "We don't know what's wrong! Help us!"
Gordon turns the place around. First he calls them all fucking donkeys and says "Are you mad?" Then he gets some guys to come in and paint the place red, white and blue and replaces all their linen. Then he tells them to buy fresh fish, not frozen. He saves them. Yay! Thank you, Gordon! We're on the right track now!


Roxanne said...

I almost threw up when I was reading that. gawd, the sh**...if we only knew! OMG! Who can eat at restaurant now?? I wont watch that stupid movie "Waiting" because of this sh**. I realize they mess with stuff and then we eat it, luckily, most of us have never died from it. But I can't watch this show. It would make me sick to know the real truth. I already dont trust anybody, now I dont trust anybody that cooks my food. Thats actually a good idea tho. Thanks!

Roxanne said...

Back at the Debil Worship thing some ass anon is making a big deal about any woman calling another woman a "chick". WTH? I do it all the time. Is that wrong? Am I not PC? Is a dude not a dude? Dude, chick...who cares? A chick is a very specific type, so it does not apply to every woman. Someone may view me as a chick that works at that office. But only if I was really nice to them or a bitch, it can go either way. It's a dilema, see? A chick is a chick and a dude is a due. But it can't be just any chick or dude. It has real applications in life. Anon somehow never saw the 70's in real life. Hey chick, you hadda be there....

Noelle said...

I miss this 'Kitchen Nightmares' I'm usually working my own. Not really we have a nice clean kitchen and good food. I may have to catch that on Hulu. Seems like everybody makes a stab at the restaurant business. Some have no business attempting.

Just went back and caught up on Debil Worship. Use of the word 'chick' conversationally is very common. It's not the 'C' word rarely used and I won't either. I don't even understand anon's point.

Dirty Disher said...

Gordon gets wait staff involved which I find hilarious. "If this place goes down, you're out of a job!" Uhh, no, I'll just go down the street. I'm a waitress.

A-Gran said...

Roxanne, For the most part you don't have to worry about someone doing something unspeakable to your food unless you've done something horrible first. And even then, I haven't seen anyone do anything vile to someone's food in YEARS!

As far as avoiding disgusting shit like this, here's what I've found: Watch the servers. If they have that "I just don't give a shit" attitude then the kitchen does too. I don't mean a waitress having a bad day, I mean if they come across as not giving a fuck in general then know that NOBODY gives a fuck and as a waitress, that is when I say 'thank you' and get up and leave. The kitchen's nasty, I don't even have to look. I've worked in dozens of restaurants and this is always the case. I hope that hint can make dining out more enjoyable for you. Believe me, restaurants as a rule are much cleaner than they were when I started waiting tables 2 decades ago.

CatsPaw said...

I wish Nightmares was not so formulaic. Seriously, when these people apply to have Ramsay come fix 'em, what do they think is going to happen? He'll say nothing's wrong? They've never watched the show?

Just like the cheftestants on Hell's Kitchen don't know to perfect pan frying scallops and making risotto before they show up. Do people really want pea risotto anyway? ::: gag :::

Dirty Disher said...

It's always risotto, isn't it? Nevermind that I've lived my entire life without it,

Frimmy said...

Risotto is made with rice. How fricken awesome can it be? Seriously. Throw some goat cheese, sweetbreads and fennel on that you've got almost all my hated foods in one dish. Goat cheese, sweetbread & fennel risotto. There I just saved someone's restaurant. That wasn't even difficult. Fuck you Ramsay!

Unknown said...


Dirty Disher said...

Snort. Let me try. You fucking donkey! Use fresh fish, you stupid sod! There, I saved another eatery. Wow..feels good.

Frimmy said...

Well done, DD. Well done. I feel like we've contributed something decent here today.

Oh and Rox, I call some of my friends - not all - chicks or chickie. Some are chicks, some aren't. Chicks are kindred spirits. So far as I know I'm not gay. One of my friends I call Bro. She calls me Bro too. So far as I know she's not gay. Or black. Or an internet meme. It's an inside joke.

Alison said...

The restaurant owners on this show are always so weak! They never take charge of anything. They always stand around smoking and mumbling while the kitchen staff walks all over them. When Ramsey shows them rotting food they just stare blankly and mumble "I didn't know about that". And Ramsey's all "IT'S DISGUSTING!" and the owners mumble some more about "Yes, yes, it's disgusting." But they still don't do anything about it. No wonder the restaurants are such a mess!

Anonymous said...

Roxanne, this is anon about the chick post. The reference to chicks evolved from the 1960's era and women have adopted a sexist term for loss of a mirror term for dude. However, because chick is so sexist having used by men for decades, the proper respectful term (dude is respectful and men use it a lot), the proper reference from woman to woman is "sister". When women take on male verbiage they've been brainwashed by them and it's a sad thing. Nuff said "lady" is a respecful term sometimes and mostly "woman" is the most common term to refer to your fellow gender.

Hope that helps. . . .

Anonymous said...

If you don't tip the waiter or waitress well in a pattern of what they view as short changing them, they might slip a hair wad. Back in the 80's I was poor and a little nuts, walking out on my meals occasionally. They never caught me directly but I duly noted finding a wad of hair in my potatoes that most likely came from a shower drain. I was stupid to return to the same place I ripped off. I had scrambled eggs for brains back then.

chick said...

anon, they put hair in your food not because you dined and dashed, they did it because you're a bitch.

Dirty Disher said...