So, we got water back on and then a pretty heavy snow. You can't win. It covered up all the digging in the torn up street though. While it was nice I cleaned the front flower bed. I raked it into giant piles which are now giant white piles. I also sawed that horizontal limb halfway through. Maybe the weight of the snow will crack it. It will probably crack one over the roof though. That would be more my luck.
That snow was bound for my neck of the woods and then went south, thankfully. I'm so over snow, I can't even tell you. Pretty much over the cold, too. Oh, and I trapped three mice in my house this week. Not sure if they were blind...:)
we got about another 8" over night.....before/after shoveling pix on my blog.....heavy stuff too....
LOL blind mice.
TEN inches late Sunday night. Starting late last night through about noon today... at least another TWELVE inches more. Freaking thrill ride going to work this morning. Most of the plows were on the interstate... the local state roads were horrible. Couldn't even follow a path in the road. Plus it was still snowing extremely hard and the wind was whipping everything. Couldn't see the road at all. Drove 25 mph at most... tonight coming home all lanes were clear & was able to do 55. So over this winter weather.
Snowing hard again. Nuts.
I spoke too soon, it's coming down now. Freaking snow.
It's in the high 60's low 70's in SC!
~Palmetto Girl
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