Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You stole my goddamn house!

If you watch Real Housewives you'll know what I'm talking about. During that last fight Kim yelled at her sister Kyle, "You stole my goddamn house!" It was never explained or talked about again. You KNOW I heard that and wanted to know what the fuck? Instead, suddenly Kyle claims Kim is an alcoholic. What? I saw no evidence of that. I mean, yeah, she's goofy and not too bright but, WTF? Right?
Turns out, near as I can figure out, that the house was the family house. Kim bought it when she looked like that top photo. You couldn't turn on a TV in the seventies without seeing Kim Richards, she was THE it girl and doing well. So, she bought her mom and dad a family house. Cut to a few decades later and Kim is a washed up has been with little money (by Hollywood standards). Her dad died and her mom got sick and moved to Arizona. Kim had the house. Then Kim realized how sick her mom was and she up and moves to Az with her. And her kids. To take care of mom. I dunno how much help she was, but, at least she kept her mom company. The old lady dies and Kim packs up her kids and moves back to her LA house. Only to find out the family house SHE paid for and was supposed to inherit is now in her sister Kyle and Kyle's hubby's name. It's now listed for sale with them as the owner/seller.
Kyle stole Kim's goddamn house! You fucking bet she did. I know how that shit works. Family will steal your goddamn house. Oh, yeah, they will. Kim screamed "You stole my goddamn house" right on national TV. I am now a Kim fan. She used to depress me, now I get her.


Anonymous said...

Ok...let me get this straight...the cute girl in the top photo is now the haggish looking woman in the lower left?

Maureen said...

Liked Kyle in the beginning of the series, but by the end I felt that she is not a very nice person. In it all for herself. I feel bad for Kim and believe she was given a bad deal by her sister. Kim isn't strong enough to go up against Kyke, so she loses every battle. Kyle is a phony and a two-faced one at that.

Dirty Disher said...

12:43:00 PM, yes. Kim hasn't done anything popular to her face. She looks her age. I also found out that Kyle wanted to be on the show and knew she probably wouldn't be without the former it girl Kim. She talked Kim into it even though Kim doesn't have big money, lives in a rental house and doesn't lunch or shop. Kim couldn't keep up with the other women and that lifestyle and seemed confused and odd.

Kyle also said "we were both child actors" yet, who the fuck has ever heard of Kyle Richards. I laughed when she said it, like WTF?

Roxanne said...

OMG!!!! That sounds exactly like what happened to you. No wonder it got you steamed. That girl needs her house that she paid for. I hope she's sueing. Is there any recourse? I mean is it a done deal & they can sell it & keep the money, cuz you know damn good and well it's f'g paid for. It's probably not good enough for them now, its probably a modest split level or w/e. I would love to own BTW! But, there has to be something she can do. That was probably all she owned now. She will be homeless and with no house to sell, she doesnt even have any assets anymore I am guessing. OMFG! I bet that sisters husband is a lawyer or has a BFF that is one. How could this happen while she was away and her not know? Did she tell them to live there & watch her house while she cared for their mother? M-Effers. I guess the bitch needs the cash for more plastic surgery. Ya know what? We all still die. Plastic body, normal body. We all still die. Why waste good money and time doing that? Live the life you got, now. Plastic surgery ain't gonna add any more years to it! & will probably decrease your lifespan. Please explain how this happens and is legal?
xo I feel awful about this because I know it happened to you too.

Roxanne said...

If Kyle WAS a child star, then why in the hell is she stealing Kim's house? Where's her f'g house? Ya know? She ain't got shit. So she steals her sisters. I wonder if its worth it to her to steal from her sister, who apparently is a good person and provided her family with a nice home? Is it worth it? Yea, it is. Its money to her, & to hell with her sister & kids. This is one eff'd up family.

Roxanne said...

Anon 12:43- Hag? Please post your picture. You must be stunningly beautiful. You never heard of aging? You can't stay 12 ya know? Everybody in Hollywood doesn't want to be a walking Tupperware Party.

Dirty Disher said...

Kyle's hubby Maurice is in real estate. He does very well. They do not need the house they took from Kim. Kim lives on around 20 grand a month alimony. Which sounds rich to someone like me, but, is not to someone like the real housewives. She doesn't manage money well and has a rough time. She's used to living on twice that, but, her child support stopped last year.

Dirty Disher said...

Have you seen her house on the show? It's ordinary and the carpets are disgusting, dirty. It's a cheap rental. It's all the former star can afford.

Roxanne said...

I have never seen the show, but now I am curious. This is messed up and might be interesting. Even a porr person living on 20K a month can afford to rent a Rug Dr machine. Clean has nothing to do with having money. In fact, the opposite is true. The wealthy are notorious pigs. I read about Big & Little Edie once that it was a mark of prestige and being high on the food chain to be dirty. I didn't get it but kinda did, It means they just dont know how to clean a house because they never had to, thus, proving they were ubur-rich. Thats what I got out of it. Either way, Spot-Shot at Dollar General works great on spots and is about $3. I think she could afford that. I would like to see the 2 sisters fighting it out now tho. I hope Kim beats her ass in court and if not there, then literally.

Dirty Disher said...

She just moved in, the carpets are ruined. She lives in it. That's what I was saying and she had to try and fit in with the likes of Adrian Maloof who owns Las Vegas. It was just stupid to watch.

Roxanne said...

Hopefully with the RHW cash she will be making, she can afford to get a better place or get her own home back. Yea, sometimes carpet is a lost cause and can never be clean again. Is Kim going to be on there anymore? If so, I may watch. I have never seen RHW.

Heidi said...

You would think that her sister Kathy (Hilton) would help her out. It is not like she is a poor 2nd cousin.

I did not like Kyle after I saw that she never ever defended Kim...not once. But she was always there to pounce on her and make her look wrong and stupid. If you dislike your sister, do not have anything to do with her. I think Kyle enjoys torturing her.

sally said...

I don't know WHAT to think of these women anymore. First impressions sure can be deceiving, thats for sure!
I do know however, that if my sister stole my house, I would never speak to her again, and I certainly wouldn't tell the whole world I loved her on national tv.

I know this because my sister DID steal substantially from me after our parents died, and I can't stand to be in the same room with her, let alone on tv together.

So it's all very confusing to me ...

Heidi said...

I found this link to Kyle actually being a child actress.

Now let us see if I got the linky thing right for here. If not..I will try again.

Heidi said...

It worked!

Dirty Disher said...

You made a link! Thumbs up!

NancyB said...

I am thrilled that you were able to unravel that comment (I sure heard it too) and reveal the truth. That about says it all. I was never a fan of hers before but I am now. Actually, I must have been living under a rock but I never had even heard of these 2 until this show. I did not watch any TV in the 70's, just a little in the 80's, and became addicted like the rest of America in the 90's.

Maggie said...

I read that it was the mother's house in Palm Springs that was split between the three girls after her death. Kim and Kathy had homes there so Kyle and her husband bought them out.

Kim later decided she wanted her portion back, but Kyle had remodelled it and didn't want to sell the portion back.

Kim has been married and divorced twice to very wealthy men. I think she is doing alright, and she has 4 kids, so she is still getting child support.

A-Gran said...

Holy cow! I remember that girl from Tuff Turf in the mid 80s. I thought she was soooo pretty. She had that super long blond hair. It sucks that her life didn't end up nicely. She seems like a good person. Anyone who buys a house for her parents is a good person in my book. It's not fair that the parents split the house between the daughters. Should have given it back to the woman who bought it.

A-Gran said...

WHY can't I stop obsessing about this? I don't even know these people and yet I'm so sad for Kim. I gotta get out more.

Bayou Jane said...

Kim looks like she's in pain. Maybe she has a right to. I've I had been screwed by my family like that, I would look the same way! I think I would have to put my foot up Kyle's ass---sideways!@@

I didn't know she is Paris' aunt!

Bayou Jane said...

Correction..."If I had been"!