Second grader, Stephen Shilling didn't seem surprised that other kids wanted to help and now he has 2,300 pairs of shoes to send to orphans. His parents say they're very proud of him, as they should be.
What got me, was that I could not find a link to this child's good deed anywhere that didn't have an ad in it. Really media? This 8 year old boy does something so amazing, out of the goodness of his heart and YOU have to sell advertising to tell me about it? You should be deeply ashamed. Also, the link provided leads me to the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation site and there is no mention of Stephen or his shoe drive. And it's almost impossible to load. I Googled my fingers off trying to find a site that covered this with no commercials. Nope. There is an email addy on THIS article. Seriously? The news channels pick up a story like this and have the nerve to not only NOT help this kid, but, hinder his efforts as well. While trying to shill shit from their sponsors. Nice.
Good luck, Stephen, you did a great thing and I hope you also get donations to help you ship all those shoes. The news channels said nothing about helping with that. Worthless heartless bastards.
Congratulations to his parents! They did something right in raising "a giver". Today, that's not an easy thing to do.
That's beyond belief. Both, that an 8 year old though of this great idea and saw it through to success and the blood suckers who are trying to profit from it.
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